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Nail Polish-New Topic-Help!

PostPosted: January 21st, 2012, 12:21 am
by NhNails

Hey Everybody,

I truly appreciate this website and already Ive benefited from so much information.
I do however have one situation that I repeatedly run up against a wall with and have so much apprehension over.
I have a true nail fetish and am in the closet over it all and want to break out.
I have a fascination for nails, the shape the length, a perfect manicure and pedicure and buff +/or shine from polish.
However, Im a guy. All-guy. Not fem. Not into "dressing" or cd stuff.
I simply agonize over my fears of having beautiful nails and wearing polish(clear mostly).
So, advice anyone?
Any direction anyone can offer up?
I dont really see this as "feminization"...just overcoming a paralyzing fear.
Any help is appreciated....
Thank you!

PostPosted: January 23rd, 2012, 8:33 am
by pennyT
Oh honey, I say put some nice pretty pink polish on, but you know it will look sorta silly without some pretty silky clothes, and some lipstick and eyeshadow, mascara an stuff too. I bet once you start feeling how totally awesome it is to be feminine stuff will like all start to fall in place for you! Like OMG, being a pretty girl is like sooo much better than being a yucky guy.



PostPosted: January 30th, 2012, 4:23 am
by nishacutie
Try getting a professional manicure and buffing. Guys get that these days.

PostPosted: January 30th, 2012, 9:23 am
by lisacd20
accually yeah i know alot of women who do that kinda stuff proessionally, and they have no problem with it, accually a women will definatly notice your nice nails and complient you on them. Its totally acceptable now.

PostPosted: March 21st, 2012, 12:34 am
by KimLynn
It is a very common thing for guys now. They also get there brows shaped... Nice clean nails that look good can be exciting for some women to see.

Want to try something intreasting. Go get 2 bottle of polish at the store. One clear and one red. Put 2 or 3 drops of the red in the clear and put the top back on and shake well. Make sure to get the same brand becuase some brands dont mix. It will have just the slightest color. People really dont notice unless you are shoving your hands in there faces all the time.

I see that many of the exicutives have theirs done.

PostPosted: March 21st, 2012, 8:10 am
by NhNails
KimLynn wrote:It is a very common thing for guys now. They also get there brows shaped... Nice clean nails that look good can be exciting for some women to see.

Want to try something intreasting. Go get 2 bottle of polish at the store. One clear and one red. Put 2 or 3 drops of the red in the clear and put the top back on and shake well. Make sure to get the same brand becuase some brands dont mix. It will have just the slightest color. People really dont notice unless you are shoving your hands in there faces all the time.

I see that many of the exicutives have theirs done.

Hey there,
Thank you for your positive reinforcement...
Much appreciated!

PostPosted: March 25th, 2012, 5:09 pm
by KimLynn
Another thing for you to play with. Make sure you have nail polish remover or Aceatone you can get at the lumber yard. You may want to paint your nails for a while or toe nails becuase they will not be sceen at work.

Here is the trick if you are going to wear any dark color. IE Red, Black... The polish can stain your nails. So put on a coat of topcoat or clear coat first. It may pay to go ahead and go a little over onto the skin. After that is dry for an hr or so you paint the color on over them. Let it dry really good between coats or it will never dry. Im sure you know and have done your home work there LOL. When you take the polish off the clear has protected your nails and they are not stained. If there were any scratches the clear filled them in first so the color comes off.

Now you may have said oops. My nails are stained because I did not do that. Soke them in vinager and it will get the color off. I have not done that so I cant tell you how long. , but many tells me it works.

Oh I did stain my toes with red polish but being full time I just let it wear off LOL.

PostPosted: March 26th, 2012, 9:39 am
by NhNails
Hello there,
Thanks once again for your suggestions and positive attitude.
I really am feeling encouraged to persue my nail fetish interests in a public way...
Thanks again everyone!

KimLynn wrote:Another thing for you to play with. Make sure you have nail polish remover or Aceatone you can get at the lumber yard. You may want to paint your nails for a while or toe nails becuase they will not be sceen at work.

Here is the trick if you are going to wear any dark color. IE Red, Black... The polish can stain your nails. So put on a coat of topcoat or clear coat first. It may pay to go ahead and go a little over onto the skin. After that is dry for an hr or so you paint the color on over them. Let it dry really good between coats or it will never dry. Im sure you know and have done your home work there LOL. When you take the polish off the clear has protected your nails and they are not stained. If there were any scratches the clear filled them in first so the color comes off.

Now you may have said oops. My nails are stained because I did not do that. Soke them in vinager and it will get the color off. I have not done that so I cant tell you how long. , but many tells me it works.

Oh I did stain my toes with red polish but being full time I just let it wear off LOL.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2012, 10:51 am
by Kimber1
Hmmm. I recommend that you email EMG and say you will join premium in exchange for an archived copy of Catgirl's sissy nails file. Thanks to those files I now enjoy taking care of my hands and nails. Rubbing lotion into the cuticles. Shaping. Doing what I can to have nice looking hands. Every minute of the process is total joy.

Also, I recommend losing weight, which will make your fingers appear thinner, which provides the appearance of length. Also if you let your nails grow, just a bit over the edge of the tip of your finger, and shape the tips nicely, that also adds to the appearance of length.

There may be other files relating to nails, but I can't remember. Either way, you are in the right place, and I am sure you will find something here that will help you.