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feminizing hair position dream

PostPosted: March 10th, 2011, 8:47 pm
by iamli3
yeah another topic about a dream i had
well last night , i can distinctly remember at one point in my dream i must have just taken a shower or something cause my hair was wet , and i was looking at a mirror that was over the sink which was next to the shower i jsut came out of i think to brush my hair , which right now is quite long below my chin , only for w/e reason my hair was acting more like it was gelled cause it was mostly staying in w/e direction i brushed it in , so i was like that's cool and bushed it all around in a way so that it looked like plates of hair were covering other plates and it just kept overlapping with plates of my hair pointing in many directions , satisfied i left the mirror to head out the door that was next to it but it also had a mirror on it and for some reason i didn't realize at the first mirror but at this one i looked into a noticed that my hair looked very girly , and in turn made my face look girly as well , making me look like a girl , which was nice and all , i done a little looking at that kind of thing before with positrons of my hair and ways that make me look like a girl , course i can't just brush my hair in any direction and expect it to stay irl lol , but i just felt like posting this and that somebody would enjoy reading......

Another girly dream

PostPosted: March 28th, 2011, 12:29 pm
by Sonic-TH-wolf
i had also a girly dream. I was in a day-care building, where i stood 5 days a week during my childhood. I was my younger self and took make up and made me to a girl. Nowadays, i am thinking, that this is the point, where i came in touch with my inner girl.

PostPosted: April 26th, 2011, 8:28 pm
by MacGyver
i had one so vivd, i woke up in a sweat breathing hard and feeling myself to make sure i was still a guy and checking to make sure i did not have those huge boobs that i had in my dream.