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free files for help finding another

PostPosted: December 10th, 2011, 11:56 am
by allison_in_love
I have authored some feminization files available on this site (that
I like to think are rather good). I will happily provide a link to *several*
additonal, full length files for anyone who helps me locate a file
I am searching for. I will send the links to everyone who helps (until I post a reply here at least).

I am searching for the actaul, original file that is used in the clip
beginning around 8:30
(the original will be obvious--the video the girl in this clip is watching).

I will settle for just information on producer-title, but of course prefer (double bonus) to a link to the actual clip itself (triple bonus for HQ).

btw, everyone might find the general site above of interest. most of
what is posted is not very good, but now and then something does appear of interest.

PostPosted: December 11th, 2011, 9:33 pm
by allison_in_love
thanks to the kind efforts of friends, I have located the source of the file.
Tragically, what I was hoping to find--an actual hypnosis video, rather than someone watching such--doesn't seem to exist. It seems a terrible waste. If anyone had time on their hands and good video editing skills, they could make a fab video by extracting the relevant portions.

I do have a couple of other minor things I require research assistance on. If anyone else is so inclined, My offer of sharing files with anyone willing to help remains open. Please pm Me.

ps. I do recommend the site mentioned in the prior post--it contains 100s of vids, most hypnotic, or at least erotic, all free.

PostPosted: December 12th, 2011, 8:32 am
by Mutazoa
I (attempted) to watch the video you referenced. I always LOL at the phoney robot voices. As for the video with in the video you were trying to get...It would be about as effective as an MP3, and for the exact same reasons.

MP3's (and video's) can not gauge the subjects level of trance. They go from induction to body with out giving the subject much time to enter a trance state. It would take many, many repeat listens (viewings) for effects to happen at all. (unless the subject has been hypnotized frequently, (daily) over a long period of time at least and drops into a deep trance easily.) Also, if you notice in the video, the girl watching says "no". Hypnosis can't turn an unwilling subject into a sex slave. At best that video with in the video is fap material.