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newfemale file

PostPosted: December 20th, 2005, 6:40 pm
by kassy
somebody know what happen with this file wich all discuss in the topic of Femenization Picture with Files :roll:

PostPosted: December 20th, 2005, 7:05 pm
by kassy
if you don't remember the file was in this site for a while but nobody knows where could we find it, and others said that the file was on

PostPosted: December 20th, 2005, 7:40 pm
by mr_pink
It's possible to make your own. I couldn't find subviewer anywhere, so I used globfx. The only problem is that globfx is trial only, but you can insert words inbetween pictures, and even between film frames that last only 0.001 seconds at the most extreme if I recall correctly (haven't used it in a while). It's a bit fiddly, but worth playing around with until you get it right.

edit -

linkage: hxxp: //www.

edit no.2 -

Actually, I've discovered that on emule, you can get a patch for Globfx which turns it from the trial into the full version. I think this is an absolute disgrace, and would never condone the downloading of such software. Shame on the people who write these programs.