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Curse PMS Period

PostPosted: May 9th, 2005, 5:06 pm
by James_WV
Has anyone had any luck with this file? I've tried several of the files here - some of the curses, some of the trigger files and some of the different induction files. I'm not sure any have worked. The PMS Period file is the one I'd like to work the most and I've listened to it the most. Has it worked for anyone? Or do people think I'm *nuts* for wanting a monthly period?

PostPosted: May 11th, 2005, 8:10 am
by TabbyCat
On one hand I think your nuts, on the other hand it sounds great XD

PostPosted: May 12th, 2005, 5:03 pm
by Agriff
I havent tried it, mainly cuz it costs 30 bucks, but if you did have a period, would you have bleeding form menstruation? You dont have any ovaries so I dont think its possible. If you did bleed, would it come from your ass? :?

PostPosted: May 12th, 2005, 5:33 pm
by James_WV
Agriff wrote:I havent tried it, mainly cuz it costs 30 bucks, but if you did have a period, would you have bleeding form menstruation? You dont have any ovaries so I dont think its possible. If you did bleed, would it come from your ass? :?

Curse PMS Period is a free file - or at least it was on the old site. It suggests that every 28 days the subject will have 3 days of PMS and a 4 day period. The PMS symptoms include abdominal cramps, heightened emotions, not sleeping well and a general feeling of not feeling good. The period has much stronger cramps especially during the first day ('as bad as you've ever seen a woman have') along with bloating (fluid retention), tender swollen breasts and a compulsion to wear maxipads and to have to change them 'often' or 'every few hours'. There's no mention of blood coming from the body or seeing any on the pad. Any attempt to fight or resist the period will cause an intensification of symptoms.

What man wouldn't want that?

My wife says every man should have to experience one period in their lifetime. She's kiddingly threatened to have me wear a pad that she would smear vaseline on to give me that 'gross, yucky' feeling around my genitals.

If I could improve the file I'd add the need to wear panties when wearing the pad and a sense of nervousness or anxiety if the pad wasn't changed in a set number of hours (to give the feeling of worrying about a leak).

Note to EMG :idea: I'd also remove the sound of you clearing your throat after the induction before the suggestions start.

PostPosted: May 12th, 2005, 7:24 pm
by Agriff
Oh, ok, thanks for clearin that up.

PostPosted: July 8th, 2005, 11:50 am
by snart999
hello to all...

I've joined VMM 3 day ago and just used feminize triggers to try to feel a real woman. None of them worked out just suddendly... but I can say tha nipples orgasm partially fire me up when I touch my nipples.
I've heared them all mixed, some without the first part (just to FF to start when he count 8 to backward).
Later I've got a beer... and as I'm so curious, I started to hear Curse PMS just for know the words. But sudden then I fall in sleeping (I woke up about in 5 minutes when it's wasn't finished)....
I don't want to be hypnotized by this, it just be an accident... but just now since the morn after hear it I'm fell uncomfort, I have some cramps, little headache and a sensation of being a little wet in my pants... (until now no feel to have to wear maxipads).
Please, What do you say me? It's enough this for take it permanently, or maybe it finish in one two times? I wish to stop it (next period sudden when I'll go vacations with my girl, and I don't want to say it...), or maybe to start and end under my command.

Thank you in advance for your answers

PS=sorry for bad english...

PostPosted: July 14th, 2005, 5:28 pm
by snart999
it was only placebo...
or maybe the beer....

but I wish to ask to mr. EMG if he can prepare a trig to period for one day (or self triggered), in way to feel "bloody wet", maybe to suggestion to see, feel, smell really the blood, and thinking it's just normal... to wear maxipads (and of course panties)

what do you think, mr. EMG, can I hope to trig periods as I want?
