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anyone try Train Candy CD?

PostPosted: April 30th, 2005, 4:57 pm
by sisfemcd
I have been interested in the multi-part Candy CD training file. Has anyone tried it before? Did you have any success? What was your experience?


Candy CD

PostPosted: May 10th, 2005, 3:19 pm
by jennafeyat
December. I now dress every day as soon as I get home from work, and I always have panties or hose on now. Everything seems to have taken a good hold over me, especially the slut & clothing training. When I dress up now, I just don't feel complete unless I'm in whorish clothes and sluttish makeup. I'm also meeting more men than I used to...bending over for a man is more of an obsession now than it used to be! I am very happy with these files.

PostPosted: June 5th, 2005, 12:21 am
by Furyk
I have worked with a person who has used the Candy CDs before. She was exceptionally responsive to all commands, and could experience full body hallucination. Very effective.

PostPosted: July 5th, 2005, 3:28 pm
by lisacd20
wow cool how much are they?