DF Files

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

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DF Files

Postby MacGyver » July 7th, 2009, 2:13 pm

ok, i bought the DF series, and figured i would experiment with them, no effect i know of yet, only gave a couple of them a go, the induction and the other was either the breast file or lingerie transformation file. anywho, the induction on those seem to take me down faster than any other induction EMG uses with his other files, after the induction and the other file, i found that after the induction on the second one i listened to, i was down to the point right between feeling numb and that floating sensation. i may play with these files a bit more and see what comes of it. i may also put the DF induction onto other files of EMG's and see if i can trance easier with those files as well.

i also noticed the second time, my imagination started improving a bit as far as making the pictures in my head on the way down, good way to keep my mind busy enough to trance.
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Postby Janis_en_femme » July 7th, 2009, 2:59 pm

A few months ago, I sat back and listend to the DF files one Friday night and Saturday. That night I headed out to a gay bar on my best dress and was very sishy all night.
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Postby MacGyver » July 7th, 2009, 3:24 pm

myself, i aint used them all, bought the set and just usin a couple right now, am stayin away from the femme voice for a while until i can get more files made and uploaded as the trance trigger is set to the voice i have now, when it holds steady and stops changin pitch on me.

though i did have a weird dream last night, and i used the induction and one other before going to bed. in my sleep what i saw was me an this girl i went to school with and recently got back in touch with, my right arm was in her left arm, and we were either in a shopping mall or a bar or something, and i was crossdressed. at one point, i even had to pull up the womens jeans i was wearing. so i dont know if that is a possible side effect of the file or if it was because i just turned the volume down and left the file play in my sleep or what, LOL. it was definitely wierd though, LOL.
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Kinda disappointed

Postby claire_alexa » August 5th, 2009, 12:23 am

I bought this series a while back mostly for the feminine voice and movement files. I find that Lady RIo's LRWomanly does a better job on me than any of these files have.

For anyone who is serious about presenting themselves as a woman to the world, I highly advise using LRWomanly rather than spending money on this set.

As for the actual series of files, well I have my criticisms... I *really* thing that a series like this ought to be recorded by a woman who knows stuff about being a woman. I don't mean to slight EMG at all, but he's a guy... As such, he tends to focus on things in this series that don't really make you more feminine.

Maybe others have a different opinion, but as a TS living almost full-time, i was looking for something a bit different in these recordings.

Just my $.02
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Postby MacGyver » August 5th, 2009, 5:59 am

well me, i go with the induction that gets me into trance, i can trance with elena and goddess spiral but have a deal of trouble getting into tranc with files by lady rio, yet, i can go down pretty easily with the induction EMG uses in the DF series, and it aint easy for me to enter trance with a guy's voice.

now, i have the pms period file by lady rio just have not tried changing the induction to something my mind will accept to go into trance. partly due to the fact i dont see a removal file for that one here on the site, that and i am not sure i want to be scarfin down as much chocolate, ice cream, and peanutbutter i can get my hands on once a month neither.

with most of EMG's files, it takes a great deal on my part to enter trance, but, with the induction he uses on the DF series, trance for me comes alot easier so, i may use that induction with a couple other files of his and see what the results are.
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Postby claire_alexa » August 14th, 2009, 10:32 am

I'll tend to agree that Lady Rio's inductions are generally difficult to trance off of.
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Postby MacGyver » August 14th, 2009, 5:46 pm

last night, i used audacity, took the induction and awakener from df with the body of a lady rio file, added echo to the body, and was out till like the middle of the third go around. i think i shall experiment around with this a bit more as i did not remember hearing the induction, but then again i may have passed out asleep too, so will give it another go when i am not so tired.
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Postby Kenn » August 15th, 2009, 10:54 pm

I would think the DF files would be a little better since you can pick and choose which feminizing effects you want.
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Postby MacGyver » August 16th, 2009, 5:40 pm

myself, i bought the entire set, but yeah, i can pick and choose what i am interested in that way.

and seein as the induction on this set works better for me than EMG's other inductions, i am going to use the DF induction on other files of his that i would like to get some results from, one of which is the superhuman mind file at the sister site, and see what happens.
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