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looking 4 someone to hypnotize me into the girl i want to be

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2013, 10:46 pm
by Jessica36545
32/m, looking for someone to possibly hypnotize me into the girl i want to be. i've tried a few of the files, but mostly they just make me really horny. i'd really like to make my girl side a reality, so if anyone would be willing or able to help me, please contact me with a private message

looking 4 someone to hypnotize me into the girl i want to be

PostPosted: October 13th, 2013, 7:35 pm
by mistresssurrender
I hope you found someone to sort you out!
I have found that feeling aroused is a common response to hypnosis. Usually what I do with the first hypnosis session- is programme a trigger phrase to take control of the sexual response.. so that takes care of that!
As well- I use a long induction process- 35 mins- so that the physical and mental relaxation is profound. Relaxation is so profound that the sexual response doesn't

Happy to talk more...