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Is it forbidden to ask a script of a pay file ?

PostPosted: January 8th, 2012, 6:44 am
by french-hypnotist
Hello, everyone.

Is it possible to ask a script of a pay file ? Bc, I would like to have the script of EMG's Curse Man clit ( ), but the script isn't available without paying the entire file, so if someone has it, can he share it ?

Thank you, and sorry if i don't speak english very well, i'm french (i think you understood it with my username...)

Hmmmm, no.

PostPosted: January 8th, 2012, 8:57 am
by Calimore
Sharing files can result in a user's ban but hypnotists have been known to share scripts professionally(and not). While I believe sharing files is basically disallowed here, have you tried PMing to EMG directly and asking if he's willing to share the script with you? One never knows - he might be feeling charitable. Otherwise, consider helping the board out and purchasing the file.