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Hep with feminizations

PostPosted: February 13th, 2006, 6:36 pm
by pfoley83
I was wondering if their was any one out their that would be willinf to ad vise and or supply anything to help my feminization. I'd be willing to post pics of my progress, my ultimate goal it to be as female as possible or shemale. Please pm me or respond. I am looking for people who are serious about helping some one.

Femme help

PostPosted: March 2nd, 2006, 8:22 pm
by sailor2005
How can i help you?

PostPosted: March 4th, 2006, 9:03 am
by SubmissMe
you can help me :( pm me

PostPosted: March 5th, 2006, 6:22 am
by Nyarla
it's best to approach feminization
with sincerity. If you are sincere -
you will be feminizing yourself,
by making a series of choices.

Self-determination is essential
for anyone feminizing themselves.
if you just want people to force
you into it, feminization is not
likely to occur.

PostPosted: June 27th, 2006, 12:13 am
by Michal
Nyarla wrote:it's best to approach feminization
with sincerity. If you are sincere -
you will be feminizing yourself,
by making a series of choices.

Self-determination is essential
for anyone feminizing themselves.
if you just want people to force
you into it, feminization is not
likely to occur.

It ain't necessarily so. Many men seek to be "forced" into becoming a female, each one for his own reasons and own experiences. It would be wrong to generalize. They determine that they want it, and determine that they want to experience the transition in a specific way and, I understand, most people who want to be forced have to use much persuasion and often manipulation (and often pay dearly for the experience) to have a reluctant woman assume the role of feminizer.

The success of your feminization is in large part a function of your continuing desire to be feminized. Getting a woman to play an active part is usually a big effort and can be seen as a measure of your desire and your determination.

PostPosted: July 1st, 2006, 9:10 pm
by Catherine
pfoley83....what are you really seeking? Are you doing this for weekend fun or permanant changes? Are you really willing to lose your job, maybe your family, have to move, etc.? Willing to spend all kinds of time and money for it or are you doing this on the break the mold of how you live during the week, slip into the female side of things a bit, and kick off responsibility in your life for a day or so?

No matter whether you find someone willing or not, Nyarla is most correct. If you want this and are asking for it, you will never be "forced" into this. You will either have to lay out a list of things you want and hope someone is willing to play by your list or you could get into a position where you could be taken into a completely different direction from what you hope and intend. Do you want to just be some hooker looking for guys on the street in a tight leather mini when you're done..being used, abused and who knows what else? Are you wanting to be a successful businesswoman dating men and looking for a regular life as a wife and maybe adopting mother? Are you just wanting to be a woman's sex toy for her to poke with rubber dildos? Are you wanting to be a secretary being treated poorly by her boss and making barely enough money to pay your bills?

You have a LOT of questions to ask yourself and decisions you have to make before you start asking for being feminized. You have to realize there is no real "force" in this process as you are asking for it and likely laying down ground rules of what is acceptable and what is not. Force means you don't get the choice to do it or not...for real. They'll release pictures at work of you having gay sex with a guy, they'll kill you, whatever. Anything else is just play. I like being tied up sometimes, but it's never really "for real" because I would try to seriously hurt and stop the person trying to do it if it was real and I don't want to hurt the person doing so in play. Real force means you don't have the choice and likely never wanted this to happen to you in the first place...which means you'd never be here asking.

I'm not saying don't do it....maybe it's what you really want to do, but understand that your end goal may not be compatible with your feminizer's and you need to find someone who will help take you where you want to go, but you will still be making choices, still be making the deep down important decisions. You will still have to talk to the therapist to get your hormones, to a second one after living as a female for a year for your second letter for sex change if you wanted to go that far. There is no force in that doctor's office from your feminizer.

I'm only posting in here because I'm going through this FOR REAL. 24/7/365 I am now a female and I live with it everyday. I have my surgery in just over a month and it's irreversible. I've had real and physical changes to my body, have spent all kinds of money on clothes, hair products and having it styled, shoes, name change, hair removal, etc. I always thought the stories of forced fem were great...wished it had happened to me, but I came to realize that if I really didn't want it like those guys in the stories, it would almost assuredly never happen to me and I wouldn't be asking for it. I once considered even paying for a session just for fun, but I came to realize I didn't need it once I came to my true self....I like boys. I date boys. I have sex with boys. I go everywhere and do everything as a woman. This is my life...paying bills, working, cleaning house, talking on the phone. It's not glamourous, but it's me and I'm happy. I don't wear a skirt everyday, a couple of people where I'm at now were surprised to see me in one the first time as I'd had on pants so often there. Frankly I'd rather wear a skirt or a dress, but my job doesn't permit it usually. If someone bugs me at 3AM and I'm woken up, I have to go to the door as a woman, in her robe wrapped around me, and respond in that manner. Doing this full-time and for real requires more than someone having fun with making you do things. It requires you make a lot of those decisions yourself and carry through with them. If you are scared, talk to others. If you are just wanting to have fun, have fun and don't do anything permanent without serious thought beforehand. This is your life...not someone else's. You either make the decisions yourself or you are telling them how to make your decisions for you, but either way you are still making those decisions based on what you want, not what they want. Don't hand over your life to someone who will do to you things that you will regret later or who puts their own agenda on you instead of what you want. You won't enjoy it and the results won't be what you are after.

If you have questions, I'm willing to answer them....for nearly every aspect of the change, I've been there and done that, from clothes to discovering boys, to the legal and medical aspects of it.


PostPosted: July 1st, 2006, 11:11 pm
by yahnoh

Great post, a shot of reality never hurts.


Catherines great post ! Kuddos

PostPosted: July 13th, 2006, 6:45 pm
by moronmonk
Kuddos to Catherine and the frank, honest and TRUTHFUL post she made.

For TOO MANY - this is just some fantasy and game!

For those out there that this is a 'game' - it can have a very dark side to it if you take it too far.

I'll state one FACT that Catherine was kind enough to exclude from her post.

ONCE a man has decided to TRY to become FULLY female, hormones, moving locations or changing jobs, dating the opposite sex - all of it, 'she' can discover it's been MORE a fantasy then a real desire!

I can't strongly recommend enough that ANYONE seeking this kind of change in their life FOR REAL, outside of fantasy, had better seek GOOD ADVISE first, have a CLOSE KNIT SUPPORT GROUP IN PLACE, FIND AND USE A GOOD THERAPIST THAT DEALS EXCLUSIVELY WITH THIS SUBJECT, and do REAL deep soul searching within themselves first.

Even hormone therapy has a point of unreversable changes if tried long enough, meaning if you change your mind, your body won't revert back to before - your STUCK WITH THE CHANGES!

And lastly the MOST DAMNING statistical facts is transexuals have an ABNORMALLY HIGH SUICIDE RATE! As once changed, their REAL LIFE as a women, DIDN'T MEET their fantasy of being one!

Again, nice post Catherine and a brave one to be so frank too! I hope others on here - read it sincerely and take your advise!

PostPosted: July 17th, 2006, 1:28 pm
by Catherine
Thank you. A dear friend of mine who is a few years post-op takes every opportunity when she meets someone else travelling this path to try and discourage them from it. Why? Because she feels that a person who truly needs it will say "I don't care, I've got to have this anyway!" and someone who is maybe fantasizing more will get their bubble burst and will face reality before they go too far. She's extremely happy where she is and talks about the fact that she questioned making that big final decision even right before surgery..."should I do this?" She knew the answer and has no regrets, but she is right and you are very right as well.

Never go into anything blindly, without considering the consequences. Those who do this without professional help and are seriously pushing to go ALL THE WAY and just expect to somehow get to later on are just looking for failure. I know this is something I need, but it's also something I still question pretty much every day. I always come back to the same conclusion and my therapists have agreed with that conclusion based upon my life and how I live it and my thoughts and feelings about it. That doesn't mean that I don't get scared sometimes and cry, but it means that I look at my fears, deal with them as I have to and move on with the utmost care in what I do. I don't want to make a mistake or get caught up living a fantasy.

What moronmonk describes is just that and a friend of mine who was attending the surgery for someone she knows watched another patient flirt with nurses before the surgery and afterwards who was put into a straightjacket because this person realized after it was over that it wasn't a fantasy anymore and suddenly the feelings were too much. No way back.

The standards of care that exist for those who wish to make this transition are there for several reasons, moronmonk's post exactly for the give potential people the opportunity to find out if this is really what they wanted, to have a chance to seperate the reality from the fantasy and see if it lives up to expectations. For me the reality has far exceeded my expectations to this point, but for the issues of a couple of friends and a few family members. I hope that time helps them to accept me as I continue moving forward with my life.

Best wishes and true contentment with who you are to all! Be careful and have fun and be true to yourself.


PostPosted: July 17th, 2006, 1:41 pm
by asdf
Just a corollary following what others have said ...

There's a big problem with transgenderism and sexual perversion. People don't seem to recognize the difference. Now, calling this foul on a website that welcomes perversion is a little offbeat, but it has to be said. Transgenderism, GID, etc., whatever you want to call it, should be taken very seriously. When sex comes into the picture, the notion of transforming your body becomes a dangerous thing. Sex often makes us do things that are otherwise unreasonable or detrimental to good health.

If you feel alienated from your gender, that's a serious matter and serious action needs to follow, whether you're going to pursue therapy or personal change. However, if it's kicks you're looking for, I suggest you put on a pair of heels and masturbate for awhile. Don't take it beyond that.

This goes out to EVERYONE who thinks they're serious.