I'm growing disheartened...

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I'm growing disheartened...

Postby devonimp » December 27th, 2005, 10:49 am

I KNOW that hypnosis works, because I have a friend I can trigger with a suggestion similar to the enchanted keyboard curse. I know I can go into trance, because I've done it before. I know its having an effect on me because I've gone from dreaming like.. once a year to every night, infallably.

However, here is the part that is beginning to trouble me.
I seem to have run straight into a brick wall. About a week ago I found an effective way to go into trance. I get comfy, count down from 50 slowly, then try to blank out my mind while I listen to the confusion induction, then deepening. I went under by the end of the deepening's induction. Ever since then... I've found myself... less and less able to get to that level of relaxation or trance, until this point where no matter what I cannot seem to attain the level of trance I was experiencing two weeks ago, which was half what I did after the process I just described.

Does anyone have any advice, tips, reasons or experiences to share? Feel free to PM me if you prefer.
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Joined: October 24th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby jun » December 27th, 2005, 1:19 pm

Stress and/or change in daily habits? (New job, different eating/sleeping habits?)

Maybe seeing a slight hiccup in your performance caused you to think about it more which caused it to get worse.

I'm a newbie, and don't really know what's what... but if I had a similar problem those are the things I'd first think it could be.

I'm interested in knowing the outcome as well... and just reading how you go into trance has inspired me to try a new way of achieving it. Thanks. ^^
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Postby aeroue » December 27th, 2005, 5:14 pm

It may be because you are overly expectant and trying to attain exactly that which you may have just been lucky to attain before.

It could just be me but the level of trance I can attain varies a lot, one night it may be great others not so.

Also, I may be wrong but with hypnosis I have always thought blanking your mind is not the most important thing and is hard, it also requires focus. Instead of trying to keep your mind blank either just listening or repeating the words in your head may help.

However I expect other more knowledgable people may be able to give better answers than me.
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Postby devonimp » December 28th, 2005, 1:22 am

Well no new developments yet... tho I'm going to try re-recording the custom suggestion file <Since there is considerable background static when it starts> as well as make an attempt to record the other files I use in my own voice. A question tho.

My MP3 player, the device I use to listen to the files, has a timer on it, where I can set an alarm to begin playing a preset playlist at a specific time.

Does anyone think it may be effective to program it to start after I should have fallen asleep? Since I never have had much luck trying to fall asleep while listening.

P.S. Oh yes. And you are quite welcome Jun. The advice I had followed which led me to that method was "Don't make it happen, let it happen"
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Postby cardigan » December 28th, 2005, 1:59 am

While the experience of going so deep that you experience a "black-out" during trance is very cool, it has almost no significance with respect to the results that you can accomplish. Even a light trance, where you feel you are present for the whole time can yield terriffic results.

So you should try focussing on the objective of you trance - not how that trance feels. Just relax, listen to the recording and let the change happen. Chances are, that the more you relax and the less you care about trance depth, the deeper you will be able to go. Just be indifferent about it.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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