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PostPosted: May 16th, 2011, 11:32 pm
by soundexcess
hurray, good job, btw this works because the capsaicin increases blood flow to area, a response to the nerves being stimulated in way that is perceived as pain by the body, thus swelling. this also why it is often used as chronic joint pain treatment, as it helps restore blood flow to the area, as such you might get some temporary numbness in the area.
*I am not a doctor this info is based on my knowledge of how capsaicin works, from being a pepper head.

PostPosted: May 17th, 2011, 10:36 pm
by soundexcess
yeah and those results will be more permanent as vacuum pressure tends to promote tissue growth when done correctly. and on an off topic note yes capsaicin is a wonderful thing as far as good peppers go, purple jalapenos(very sweet while still about twice the heat of a normal jalapeno) are great, habernos, nagas, cuban blackpeppers, scotch bonnets, etc. are great as well.

PostPosted: May 18th, 2011, 2:39 pm
by Liann
An "A cup" is not even decent man-boobs.

If you are a late-bloomer XY woman then likely you have had your chest widened by too much testosterone too long.

Cup sizes are calculated based on how much large the prominent measurement is over the band-measurement under-breast. A 1 inch "A cup" might look inflated on a teen-aged girl with a 24 inch bra band, as it's 4%, but 1 inch increase on a 44-inch chest is a pathetic 2%, not even noticeable.

Furthermore, the wider chest expands the distance between nipples, so the "cleavage" is reduced by distance. Worse, the nips point out at angles to the chest instead of forward as proper "headlights". Even breast implants don't look right until the nips are drawn more to the center, wasting a lot of cash money and running big health risks just for an unconvincing presentation.

The danger of self delusion is when a really bad presentation gets smacked-down at McDonald's for trying to use the ladies room. They start shreiking "There's a man in a wig trying to sneak in the women's bathroom".

I don't approve what they did, but I understand what triggered them off. If you are looking for a lifetime of punches in the face, then do a really bad imitation, based upon the delusion that you are fooling anyone.

PostPosted: May 18th, 2011, 4:48 pm
by radar
Ouch !!! 8O
Heard the thud from Liann's Takedown from way over here.

Don't worry too much Tanya.
If you can stand the peppers, and you feel and see noticable swelling, then it really doesn't matter what anyone here thinks.

We all wear our womanhood in different ways - wear yours with pride.

Joanne xx

PostPosted: May 20th, 2011, 2:37 am
by Foxpaw
So, hey liann, Instead of simply saying everything critical you can think of, why not offer suggestions for helping too? I'm afraid my skills aren't inclined towards feminization Tanya, but it's one small step at a time. And as long as you are happy and safe with what you have, take happiness in that. Good Luck.

PostPosted: May 21st, 2011, 7:19 am
by Scopedog
Foxpaw wrote:So, hey liann, Instead of simply saying everything critical you can think of, why not offer suggestions for helping too?

Um, she has. Click on the link to see how.

PostPosted: May 23rd, 2011, 7:19 am
by pypr420
2 solid walmart cups + a T-fitting, some vacuum line and a brake pump from autozone = 1 amazing breast pump.