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PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 4:12 am
by Linja
I was just curious...

What you men (women?) get out of feminization? I'm not judging you in any way, and won't, cos in a way it's a bit of a kink for me too, but I was wondering if anybody would be able to put into words why it's so appealing to them?

It'd be appreaciated.


PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 12:03 pm
by loadedkaos
I think for some of us we think we were born the wrong gender, others like it for humiliation because it get's them off. Personally I would consider myself along the lines of Dennis Rodman I am perfectly content being a man but I like lingerie men's and women's I'm not sure if I would attend my own wedding in a dress but I'm not into having everyone think I'm a women. For now I like being a man who get's to indulge himself in lingerie. Don't know if that puts me into the category of feminization but I hope that helps.

PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 2:15 pm
by chuckles
For me, I just feel like a lesbian trapped in a mans body. Don't get me wrong, I love my johnson, and never ant to get rid of it. But there is a feminine part of me that wants to come out. Further more, I'm into S&M, and humiliation, and feminization is a strong humiliation for a man.

PostPosted: April 20th, 2005, 3:57 pm
by n00b
For me, I have no desire to be publically female, I have no desire to have sex with a male, but there is some curiousity. Particularly involving what certain clothing feels like.

PostPosted: April 21st, 2005, 2:11 am
by Linja
Thanks for your insight, so it's from what I've heard so far, it's kinda like an extension of the humiation fetish or a fascination for what it'd be like to be a woman, or just a plain desire to be like one. Are there any other aspects? Does anybody actually wish they could fully become a woman? And if so, would you want to have sex with men?


PostPosted: April 22nd, 2005, 1:11 pm
by jodysub
I am between male and female mentaly. I have no problems being male in any reguard, I do want to express my female side. For me it is not sexual in nature at all. I simply want to express myself and be a kind and sweet person that is frowned on by to many people. To have a large man dress up very nice and want to look pretty is not accecpted. If I am going to go through the trouble then I might as well go as far as I can and look totaly female.

Change my body? Not sure maybe some someday. I would not go all the way with it, but more in the nutral aspect to match my mind.

I do switch between the two at will, I will be more male or female depending on the situation and what is needed.

So I am a CrossDresser. Want to know more ask me, I am not afraid.

Hugs Kim Lynn


PostPosted: April 22nd, 2005, 3:01 pm
by subsue

I'm male but wish I was female, I dress as often as I can, I'm married with kids, my wife knows all about my dressing the kids don't.

If I didn't have kids I think I might hve gone in for a sex change, but the kids are more important than me, they need their Dad.

I want sex with men; to feel one penetrate me is as close as I can get to be a woman, I want to feel a woman.

My toe nails are painted I wear panties and tights to work.

I just wanna be a girl!

Re: Are there any other aspects?

PostPosted: April 24th, 2005, 1:00 pm
by Tracy
Hi Linja,

I'm a bi male that's been experimenting for awhile with transgendering and I'm going to have a feminine body. The female body is so beautiful that I want one for my own, of course I'm into the humiliation aspect of it too. The only thing is I'd like my little German soldier to still stand at attention when summoned.I'm not ready to part company with him. I saw a file called shemale in the vote portion of this site that would be more toward my longing. I am more attracted to women then men, but like sex with both and please don't judge me unless you're willing to follow through and punish me also!

PostPosted: April 26th, 2005, 2:56 am
by Linja
lol, nice answer Tracy!

I must confess that I'm kinda bi-curious. I've never actually done anything with another dude, but the thought of doing so appeals to me pretty highly. I've kissed a few guys before, but it's never actually gone anywhere, and there's been a lot of sexual tension between me and another friend of mine. I feel really wierd saying this, as I'm mostly attracted to women, and have a beautiful girlfriend who I love very much and who knows about my curiosity and likes it.

I've often been curious as to what it'd feel like to be in a woman's body, but I think I prefer my body, as I've worked hard to get it to the level it's at and I like it. I just would like to experience sex with another guy before I die. I always think you should experience most things at least once.


Re: Curious...

PostPosted: May 9th, 2005, 7:44 pm
by scottws
Linja wrote:I was just curious...

What you men (women?) get out of feminization? I'm not judging you in any way, and won't, cos in a way it's a bit of a kink for me too, but I was wondering if anybody would be able to put into words why it's so appealing to them?

It'd be appreaciated.


For me it's curiosity. How does a woman feel? If I was transformed into a fully functional woman I don't know if I'd have sex with a man (I find the female form far more appealing as a sexual partner than male.) though I might consider a shemale. Is a womans breasts and nipples more sensitive than a mans? What does a female orgasam really feel like? So reverse the question now Linja, Would you like to have a penis for a while? wouldn't you like to find out what it's like to be on the recieving end of a blowjob? :twisted:

Have fun with those thoughts.


Re: Curious...

PostPosted: May 9th, 2005, 8:30 pm
by James_WV
Linja wrote:I was just curious...

What you men (women?) get out of feminization? I'm not judging you in any way, and won't, cos in a way it's a bit of a kink for me too, but I was wondering if anybody would be able to put into words why it's so appealing to them?

It'd be appreaciated.


Like some others I'd love to know what it's like to be a woman in the ways hypnosis can accomplish:
To look at myself naked and see breasts on my chest and a vagina between my legs
To experience a monthly period, with cramps, bloating, tender breasts and an irrestible need to wear maxi pads in my panties and have to change them
To HAVE to shave my legs, wear panties, bras, stockings, makeup, perfume, etc.
To experience a female orgasm
To experience sex as a woman
To believe I am a woman - that I've never been a man
To experience a feeling of pregnancy, labor and delivery

PostPosted: July 9th, 2005, 9:39 am
by VeryGnawty
It's quite simple for me. I'm androgynous, and I pursue this course in all aspects of my life. I believe that to be...fully must accept all facets of gender, at least spiritually (if not physically).

PostPosted: July 9th, 2005, 1:39 pm
by Lobotaru
It could also be an irrational form of escapism to avoid a reality one doesn't want to deal with. In such a case its more of a very bad psychological disorder, but I'm just mentioning this for the sake of completeness.

PostPosted: July 13th, 2005, 6:29 pm
by Justine
I started crossdressing at the age of 14. Since then I've always tried to do it more and more. I've always wanted to take hormones, but I come from such a conservative community and background, that it's almost near impossible to come out of the closet. Nobody really suspects me of being what I am, although I've had various comments from women who said that I'll look good in makeup! At 24 I'm still studying, and have to make a success of my life. Most of all I can't imagine what my father will think of me!! The implications of coming out just seems so damn big. As a man I'm not gay, but my biggest dream is to be a woman and having sex with a man, but only as a woman. I've had loads of oppertunities to have sex with women, but I'm still a virgin. I want to be the woman on the receiving end. Sorry about this long post, I just needed to load it off (or some of it anyway) :P

PostPosted: August 6th, 2005, 4:57 am
by gurlbidesign
I am transgendered. I identify as female and have been on hormones for over 2 years now. While I "know" I was born this way and that Choice had nothing to do with me being a transsexual, the idea of somebody else "forcing" me to become a woman has an appeal at some level because it takes the blame away from me. So for me it isn't humiliation at all as I live full time as Christine already. There are certain files in here that Mistress would like me to take onboard as She doesn't feel that I wear heels and skirts as often as I should.


PostPosted: August 7th, 2005, 9:20 pm
by MRV35
For me it is a curiosity and a fetish at the same time. I have been a crossdresser since I was 5 years old. I want to see myself as a woman. I want to experience what it is like to be in a woman's body and for a short while believe that I was never a man. I want to experience seeing myselft with breasts and a vagina. I also want to experience a female orgasm. Though I am not curious about having sex with a guy, I am curious about being with a shemale. My feeling is that I love women and their bodies so much that I want to be like them.

PostPosted: November 5th, 2011, 6:40 pm
by bandler
gurlbidesign wrote:I am transgendered. I identify as female and have been on hormones for over 2 years now. While I "know" I was born this way and that Choice had nothing to do with me being a transsexual, the idea of somebody else "forcing" me to become a woman has an appeal at some level because it takes the blame away from me. So for me it isn't humiliation at all as I live full time as Christine already. There are certain files in here that Mistress would like me to take onboard as She doesn't feel that I wear heels and skirts as often as I should.

How are things going today?

Re: Curious...

PostPosted: November 5th, 2011, 7:32 pm
by winbb2
Linja wrote:I was just curious...

What you men (women?) get out of feminization? I'm not judging you in any way, and won't, cos in a way it's a bit of a kink for me too, but I was wondering if anybody would be able to put into words why it's so appealing to them?

It'd be appreaciated.


For me it has always been a turn on to think I could be morphed into a woman and see and feel a female body, and eventually believe I was a woman for a short time. Like others have said before it would be great to feel breasts and a vagina and to dress in woman's clothing. I have always hoped I could be hypnotized to experience the fantasy!

PostPosted: November 5th, 2011, 9:21 pm
by jcdps
For me I've never been gay but I still enjoy it.

I guess it's the exciting, unknown, thing I would never do.

It's like getting a dare I guess?