by blanketcross » April 2nd, 2016, 7:56 pm
Well I am assuming you are a girl, so I am not sure that this would work for you, but EMG has a file called Female Takeover. I am only informing you of this file because you asked if there were any extreme files. I however, do NOT reccomend you to listen to this file. I will lock you away in your own brain while another person takes control of your body. It make sound fun at first, but separate your fantasies with reality. This file will ruin YOUR life. I remember hearing second hand stories of a person by the name of Teddybearslayer who was urged to listen bye another member, Serena I believe. The alternate personality took over while Serena (Senna? Idk) convinced him to keep listening. in the end the alternate took control while the original person was locked away begging to get out.
For a less tame, free, but still extreme file, try Intelectual Starvation or Mind Erosion by ViVe. The can be found at his website ー