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PostPosted: September 3rd, 2009, 9:39 pm
by Metaphysics
It is common for people to be skeptical of the physical changes possible with hypnosis. Well that makes sense. Especially for something such as "curse womb" because of the lack of a second X chromosome.

Of course, other things such as hormone change and breast growth are possible with this, and many of us know that yet some of us are still skeptical. However, I am going to say how even a male developing a womb IS possible, yet unlikely. Simply put, I am saying it is just POSSIBLE.

The subconscious is much like a computer. When a computer reads the data from a computer destroying virus, it simply does what it is told to do so it destroys itself. As for the subconscious, when it is told to do something and it is certain that it is a command, it does it, much like a computer - even if it is self-destructive.

However, even with this it isn't possible to develop a womb without the necessary data---Right? So with the Y chromosome, that data was destroyed. In addition, even people with complete "androgen insensitivity syndrome" (AIS) who are female in almost every way, lack a uterus. This syndrome is simply when the body is incapable of reacting to androgens, or the testosterone receptors in the body. This even causes lack of pubic and armpit hair, things even ordinary girls have. Yet still no uterus. However, would this mean that it is possible to imitate this by simply being sensitive to estrogen or simply not reacting to androgens? Possible, but no normal person of our time would have the ability to control their mind that well right? Well basically, even with this the male does not have a uterus. This means it IS impossible - Right?

Well there is a story of a girl who pricked her finger on a cactus, and a wierd mutation caused her to grow thorns around that area that was discovered to be a cellular mix between the cactus cells and her own cells.
Half plant and half mammal. Impossible? Apparently not. Of course there is still need to take in consideration that this is the only recorded event of such an event ever occurring. What does this mean? It means that any cells can be used by you as data. So how much data is in a single cell?

Well a single cell has enough data to clone a person. That much we know. In addition, there are many people who have had accurate past life regression experiences. This probably means that there is in addition to a single persons data: The data of an entire generation. Makes sense when a human is grown from a single sperm.

It is probably possible to use a single female cell for the data necessary for the development of a womb. So is it POSSIBLE? Yes. Is it likely? Not at all. But it IS possible, in theory. It's probably easier than we think, much like programming a computer. Isn't our mind where all the images and sounds are percieved from in the first place? I mean when you think about it everything is just sound and light anyways, at different volumes and frequencies.

In addition, the human body is much more amazing than we might think. The electricity that the human body has is more amazing than any known machine today. Do some reasearch.

Basically, our subconscious is like a computer. The conscious is like the person using the computer.

So suggestions make the subconscious think about such things.

Well, that gave me something to do while listening to some hypnosis files.
Hope someone can put this to some use.

Edit: People who lucid dream have been discovered by scientific testing that the things dreamed while lucid dreaming have physical reactions similar to the real event. So when someone runs in a dream, it effects the muscles as if the person was actually running. you can also look up the placebo effect.

PostPosted: September 4th, 2009, 4:00 pm
by Henrique
I won't start another discussion over Curse Womb. I just want to tell you this:

When we are still just a fetus, we develop two lines of embryogenic cells that will develop into the inner sexual organs: Wolff and Müller.
Wolff, when stimulated by testosterone produced from the SRY gen in the Y chromossome, develops, turning into the testicles and so on. The Y gene also produces an anti-Müller factor, that makes that lineage of cells just dissapear.

Dissapear. They don't go into a slumber state. They're gone. For good. For ever.

Without the Y chromossome, the Müller ducts develop into the ovaries, ovarian tubes, uterus and 2/3 of the vagina.

Summary: It is, by genetic means, impossible to develop an uterus after the Müller duct is destroyed by the effect of the anti-Müllerian factor, produced by an Y gene.

I tryed to be the simpler as I could, and wrote this with the best of my abilities (English is my second-language, so many medical-terms may be incorrect). Please, don't get me wrong.

I'm just clarifying things.