male to female

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male to female

Postby Sirath » July 15th, 2015, 1:04 am

Now my question I, with hypnosis, how can one get changed from male to female?
Like growing boobs?

Also; is it possible to get a vagina?

I for one like being a male and don't want to change, how ever at random times I do wonder what's it like having a vagina and boobs while still having a dick.
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Boobs or Vagina via Hypnosis.

Postby Woodle » August 3rd, 2015, 7:09 am

I'm a TS and also spent some months being taught hypnotherapy, a consequence of which, was that I launched my own mobile, home visit, hypnotherapy service here in my part of the UK, although I've since stopped doing that in favour of something completely different.

I give a little about my background in order to let you know that my comments come from personal experience, not merely opinion.

Your question: with hypnosis how can I change from male to female, like growing boobs, obtaining a vagina?

The answer? You can't, well, at least, not for real, here's a full explanation of how - and what you can achieve.

Growing boobs? If you're a Transsexual (I can only speak of my UK experiences here) it's possible to be supplied with hormones (eventually) from a Gender Identity Clinic providing you fulfil their strict requirements.

Breasts will eventually develop, but their final size will be largely determined by that of close female relatives, such as a Mother or Sister etc.

If a Mother or Sister is a 'B' cup, a genetic male will 'probably' only achieve an eventual 'AA' or 'A' size.

An improvement on that isn't impossible - it's simply highly unlikely - only breast augmentation surgery will help after that.

Of course breast implant surgery by itself is another alternative - but expensive.

If you're NOT a transsexual, it will be extremely difficult to obtain female hormones legally - herbal alternatives are largely completely useless and a waste of time and money.

Self-medication is possible via Internet pharmacies, but their supplies are usually very expensive and despite claims that they're genuine, you 'could' be supplied with highly dangerous products which are NOT what they claim to be - besides, self-medication without supervision by a doctor, blood tests etc., is extremely foolish and therefore dangerous and not to be recommended.

Hormones are not sweets, they are VERY powerful drugs and can kill, as well as giving the recipient cancer or other serious diseases.

Other than the methods listed above, if you want boobs of any meaningful size, hypnosis is ineffectual - if it has any effect at all in that area, it will be minor and insignificant, hormones or surgery are the only main successful methods - I have had 'A' cup breasts for several years following treatment - but ONLY via the supply of Premarin hormones.

A Vagina? Sex realignment surgery is the answer, but only if you're diagnosed as a transsexual and considered mentally stable enough to cope with the radical changes in your life.

The dead give away with yourself is that you state that you "like being a male" - that is NOT a statement any genuine transsexual would ever make - a genuine male to female TS is certainly not happy with their birth sex and some even contemplate suicide because they're so unhappy - you're merely curious - no harm in that - but forget about hypnosis providing any meaningful answer to your curiosity - only surgery or hormones will do that.

By 'meaningful' I'm talking here about a real large set of boobs and/or a vagina.

Of course you can obtain - in some cases - depending on your suggestibility with hypnosis - a 'feeling' of having them - but this would be fleeting and temporary and in REALITY, your chest would be flat and your male genitals would be there for you and anyone else to see - it's possible to hallucinate that you have boobs or vagina - but that requires a VERY suggestible person
and again it's only temporary.

Stage hypnotists use suggestibility tests on audience participants all the time in order to sort the wheat from the chaff and to ensure the remainder of the watching audience members are entertained with their antics.

Some audience participants are no doubt faking it (doing it for a laugh) but others will be genuinely under the influence of hypnotic suggestion - not everyone is THAT open to hypnotic suggestion (to that level) but some are.

Sexual orientation can be affected by hypnosis with repeated use and solidified - especially if the subject is wanting the end result - but at the end of the day - ALL hypnosis is SELF hypnosis, YOU allow what happens to occur - or NOT - as the case may be.
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Postby Sirath » August 3rd, 2015, 10:37 am

hmm.. okay Thank you! that helped alot!

iiim gunna stay the way i am, :) I dont wanna go through all surgery and stuff and have permanet effect and stuff so yup, im happy being me and happy being a male :3

so again, thank you for the help :)
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Postby napras-sword » August 3rd, 2015, 1:23 pm

So you will not be able to do a lot of what you're asking, but with a *lot* of practice you can hypnotize yourself into thinking it.

I would recommend training your trance and meditation techniques, and go ahead and try one of the popular visualization files.
That should be any of the Triggered stuff, effects start when you say the phrase, or some non-permanent stuff, which will usually wear off in an hour.
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Re: male to female

Postby obey_evolution » August 9th, 2015, 9:34 am

Sirath wrote:Now my question I, with hypnosis, how can one get changed from male to female?
Like growing boobs?
Also; is it possible to get a vagina?

By your concluding remarks, it sounds like all you want is a good halucination file like the "See your body as female for the rest of the day" files found on this site. There are several excellent ones.

With that said, I am going to respond to your initial questions too as I would like to suggest (but not recommend) the following non-medical "speculation" (heavy CYA tone).

The growing of breasts requires three things. First. to program the mind to want to do it. Second, the provision of the approprate hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, Prolactin, and Oxytocin if you want to be ensure mammary glands are built instead of just fat storage that goes away when you lose weight), thirdly, stimulation of the brain and body to produce its own of the needed hormones. OK, the list might be just 2 long but I wanted to differentiate between hypnosis (First), building blocks so the male body can get started and get some momentum in the desired direction (Second), and the role of Isochronic Tones to support drug-free longer term development (Third).

EMG mentions the frog example in some of his relevant files. As you know there are types of frogs (like Rana Rugosa) where the younger male frogs have been observed changing to female (frogs of course ;-) This proves that there is a possibility that humans "could" do this as well I will speculate. The gotchas are:

1. Frogs keep all there sex organs internally and human males have them externally. I have not seen a posting yet where someone has claimed successful retraction although several excellent files exist on this site. Please reply to this post if you have.

2. Younger frogs seem to be the ones doing the changes so I suspect active growth and sexual gland development is essential so it would be more challenging to achieve this as an adult frog or human I suspect.

3. Frogs lack the financial resources to buy a good set of Bose ear buds to get the most out of isochronic Tones / Brainwave Entrainment. To this, I will leave you with a leading question: What do Frog Maiting Croaks, Cat Purrs, and the Complete Bliss.mp3 file have in common?

Once again, this is all just silly speculation so don't put too much thought into it.
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Postby obey_evolution » August 9th, 2015, 9:38 am

BTW, I added the bit about Bose ear-buds to be funny. Everyone knows that Isochronic Tones don't require headphone like Binaural Tones do so I should have just mentioned that Bose has a really great Bluetooth speaker too.
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Postby Stacie5959 » August 21st, 2015, 11:22 pm

obey_evolution wrote:BTW, I added the bit about Bose ear-buds to be funny. Everyone knows that Isochronic Tones don't require headphone like Binaural Tones do so I should have just mentioned that Bose has a really great Bluetooth speaker too.

Bose does not make really good anything and anything Bluetooth cannot be considered really good because of the very narrow bandwidth Bluetooth uses.
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Postby obey_evolution » August 24th, 2015, 1:13 pm

Stacie5959 wrote:
Bose does not make really good anything and anything Bluetooth cannot be considered really good because of the very narrow bandwidth Bluetooth uses.

I didn't know those Japanese frogs were only the ones from Sony ;-) Somehow, acoustic fidelity at that level of precision doesn't seem to matter to me. :-)
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