Should I become a gay and girly sissy?

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Should I become a gay and girly sissy?

Postby tina03 » March 1st, 2009, 4:24 pm

Hi! I need some advice from you all on here, as my predicament is partly down to using StrokeSissy, and thus I dont think people unfamiliar with this site would be able to help me...

basically, I spend a great deal of time wondering if I should become a gay and girly sissy, mostly because when I masturbate (which I do A LOT) thoughts of this constantly pop into my head. submission. men. crossdressing. yet, when I come the thoughts largely go away for a few hours, and if I can resist for a while, they go entirely and seem to return to a normal state of finding the idea kind of abhorent.

now, is my sexually aroused state something I should explore more and should I try out that lifestyle in the real world outside of my head, or is the non-sexualized thinking something I should have more stock in?

Oh, and I have only listened to strokesissy once in the last three years, though I have downloaded it many many times since then!
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Postby PS360 » March 1st, 2009, 6:01 pm

your choice
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Postby hypnointerest » March 1st, 2009, 8:20 pm

Who's to say you can't have both? Why limit yourself to one choice? You can just accept that these things arouse you and they may or may not be something you want to keep hidden. You sound like you may have already found your answer and are just looking for second opinions. Do what you feel is right.
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Postby tina03 » March 2nd, 2009, 12:03 am

I suppose in some ways this is me wanting to be convinced not to do it, and in other ways wanting to be convinced to do it... And I know it's my choice, but I'm asking for advice! Not for you all to decide for me!
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Postby hypnointerest » March 2nd, 2009, 1:23 am

But what advice can someone give without suggesting you follow it? I'm sure the odds of getting responses that you should continue feminizing yourself will be high in the feminizations forum. I know that's what I would do, if I were me. Tell you to keep going.
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Postby unheard » March 2nd, 2009, 3:25 am

I'm personally not into feminization, but from what you've written it sounds like you're gay and suppressing it when you've not aroused--can't say for certain, you don't explicitly discuss the content which gets you aroused. But thinking about men, submission and cross-dressing while masturbating more than likely means that those are the things which excite you.

You should consider how happy you are with your current lifestyle. Are you dating/sexually active? Do you want to be? What makes you happy? Once you've assessed your lifestyle you should consider whether or not you really need/want a file to "force" you into different lifestyle.

Ultimately the only valid advice anyone can give you is that you explore yourself and make your own decision... Though, considering you've probably thought about this enough that it's caused you to seek advice from others, why not experiment? It sounds like you're interested and, honestly, how much harm can come from experimentation?
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » March 2nd, 2009, 8:10 pm

If I may add something...

Being gay, or heterosexual, is MORE than a masturbatory
sexual fantasy. THINK of how your ENTIRE life will be affected
by this change. It's not my place to judge you, it's just that
there is sooo more to this than your masturbatory desires.

Best wishes,
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Postby nanaki001 » March 2nd, 2009, 9:25 pm

Well here's how I see it:

* Do you have the time to become a sissy?
* Will there be any repercussions to this (socially, financially, etc.)?
* Is this something you really want to do, or something you think you want?

I would love to listen to this file myself, but I've got way too much to worry about at the moment. If I had the time and energy, I'd give anything to feminized into a submissive sissy, but that's not happening for me now.

It's all about logical decision-making. Don't do anything you can't or don't want to do. :)
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Postby PeppermintT » March 8th, 2009, 6:31 am

I have the same kind of dilemma, and the same kind of desires. Like you they come and go and I am not sure if I should ignore them or try to act on them. I have used curse stroke sissy in the past but am now using the Candy files. I am not sure what changes will occur but so far I am taking one day at a time and am just interested to see what happens. Obviously I don't know your personal situation but maybe it would be worth trying a different file if you find CSS a bit too intense? Anyway don't let it get you down, you will figure it out given time.
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Postby Enfemme » March 11th, 2009, 6:57 pm

Go for it Hon. If you have half as much fun and satisfaction as I do you will never regret the change. My only complaint is "why did I wait so long to do this"??
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Postby mr_pink » March 11th, 2009, 7:13 pm

You know, just do what makes you happy. If you don't want to do it in public, then don't; there's no right or wrong way to do anything.

I dress up and act girly in private and I'm happy with my personal fantasies; it gives me something to look forward to when I get home! Just do whatever you're comfortable with doing. 8)
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Postby TabbyCat » March 12th, 2009, 12:16 am

Go for it :)
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Postby Route42 » March 14th, 2009, 11:06 pm

Of course you should go for it. If you're posting the question the answer is automatically yes. Embrace life, enjoy its little intricacies and complications. Run free. If you listen to the files and don't like it, no one is going to force you to continue. You'll only continue if you want to. Mmm.
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Postby Janis_en_femme » April 2nd, 2009, 8:53 pm

Through my own experimentation, I discovered that you can become gay temporarily and girl sissy temporarily.
So go for it and see which you enjoy.
I did learn that the more gay I became the less feminized I became.
When I stopped listening to the gay files, I began to crossdress again which I lost interest in when I was gay.
But you should experiment and find out what you can learn about yourself.
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