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Help tucking please

PostPosted: April 8th, 2010, 11:50 pm
by soundexcess
I have read some of the tuck tutorials but I am just not getting can some one post a video or step by step photos of themselve's tucking maybe with some hints and tips for guys like me that have a small sentive penis that gets hard easy, and a large abodominal fat pad complicating matters.

I really want to trying esp. so I can make the baby girl exp. more real when I am in one of my pastel color diapers, or one of the hello kitty covers, i have; I also have white diapers and normal to silver covers for the everyday unless I am being way adventurous and wear one of the pink ones, there so cute, anyway I digress please help if you can, or if you have any tips on getting the potty time trigger file working well. The only reward I can offer is if I can tuck correctly I will post a shot of me well tucked in one of my pink diaper maybe even wetting it.

PostPosted: April 9th, 2010, 4:43 am
by demigraff
Sorry I can't help with tis one.

What do you mean when you say "the potty time trigger file"? I don't see any file by that name, so that makes it a little hard to offer advice.

PostPosted: April 9th, 2010, 2:22 pm
by soundexcess
sry meant the trigger potty amnesia file.

PostPosted: April 10th, 2010, 3:36 am
by lexii
anyone going to help or are you just going to leave him hanging. =p

PostPosted: April 10th, 2010, 3:42 am
by darkenedav
lexii wrote:anyone going to help or are you just going to leave him hanging. =p

I do love the pun :D {can't help but appreciated the humour!}

PostPosted: April 11th, 2010, 4:44 pm
by mr_pink
Well, I'm not going to post pics or vids, but it's pretty easily explained.

Esssentially, there's a natural cavity for your testicles to go into (just like when you've been swimming or outside in the cold and they 'shrink').

What you want to do is to take your testicles in your left hand (if right handed) and then gently fold the skin forward over your penis, creating a pseudo-vagina, for want of a better word. Then, while still holding, just apply gentle pressure downwards, and you'll feel your testicles go back into their cavity. Quickly pop on what ever pants you want to wear (they'll have to be reasonably tight to hold em in place) and hey presto!

PostPosted: April 12th, 2010, 10:37 pm
by soundexcess
thanks will let you know how this works out

PostPosted: April 14th, 2010, 11:04 pm
by soundexcess
okay I appreciate the help so far but I am running into problems
1. trying to tuck makes hard,
2. whe the first isn't a problem I don't have much loose skin to pull
3. when pulled I can get the boys to partially ascend but nvr go in far enough past the doorway to stay in deep enough to be comfortable and to give enough time with skin stretched to to fold the penis down and through
I really want to do this as it ties in my a/b fantasy as most diapers are better suited for women or in this case a tucked situation.
I am using mens tight weave bikini briefs so they should be tight enough.
On a side note this all relates back to my sister dressing me in women clothes when we were younger and even putting my hair in pig tails and maybe even lip stick. Then we would house work together and talk about girl things she even brushed my hair and I brushed hers, this occurred many times until I was around 7 or 8. That combined with a very sexually restrictive family culture has made this a great release for me. sry ramble.

PostPosted: June 7th, 2010, 12:14 pm
by angel123
soundexcess wrote:
On a side note this all relates back to my sister dressing me in women clothes when we were younger and even putting my hair in pig tails and maybe even lip stick. Then we would house work together and talk about girl things she even brushed my hair and I brushed hers, this occurred many times until I was around 7 or 8. That combined with a very sexually restrictive family culture has made this a great release for me. sry ramble.

ramble away if it helps .............. :)

PostPosted: November 29th, 2011, 6:16 pm
by ZoeHelena
this question brings me to a physical effect i feel should be amply possible with hypnosis.

if i ever manage to go under and get some results, I'll try making a file for it.

the idea is: self sustaining tuck.
I hate using bandage tape, I've tried a slim cat collar, etc to make sure the girls stay up... nothing is satisfying.

tape folds over, creases and causes a nasty pain after not too long.

other tie-offs either leave a bulge of their own, wind up working as a cock ring, or both.

additionally, i have fairly large ones and the empty scrotum has a hard time staying in the panties.

so, can we not simply convince the scrotum that it's like minus eleventy billion degrees? get it to crunch up totally on trigger, and stay that way until release trigger is given?

obviously without the illusion of cold.. just the reaction. tucking without any paraphernalia, tape, or other nonsense.

Any opinions on how possible this could be? It was one of the hopes i had when joining... that this would already have been done :-D

PostPosted: November 29th, 2011, 6:49 pm
by outkast1728
what do yall mean by tucking?

PostPosted: November 30th, 2011, 5:00 am
by ZoeHelena
outkast1728 wrote:what do yall mean by tucking?

making your testicles disappear so you can tuck your penis back and pull up your panties - presto! no package.

edit- I've added a pic to my gallery under "show me your body - cross dressing" that shows my first successful tuck (with bandage tape as a tie-off: ouch).