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Done Research

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2006, 2:18 pm
by sip_milk
Well I've finally made my choose after coming back to begin my feminization process but have come to some snags.

I went to my library and done some research on feminization and what I came up with was that the breasts will take awhile to develop, which can take up to 10 years even on hormones but I don't believe that. If it is, is there any other file that might help speed it up.

I understand that most men feminizing themselves often take hormones to produce milk to make there breasts larger but I would like to say I would listen to the file equvilate if it were to make it abit faster.

But is it true it takes 10 years for full breast development?

Come on lady's help a sister out :D

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2006, 5:41 pm
by Slipstream
It largely depends on a combination of what hormones you take, how many you take and your own personal genetics. A common rule of thumb for the latter is that transsexuals tend to get to a cup size below their mother's, so how fast your breasts grow and what size they grow to might be limited by that. How fast you'd transition really depends on your own circumstances.

From my limited experience with female hormones, you'll need an anti-androgen if you want your breast to lactate - estrogen alone will build breast tissue but isn't that effective for the milk glands without countering the effects of your body's male androgens.

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2006, 8:40 pm
by jnorcros
You basically have 2 options herbal based or chemical/bioidentical hormones. Both have there pluses and minuses. I have been transitioning for about two months and my personal choice was the herbal route as it is a little easier on my 60 year old system.

Both approaches need to overcome the testosorone you body produces thus the anti-androgen.

I suggest that you check out and for further information.

Good luck with your transition


Janice Marie

PostPosted: November 24th, 2006, 4:18 am
by sip_milk
Thank You for the information I'll check them out.