Files by MzDominica

Recently there have been a few of her files posted by various users, this is with her permission as she posted this in her yahoo group:
WMM values and does it's best to protect the copyright of every online hypnotist but as this individual has posted that their content is free to post I am allowing it. Should they come out of retirement and request it be pulled I will do so immediately.
The Word of Dominica: Globe Trotting
Social [MzDominica] <> Jan 8 at 3:02 PM
Message body
Dear Beloved Hypno slaves,
Just a quick note to let you all know I am well and happy. My time is being spent cruising the globe on mega ships and one port at a time exploring the world. When home I'm enjoying pottery and stained glass projects I never had time for while working.
I will always be grateful to you slaves for enabling Me to support My family while doing what I loved. Retirement at 46 is rare and sweet to experience. I'm enjoying life as it is right now so I'm not currently looking to return to the hypnosis or bd/sm realm.
I want you all to find someone to serve! It's NOT ABOUT YOU!!! service is about you enjoying giving them their way and your power. All too often in the hypno side of things here it is about the Doms TAKING it from you, in bd/sm that's actually a no/no. Try giving with a true slaves heart without the worry of who is going to fit your checklist! So perhaps you will find a new owner if you have not yet.
Don't wait for Me!!! I'm enjoying life on my own terms so carry on and don't waste a day you could be enjoying. When I return I will start over as I have many times before with no problem. Let go of Me, and latch onto one of the Ladies still working! They have family's to raise and lives to live and need your devotion, work, money, and time.
I am also fine with you all sharing my recordings with each other and newbies too. Getting people into hypno bd/sm will increase the ranks of this venue and ultimately bring more money to the Doms still working in this arena.
Help the industry suck in newbies so the people currently working can continue to do so. I love this crazy group of freaks!!! Keep the ball rolling cuz it's worth the effort.
WMM values and does it's best to protect the copyright of every online hypnotist but as this individual has posted that their content is free to post I am allowing it. Should they come out of retirement and request it be pulled I will do so immediately.