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Masculinization Files

PostPosted: August 4th, 2011, 10:51 am
by krista45
I am a man trying to be more masculine and more attracted to females. Are there any masculinization files out there that increase testosterone levels, increase attraction for females, make yourself comfortable being a male and love being intimate with women?

PostPosted: August 4th, 2011, 1:48 pm
by BecomingX
Can I just ask (not trying to be rude) - why are you trying? Is it what you want? Or what you feel you should do?

I'm sure there must be files out there for that but you really need to be receptive to them and want them to work deep down to give them a chance of working.

If that's what you truly want good luck with your search :)


PostPosted: August 6th, 2011, 11:11 pm
by Plaat
If you want brainwashing which makes one more "manly", just as most files make one "girly" just watch most TV or movies out there.

Re: Joking

PostPosted: August 7th, 2011, 4:25 am
by VeryGnawty
Plaat wrote:If you want brainwashing which makes one more "manly", just as most files make one "girly" just watch most TV or movies out there.

I recommend sitcoms. You can't get more stereotypical than that.

PostPosted: August 7th, 2011, 7:52 am
by Pansyboi
First of all you can be feminine and intimate with females. As for watching movies and TV, most shows/movies also have an attractive woman. If Krista has feminine energy in her, there is a good chance she will identify with the women in the show instead of the man.

Trying to be something you are not just leads to conflict. I have spent a large part of my life trying to be manly but to no avail. The better choice would be to love who you are.

PostPosted: August 7th, 2011, 6:39 pm
by Dogboy
If there is no problem for a guy to want to be feminine there should be no reason to be critical of a guy who wants to be masculine.

PostPosted: August 7th, 2011, 11:19 pm
by krista45
Dogboy wrote:If there is no problem for a guy to want to be feminine there should be no reason to be critical of a guy who wants to be masculine.

Exactly. I like being a guy and am comfortable with my sexuality. I want to be more masculine because women in my experience react more positively to men that express their masculine selves rather than a submissive, feminine self.

If you know of any other files, websites ,or TV shows that help with this, I'd appreciate it.

PostPosted: August 7th, 2011, 11:44 pm
by VeryGnawty
krista45 wrote:
Exactly. I like being a guy and am comfortable with my sexuality. I want to be more masculine because women in my experience react more positively to men that express their masculine selves rather than a submissive, feminine self.

I don't think there are any files like that here, although I think there has been a request or two. Perhaps you can ask someone to write a script for you and make a file. Not me, though. I'm way too busy.

PostPosted: August 8th, 2011, 4:34 am
by VeryGnawty
I agree with Tanyaslave. There have been lots of good male characters portrayed in movies and such. Just find one that you like, and find out how to become him.

Personally I go for the androgynous guys. I particularly like the bad boys and anti-heros. I love you, Victor Delacroix

PostPosted: August 8th, 2011, 5:01 pm
by krista45
tanyaslave wrote:Early eppisodes of 'Two and a Half Men', and watch and learn from Charlie Sheen.
I'm not kidding. His character is very open and confident with an obvious masculine sexuality. Go out, buy the first three seasons, take in all his male wisdoms, ???, Profit!

Appreciate it, Two and a Half Men is the best show on television, i watch it all the time.

PostPosted: August 15th, 2011, 10:15 pm
by lobomojer
VeryGnawty wrote:
krista45 wrote:
Exactly. I like being a guy and am comfortable with my sexuality. I want to be more masculine because women in my experience react more positively to men that express their masculine selves rather than a submissive, feminine self.

I don't think there are any files like that here, although I think there has been a request or two. Perhaps you can ask someone to write a script for you and make a file. Not me, though. I'm way too busy.

Being masculine comes naturally to me
Every day I feel more masculine
People admire my masculinity
Being masculine is easy for me
I am masculinity personified
I enjoy being masculine
I am comfortable with my masculinity
Women admire my masculinity
I am relaxed about being a man
I am naturally a masculine man

This one is for being alpha male, but certainly will help:
I am an alpha male
I am a social leader and am seen as the alpha male
Women and men respect me and see me as a leader
I am naturally dominant and assertive and women notice it
I am carefree and laid back and enjoy all social interactions
I am un-reactive and indifferent to social pressure
I am always calm, relaxed and confident no matter what happens
I take whatever I want and whatever I deserve
I deserve beautiful women and they come to me naturally
Women are always attracted to me naturally

I suggest you take these affirmations and ask someone to create subliminal/hypnosis files for you based on these. I know they will help because I'm feminine and since I am somewhat bisexual (I'm a mix of several orientations except straight, go figure I'm very religious/strong beliefs and raised that only straight is righteous but cant help what I feel only what I do with it)I'm a little turned on by just vaguely reading these affirmations because I know they'll help a masculine man be more successful with the ladies and his sexuality. So if they work on me then they'll certainly work on feminine women. I'd offer to make them into subliminal for you but I'm too feminine and that'll void, or at best dilute, the effects.

PostPosted: August 15th, 2011, 11:28 pm
by Jeshi
Just gonna say: there are lots of files for masculinization, usually they're intended for women or are more specific than that.

Try searching for "Jock" files. They seem to be what you're looking for. If not, try searching "bear" "pig" "muscle" "gym" ect.

PostPosted: August 21st, 2011, 9:53 am
by BecomingX
I've just uploaded a file that might be what you're looking for - Unwipe - maleness reaffirmed (it's under self-help).

My guilty conscience made me upload this one for anyone who has used my files (or some of the other more potent files on here) and wants their maleness back. It's worded in such a way it should work whether you've listened to my files or not. Aimed at bringing back maleness, confidence and esteem.

PostPosted: August 21st, 2011, 4:36 pm
by krista45
BecomingX wrote:I've just uploaded a file that might be what you're looking for - Unwipe - maleness reaffirmed (it's under self-help).

My guilty conscience made me upload this one for anyone who has used my files (or some of the other more potent files on here) and wants their maleness back. It's worded in such a way it should work whether you've listened to my files or not. Aimed at bringing back maleness, confidence and esteem.

That sounds perfect, is there a way to make it a non-premium file? I would appreciate that a lot.

PostPosted: August 22nd, 2011, 12:44 am
by BecomingX
hmmm i could email it to you but it's a big file (30MB).
if your email can take that pm me your email address and i'll send it.

if not, make up a simple script, upload it and you'll get three months free premium membership. I can't make the file non-premium. It's how the site works. In six months it will go free.