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estrogen coctail

PostPosted: December 6th, 2008, 7:50 pm
by MacGyver
in a way, this one sounds pretty cool, especially after listening to blink's basic induction, i hear some one set in the left ear, one set in the right, and one set in the middle, kinda like having a third ear.

for some strange reason though, i find myself putting this on and pressing the repeat button before going to sleep so it plays all night long in my sleep.

PostPosted: December 7th, 2008, 8:34 pm
by CycoMelody
can't get enough of it eh? I mixed it and added my own personal binaural. If I listen to that binaural I just drop into trance. Its just that effective on me. I am glad you are liking it though. Hope to hear about some of your results soon :twisted:

PostPosted: December 8th, 2008, 6:06 pm
by MacGyver
could take a while for me to have results, except i think it may have a little something to do with my waist shrinking down a bit. maybe one day soon, i try playin it while i am awake. but i really love the way ya got 3 tracks goin together like that, i also like what sounds like waves at the ocean, like if ya have ever been to saint george's island in florida or even a couple of them to the west, and heard the water crashing against the shore, not big waves, but maybe 2 foot high, that is what the noise through the file sounds like, and to me, it is a really big help.

now, the file tells my mind i am supposed to be makin less testosterone and more female hormones, i dont know if things are supposed to happen backwards but, i get erections more often, and i am finding myself lifting things at work i could not lift 6 months ago, so, i dont know if my mind is tryin to put up a fight or what. maybe i just need to listen regular and perhaps i soon my waist will shrink down to a size more to my liking, a feminine figure would be nice too. i have desired an hourglass figure like a woman since i was like 14 and am now 32, and for the last 6-10 years now, my fantasies have been mostly of bein feminized, specially havin boobs and stuff.

PostPosted: December 8th, 2008, 8:15 pm
by summerrain
After listening to it twice a day, for a week now, i noticed moodswings from crying for no real reason to happy and confident, terrible horniness for my guy for 2 days, and a loss of 3 pounds. It also seems to be more natural for me to refer to myself as female.

3 Pounds more or less look like normal fluctuation to me, and moodswings would match my expectations for the first days,if i went on anti-androgens and estrogens, so i tend to ascribe them to the placebo effect and my subconscious liking the idea so far. :wink:

The file itself is really relaxing, and for me it is easy to go into trance with it.

Thank you, Melody.

PostPosted: December 9th, 2008, 1:16 pm
by MacGyver
well, myself, i would not be able to do twice a day every day, maybe 4 days a week as the 3 days i work, i do 13 hours a day, this way i work 3 days a week and dont hafta buy as much fuel for my car. now, last night and this morning, i gave the file a go while awake. did not really feel like a deep trance but, there were spots where it seemed like i was sleeping, and could not move a muscle so, i might have went deeper than i usually do when trancing with a file. took me down almost as fast as a file i have experimented with in the past by goddess spiral, except this time, i knew what to expect so was not all paranoid about goin down that fast.

PostPosted: December 19th, 2008, 7:08 pm
by MacGyver
time for an update, i think.

i have tranced with this file several times in the last few weeks, and i have been playing this file on continuous repeat while i go to sleep. i have been having dreams with a woman in them , the alst 2 dreams i have been in. the first one bein that i saw a sexy looking woman approach me, in a white dress, the second time we were together, but i was dressed in shiny red colored work-out clothes made for a woman, saw a reflection of myself, felt sexy as hell when i felt myself run my hand down my right thigh. i had what i would consider to be a really sexy feminine figure.

now, last night, after getting out of the shower, i noticed my calves seem to be getting smaller and also seem to be taking a feminine shape.

this morning, i woke up happy and remembering what i saw and felt in my dream. when i put on my steel-toed work boots to go to work this morning, i noticed they were really loose on my feet, infact, come to think of it, the past couple days, my shoes have felt a bit loose on my feet. i am not 100% sure but, think my feet may be shrinking down to something a bit more feminine.

i have only noticed these things since i have been experimenting with this file. i am thinking that maybe i should continue with this file just a bit longer and see if the dreams come more frequent and see if they show more or not. the really weird part is, i do not normally have dreams, or do not remember them unless they are something which will happen to me sometime within 6 months to 2 years from the time i see things in my sleep.

i also had a really calm feeling in the last 2 dreams i have had. this last dream, i was really really calm and it felt as if something was happening that i wanted to happen, as the woman did nto even say anything, i just went for a walk with her then found myself in the women's work-out clothes and it went from there. and for some strange reason, i seemed to like the experience ALOT.

PostPosted: December 21st, 2008, 6:34 pm
by sandra06
Maybe you may take pictures of your body and meassure every part regulary...
numbers don't lie :)

PostPosted: December 21st, 2008, 7:05 pm
by MacGyver
i have been thinking of getting me a tape like you woukld use to take measurements for clothes. then the trick would be gittin a descent snapshot of myself with the cheap thing i have for a digital camera. but yeah, i have been thinking the same thing.

i think it would be really cool if i could get a sexy feminine figure from experimenting with the feminization files. right now, my camera is charging and will still be charging some time after i go to sleep or i would snap a shot or 2 before going to bed, gotta warn ya though, my current waist size is around 46-48 inches, but i am also working on losing weight.

the only thing about doin the weightloss excercises is, well, they are to, like, shape a woman's body. i guess ya could say it is an experiment to see if my body shape completely changes to something more feminine using the feminization files and doin feminine excercises together. and since my latest dream, i have been well, thinkin about getting myself some feminine type workout clothing.

i will do my best to get pics and will see if i can find a tape to keep track of any measurment changes to my body. how often would you recommend taking measurements?

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2008, 9:32 pm
by Lostone0
If I were you, I'd be recording every day just so I know whats changing and when. Atleast that way you'd have a better idea on how much your changing.

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2008, 10:05 pm
by MacGyver
well, as for my calves, the largest section measures about 18 inches around. 2 months ago, my calves could be seen through my jeans, and now i hardly feel my jeans touch the backs of my calves. from heel to toe, my feet are currently 11 inches long and the balls of my feet are 4 inches from left to right. mid thigh is currently 24 inches around and around hips/butt area, at the largest is 48 inches, chest is 48 inches under the breast line. but these measurments are with the tape measure i use at work, and it is a bit stiff, so, soon as i can find one, i will get me a flexible tape like you would use to measure yourself for clothes, just got to find some place that sells them. so, seein as this is the first time i have ever taken measurements, i guess this could be considered a "starting point" for me.

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2008, 10:18 pm
by dougal
you could always use a string to wrap around ur body in the areas u want to measure and mark the length of the string and then measure the string.

PostPosted: December 22nd, 2008, 10:38 pm
by MacGyver
thought about that one about 2 minutes after i last posted, but dont have any string at the moment to get an accurate measurement with, but i know for a fact i can get some.

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2008, 5:53 am
by Foxgirl
sounds like fun.

Ill have to wait for it to go free though :(

good luck with your results !

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2008, 1:10 pm
by MacGyver
left this file play in my sleep again last night, and again, had me a dream, this time, i was at work, right by my machine. i was talkin to the guys in the next department and my voice kept going up, i tried my best to maintain a lower toned voice, but the more i tried, the higher my voice got, then all the sudden, my voice was gone. when i woke up this morning, i was a bit worried it had actually happened, this is how crystal clear some of my dreams are, everything will seem 100% real. when i said something to someone here at the hosue, i was releived that i still could talk, which leads me to think, i had a dream last night. so, maybe my voice might end up goin high like a woman's voice? dont know, but sure would be interesting to find out.

now i am wandering if i should try recording some sound bytes every week or 3 to see if my vocal cords are tightening up or not.

as for the thing with the string, soon i will be going into town and getting some nylon chord, i will cut peices and mark them different ways so i know which one is to measure what section of my body. i have seen posts where the hips and thighs get larger as does the butt, so, will cut those sections extra big so i can keep up with the measurements.

instead of just postin here in teh forum, i am thinking, i may end up putting this stuff in my journal, dont know if everyone will be able to look at it or if i am the only one, but feel like keepin a journal anyways.

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2008, 7:19 pm
by Kenn
As long as you don't have your journal set to private everyone should be able to look at it. Good luck with the experiment.

PostPosted: December 23rd, 2008, 8:33 pm
by MacGyver
looks like i got it set to public.

PostPosted: December 27th, 2008, 1:55 am
by Deej
I did a search but it's not showing up in the files list. Does anyone have the URL to it?

PostPosted: December 27th, 2008, 7:51 am
by CycoMelody
Deej wrote:I did a search but it's not showing up in the files list. Does anyone have the URL to it?

PostPosted: December 27th, 2008, 8:23 pm
by Deej
Ahh so you gotta be a premium member to get it :/ Dammit. Well, thanks anyways :)

PostPosted: December 27th, 2008, 11:11 pm
by ashe5k
Or wait a few more weeks for it to free up.