Growing up and Moving on?

For discussions of Feminization, Cross Dressing, Male-Female transformation, etc.

Moderator: EMG

Growing up and Moving on?

Postby alexis1313 » March 6th, 2010, 1:45 am

I'm not sure weather this would go on the feminization or diaper side. It's more in the middle I guess. When I started with age play I was already in the middle of my transition from male to female. I'm transgenderd and thought that my lack of a child hood as my self caused me to want to revisit it. I'm almost comfortable as my female self. I'm working on balancing everything in my life.

So I have been into diapers for a while. But I'm feeling like I want to move on. Having revisited my youth I'm now ready to move on to other ages in my life. I would love a file that did these things.
*turn the sexual urges set towards diapers towards finding and meeting a great guy.
*Put you through toddler years, teen years
*Replaced my needing of diapers for the needing of a man Allow me to feel comfortable with loosing my control in other ways, like trusting in a partner again.
*Have it kinda run you through some of the other times in your life. First date, first kiss things a girl would like to experiance.
*Maybe a preg. theme?

I'm not sure what all It could touch on. I'm just ready to start ageing again as my proper gender. Any one else interested in a file like that? I would love to be driven by my urges to find a boyfriend rather then to be wearing diapers. Not that I have any bad feelings about my time doing it. I don't want to supress my self I just want to turn my sexual desires to a man rather then the diaper thing.
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Joined: March 8th, 2009, 1:00 am

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