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has anyone here actually seen themselves as a woman?

PostPosted: June 30th, 2005, 11:18 am
by ryu829
ive been trying the trig woman file alot iv'e must of used it about 20 times. i cant get it to work is there anything i should know when im saying the trigger. i say the amount of time and all also.


PostPosted: September 24th, 2005, 3:21 pm
by sailor2005
Listen to the GS Trigwoman2 file. It's a feminine voice--which helpsme a lot. I went under hard the very first time I tried it--in fact it was the very first time I've ever been under. God, it worked. I didn't "see" a woman in the mirror after one session--but after the third I started to see myself as much more feminine. The trigger works every time and it's like a warm wave washing over my body. I'm so much more in touch with my body now. I have C cup breasts and large sensitive nipples (sourtesy my girlfriend and estrogen)--but when I've been triggered, they feel so deliciously heavy in my bra. My nipples are in an almost constant state or erection and I can feel my legs in the nylons like the first time I put them on. Oddly enough--I haven't had any tendency toward erection anywhere else--and that always happens when I'm femmed.

I gave the trigger to my girlfriend this morning and she put me into fem mode for all day long. It's lovely.

Keep at it. It'll happen.


PostPosted: October 25th, 2005, 10:03 pm
by Angie178
I tried it (GSTrigWoman2) for the first time last night, and after listening to it to see what it was about, I laid down in a darkened room and put headphones on and listened to it. I fell asleep a little after the countdown, but when it told me to wake up, I actually did. I listened to it again in the same mode, and heard (truly) for the very first time the suggestion that I would want to listen to it again, which surprised me, because that's exactly what I felt.

I don't know if it's working, but my desire to feminize has certainly increased, as it had been waning a bit. And this evening - I don't even think about it, it just feels...right.

I'm leaving to try it again. Hope it works!

PostPosted: September 4th, 2006, 6:04 pm
by Mull
Have you had any new sucess with these files Angie? I am wanting to try it too. I don't want to be a female full time at all, but the thought of being able to "be" one when I choose really excites me.