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Going to begin use of Female Takeover

PostPosted: March 17th, 2012, 1:44 pm
by Solarly
I am going to begin use of the file "Curse Female Takeover"; I plan to use the file atleast once a day. After each listening I will give a journal entry of how I feel after use of the file; if I do indeed get a strong enough alternate personality, she will begin to write them as well. I will give it my first listen today and write me entry afterwards.

PostPosted: March 17th, 2012, 7:33 pm
by Solarly
After my first listen, not alot seemed to happened; I felt very relaxed as is typical when out of trance, and I don't really feel like much has happened. I believe I will give this file another listen as I go to bed and will post again tomorrow morning.
As a side note, I felt some strange sensation in my head as I came out of trance.

PostPosted: March 17th, 2012, 7:35 pm
by El_Jugador
Try listening two or more times a day for better results.

PostPosted: March 17th, 2012, 7:38 pm
by Solarly
I think I shall do that; once in the middle of the day and once before I go to bed.

PostPosted: March 17th, 2012, 7:48 pm
by Guuliar
A panic button got hit for me and survival instinct broke me out of trance. Then I couldn't sleep right and I kept having out of body experiences throughout the night. Nothing happened when I woke up.

PostPosted: March 17th, 2012, 7:55 pm
by Solarly
Guuliar wrote:A panic button got hit for me and survival instinct broke me out of trance. Then I couldn't sleep right and I kept having out of body experiences throughout the night. Nothing happened when I woke up.

That happens to me alot; you just need to do best to keep yourself calm. If you feel yourself starting to panic, just take deep breaths and try to relax

PostPosted: March 17th, 2012, 8:49 pm
by Guuliar
Yeah, I know. Due to my state of awareness I can't go deep so easily so I only get to light trances. Although, I know hypnosis does work on me. Some files have had some pretty good effects on me so far :) I'll see what I can do here though.

PostPosted: March 18th, 2012, 6:29 am
by Solarly
After waking up, I head thr faint sound of a voice "My name is Madison" I think its beginingto work; I'm a little scared but I shall continue listening

PostPosted: March 18th, 2012, 11:04 am
by Guuliar
While under I feel like my head is splitting and my whole body begins to twitch involuntarily. I'm either still hitting the panic button even while calm, or it feels like someone else is trying to learn how to move. Any voices I hear are self induced and ignorable at the moment.


PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 4:15 am
by kritikito
gurls... do you really want that???

maybe your subconsious is bloking that, because you really dont want this!!!


PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 9:13 am
by Guuliar
I do because I crave an old bond that was shared within my old mind. Thing is, if your mind disagree's with something it wont happen anyway.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 3:04 pm
by Solarly
Felt like my head was going to blow open today; all of the sudden I felt an intense pain in my head when I heard a female voice speak to me softly; I fell back, and began to feel I was losing control of my body. I pushed back, and regained control as the pain subsided; I still here soft whispers in my head. Scary, but carry on I shall.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 3:31 pm
by Guuliar
You should keep a journal of your experience like I am ^_^

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 3:51 pm
by Solarly
I shall.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 5:17 pm
by Guuliar
I noticed :) Harsh on the head splitting thing. Do you remember your sessions at all? Do you think you forgot to give her a mind of her own and she's just an angry will trying to assume control? Maybe try to talk to her more? I'm not sure if Rebecca is actually there or not or if the file is even working right now, but I talk to her whether or not she's there. Don't forget that she's only 10 right now.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 5:26 pm
by Solarly
Guuliar wrote:I noticed :) Harsh on the head splitting thing. Do you remember your sessions at all? Do you think you forgot to give her a mind of her own and she's just an angry will trying to assume control? Maybe try to talk to her more? I'm not sure if Rebecca is actually there or not or if the file is even working right now, but I talk to her whether or not she's there. Don't forget that she's only 10 right now.

I don't believe she is entirely malicious; I here some words of apology in the back of my head. Anyway, I remember bits of the file but I do not know most of it; if Madison does not yet have a true independent mind, hopefully she will soon adopt one.

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 6:30 pm
by Guuliar
Just a question how does the voice come? Like how loud?

PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 6:43 pm
by Solarly
Guuliar wrote:Just a question how does the voice come? Like how loud?

Very soft; I hear it regardless of the noise around me, but only barely.


PostPosted: March 19th, 2012, 10:41 pm
by Plaat
Wow this file really seems to be dependable on results! To start working even with the trance hiccups and such. question do you listen to anything else? If no, This may be the next file I buy. It makes me think though, could a male takeover file be made for the ladies? (hello my name is Mike) :)

PostPosted: March 20th, 2012, 1:31 am
by ztshp
No male takeover files :/ there are too many males minds in hypno anyways

PostPosted: March 20th, 2012, 8:35 am
by Guuliar
I think there should be one. Just for fair treatment. I don't care much about the balance of the group.

PostPosted: March 24th, 2012, 11:58 am
by Solarly
Madison's 11 now, and she has more power; his voice is slightly louder in the back of my head, and I feel an urge to listen to that voice. See journal for more.

PostPosted: March 24th, 2012, 12:57 pm
by Kitten85
So... a quick intro. I've been a sissy since I was 12 and have accepted and been okay with that. I recently found this place hoping to enhance my feminization. I listened to some bimbo files and found myself naming her Ashley, which is odd because my sissy name is Daphne. I listened to this file a few days ago and didn't notice anything until I was in the shower today realizing I needed some conditioner. The only one available was my sister's pink strawberry one. I reached for it for a second but then decided against it. But then... my arms got all tingly like they do when I'm in trance and I found them going towards the conditioner and I could hear another voice and I knew her name was Ashley. I could hear her for a few minutes and she basically said that we're going to have fun and she went away. But when I was drying off, thinking about what happened, my clitty got hard and she laughed at me for getting hard at the thought of what was happening. Is this what the file is supposed to do? Why did it have a delayed effect? And do people really lose control of their bodies? Kind of new here so any help would be totally appreciated. Thx!

PostPosted: March 24th, 2012, 1:00 pm
by Kitten85
As I was typing that, I heard my mind say "any help would be totally appreciated. And she put in the "Thx!". My hands were literally frozen at the keyboard deciding to put that in there and I went ahead and did it. Part of Ashley?

PostPosted: March 24th, 2012, 3:38 pm
by Guuliar
Kitten85 wrote:As I was typing that, I heard my mind say "any help would be totally appreciated. And she put in the "Thx!". My hands were literally frozen at the keyboard deciding to put that in there and I went ahead and did it. Part of Ashley?

Yes loss of control and self is possible through that file. We've had one case of someone completely loosing it on the forums as well as someone coming close. Any resistance by both parties could be dangerous and potentially harmful to both parties. It isn't recommended that people with no experience with inner voices listen to this file. Mutually assured agreement and ownership of the body is advisable. If consensus is not possible, it is recommended you buy the delete file. I hope this assistance was helpful. ^_^

Guuliar / Rebecca

If you seek any further assistance please private message me or seek professional help.

PS. Yes I did on purpose (and it was awesome!!)

PostPosted: March 25th, 2012, 4:21 am
by someonelse
Kitten85 wrote:It isn't recommended that people with no experience with inner voices listen to this file.

So what would you recommend as a starting point?

PostPosted: March 25th, 2012, 9:54 am
by Guuliar
It's a joke, but a serious one. I'd recommend trying to figure out how another voice in your head would act. Try to change your own perspectives to that of another trapped. It'll help you understand more about what the new personality or perspective will want and makes it a lot easier to communicate and coexist with it.

PostPosted: March 26th, 2012, 2:27 pm
by carlton2011
Is this file really as effective as most of you seem to make out? I haven't actually seriously listened to a file on this site yet, and probably won't do for some time. I have listened to them casually but not enough to make a routine or to have them on a loop, I'm not determined to make them work for me just yet, I feel fine as I am, it's just the topic that interests me (slippery slope, I know).

However it seems for a lot of you this file works first time. Unless you are all experienced in this sort of thing and listen to it over and over?

PostPosted: March 26th, 2012, 2:46 pm
by Guuliar
A lot of us listen to the file over and over. We also edit, modify and enhance the file on occasion.