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primealgen feminization

PostPosted: August 18th, 2009, 8:56 pm
by MacGyver
would something like this actually do anything to a person? done been to the site and read the page, dont seem possible to me so, was curious if anyone actually knew anything about this and whether it could actually happen or not.

PostPosted: August 18th, 2009, 9:24 pm
by VeryGnawty
I didn't even realize PrimaelGen visited here anymore...

Let me give you my take on this. I've been using using methods similar to PG's for a long time. While there can be some effect, it is very difficult and time consuming to achieve. I have a somewhat androgynous appearance, having reduced some masculine features.

But feminization isn't something that's going to just happen. Everyone who actually looks female has taken hormones or had some kind of surgery. PrimaelGen even took hormones in addition to less conventional techniques. But according to my research, it's the taking of the hormones that makes the biggest difference.

I wouldn't expect much. I firmly believe it is possible to morph the body using techniques that don't rely on outside sources. But so far, I have neither seen nor heard of anybody who has successfully done so. I'm working on it. But when I find a successfull method, I don't expect it to be easy or even recommended. Even the small changes I've made over the last several years have been difficult. And painfull.

Sorry to burst everyone's bubble. But "mind over matter" still seems to be more about matter than mind. The fact remains that nobody has succesfully proven dramatic feminizations to the body without cosmetic surgery or chemically altering their sexuality. There are some people (including me) who have made minor alterations to the body through these types of shaping techniques. But these changes are usually so small that nobody even notices them most of the time.