Curse Forced Lesbian

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby suspicioussteven93 » September 18th, 2023, 5:02 pm

It sounds like the file is having quite the effect on you. How often are you listening to it at this point?
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby Glasnerven » September 18th, 2023, 5:46 pm

Thank you for sharing this with us, by the way--this is a very enjoyable read!
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby midwestcuriousm » September 21st, 2023, 4:58 am

@Aisakicha - I have to agree it is enjoyable seeing your updates and thoughts as you continue with this and from @anna_bleu as well, and it does sound like the file is continuing to work on you. I'm not sure I'd say you're necessarily objectifying women, or anything negative like that... What you're describing seems more like you're just finding things attractive and arousing which definitely isn't a bad thing - we all have those things we find attractive in other people, and after all that's what draws different people together. So, just keep going with it since it seems you're continuing to enjoy it!
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby spiraljockey » October 14th, 2023, 6:50 pm

Any updates on your progress, Aisakicha and Anne_Bleu?

I have been following this thread with quite some interest for the last two months. I am curious where y'all are at in the process?
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby Aisakicha » November 19th, 2023, 7:31 pm

My life got too busy do do much of anything really, so I haven't been listening to it for a while. But, I did have a shift recently where I was working closely with a specific coworker that I've been fond of, and as we were walking around the store together, I kind of got... Stuck watching her ass as she walked ahead. So, I guess it hasn't exactly worn off at least? My eyes definitely still want to go to certain places.

Hopefully life calms down to the point of me being able to continue it, because I'm kind of craving it?
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby suspicioussteven93 » November 21st, 2023, 11:31 pm

Cool to hear that the files are still having an effect even when you haven't been able to be as active with them. Hopefully life will slow down for you soon.
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby spiraljockey » November 23rd, 2023, 3:05 pm

Wow! That is amazing. The suggestions must have really sunk deep into your subconscious for the effects to still be present after several months. You could try listening to it during this Thanksgiving Break. My sensei in hypnosis actually does 8 hour sessions to really have the changes set in the person. You could try listening to the file for 8 straight hours with some breaks in between to use the bathroom or eat. A person who has been hypnotized is more suggestible for several hours after trance. Hypnosis is especially effective if a pleasurable element is introduced to go through inherent resistance. Have you tried any of the Girlcrush or Lesbian Hypno Gooning files out there? Some women find them especially effective and they are relatively short at 5-10 minutes long.

Three questions: do you use it with a spiral/eye fixation aid, or do you use it without one?
How is the feeling of having your sexuality change in such a short period of time? Is the craving to listen playing a big role in that?
Have you watched any porn in which the characters are hypnotized to be lesbians like Mind Control Theater's "Spiral Bound"?
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby Aisakicha » November 24th, 2023, 3:11 pm

Habits kind of sink in, I guess!

But sorry, @spiraljockey. While your recommendation for "Thanksgiving Break" sounds nice, despite being American, the break part doesn't exist for me, I'm not wealthy enough for that. I have looked at a few different files back when I was listening that seemed interesting and related, but I don't remember names for them at this point. There was a "pussy fixation" one that seemed interesting at least. This "Girlcrush" one you mentioned sounds interesting though!

For the questions
I basically just lay in bed with the lights off for it.
Like, going from ace, it's kind of just an... extra thing about my day I guess? It's definitely been a bit distracting, although definitely less so as of late. The craving to listen always felt separate and unrelated though.
Um, I'll answer that with a maybe I guess? I might have seen some things when I was in high school or something. Although, the "porn" that I'd look at for hypnosis was not the sort of porn you're talking about. Like, drawings or especially stories so I could try and get to the proper mindstate to like, actually get anything out of it.
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby spiraljockey » November 28th, 2023, 2:46 am

I am sorry to hear that you could not enjoy Thanksgiving, hopefully Christmas-New Years' will be better. Thank you for answering all my questions, these were some questions on my mind over the last couple of weeks. I have listened to the CFL file multiple times and as a straight male, it actually has increased my physical attraction in women. Beforehand, I made some hypno hentai on DeviantArt and other sites a couple years back. But now, I am eying women up and down, which I subscribe to the objectification suggestions. Particularly, women's butts have become a big draw for me when before, I never really noticed a woman's rear nor cared about it much. It was such an apathy for girls' butts that I spent the last twenty years trying to figure out why other guys were obsessed with them. Now, it is kind of like, I get it too.

I will never listen to CFG or any such files for a litany of reasons. So this is the only file of that sort that I actually listen to. I listen to it in a similar manner to you without using a spiral, but I find that a spiral without changing subliminals or themes is boring for me and takes me right out of trance.

Here are some links to some alternate lesbian hypnosis files that you might enjoy: (Lesbian Awakening Hypnosis) ... 10605.html (Girlcrush) ... 16411.html (Girlcrush 2) ... 18381.html (Girlcrush 3) ... 24708.html (Focus - Girlcrush 4) ... 32206.html (Girlcrush 5) - Similar to CFL, but more focused on submitting to a lesbian hypnotic mistress. ... -2572.html (Slave to Lesbian Hypnosis) - This one I recommend with an induction file played before hand as there is no induction. ... 38310.html (Lesbian Shame Trainer) ... 49097.html (short 3 minute video) - note: there is an MTF person towards the end of that video (Most similar to CFL) ... 33205.html (Mindwash's long induction - 7 min if you need one)

The Girlcrush videos are all 10 minutes or less. The other two are half an hour each.

Keep us posted on your progress, @Aisakicha!
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby Aisakicha » November 30th, 2023, 12:24 am

Oh, it's kind of funny that the suggestion about butts hit you so strongly too @spiraljockey! From what I remember, that was kind of an aside in the file. And wow, something that apparently also hasn't really faded is typing about the experiences with this file for this thread gets those thoughts in my head and it turns me on. Although, in terms of arousal, I do feel like that has been something that's faded a bit. Like, my eyes like to wander still, but I don't get horny over it (at least, not nearly as much) and my mind doesn't wander as much either. Though, it still does from time to time.

I have the apartment to myself tomorrow over my day off, so I think I'll try one of those girlcrush ones, in addition to just CFL again!
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby ayushiest » January 20th, 2024, 3:14 am

Amazing your journey. thanks for sharing.
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby deathguard » April 5th, 2024, 5:23 pm

Hello, it's been a few months now. I'm very curious. do you have any more updates on the file you're listening to? Last time person sent you some other hypnotic files that were related to making someone a lesbian? Did you try those as well? I'm curious to know if you've had any more success.
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby spiraljockey » April 8th, 2024, 8:37 pm

I am interested too on an update. I am wondering if those files were of any help.

Over the last couple of months, I have been learning hypnosis as well as about subliminals. In fact, I am helping a guy with his wife, who has some social hangups about threesomes. We are using a subliminal track for her to listen to since she does not like hypnosis. If it goes well, I can make a lesbian subliminal + an audiovisual file.
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby Aisakicha » April 25th, 2024, 6:38 pm

Sorry everyone, I logged in I think a few weeks ago at this point to do an update of what little there is but life got away from me some more. I've not had time for anything, I haven't been able to listen to the file more, nor any of the others really, even though I have wanted to.

However, it has been a very sticky file, for what it's worth. The "forced" word in the title feels... Exceptionally accurate, or at least it did particularly. The fantasies at this point have gotten quieter, but at the height of it, I really didn't have any control over them at the time. I just had to have those thoughts, and those thoughts were (and still are) arousing, which I think was a positive feedback loop. Some things became habit, like as the whether is getting warmer again finally, my eyes are wandering a lot and I cannot help it. I don't get horny from just looking anymore, but I do still deeply appreciate the female form. I haven't been able to act on it, but I do have a desire to, so maybe "success" on the losing the asexuality thing?

There has also been a very big, unexpected thing to stick with me from it. I have a deep feel of, "women should be lesbian." I think there might have been something in the file about listening to the file with other women, but it's been so long I don't remember exactly.
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby suspicioussteven93 » May 1st, 2024, 4:14 pm

Thanks for writing the update. It's interesting to hear how well the suggestions have stuck even when you haven't been able to keep listening. Hopefully you'll have a chance to listen more soon.
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Re: Curse Forced Lesbian

Postby deathguard » July 4th, 2024, 10:17 am

Thought I'd comment on this thread again. I wanted to mention to you that changing sexuality is indeed possible and can work. I've done it before, I use to be straight and became bisexual. If you wanted to know why I wanted it, the reason is because when I was straight I only liked dating tomboyish women. I did like regular feminine women as well, however I didn't enjoy dating them as I didn't like how complicated women were. I could barely relate to them and most of the time it felt like a chore to me. I wanted to be into men, but also didn't want to lose my heterosexuality either as explaining to my family that I'm gay would be weird to explain since I've shown I like women in the past. I also wanted to keep it in case I wanted a reason to go back to women someday, which I doubt I will. I'm enjoying men too much. lol

Anyway, if you want to become a lesbian you'll need a really skilled hypnotist to do this. like, REALLY skilled. Not many hypnotists can pull it off but it is possible. Some random file on the internet is not going to be very effective. it's the reason I didn't use curse forced bisexual.

Anyway, If you really want this, you need a good reason for it. why do you want to be a lesbian? You can't just go up to some hypnotist and say "I want to be a lesbian" and that's it, no etchical hypnotist will do it unless you have a good reason for it. I stated my reasons above and that was considered a good reason for the hypnotist I met online. What do you want your future to look like? what type of relationships do you want to have? Do you want kids? A family? What type of life do you want to live? These type of questions will get asked. It helps to have a idea of what you want as well, it makes hypnosis more effective. Another reason you need to know what you want is because if you do change your sexuality using hypnosis it will be permanent. There is no way to go back to how you use to be if you do change it. The reason for this is that the hypnotic suggestions need to be ones that are permanent otherwise your brain will rewire itself back to being what it use to be on it's own.

I would also suggest reading about the differences of what it's like dating a man and dating a women to make a informed choice of what you want. That way you can know for sure it's what you want. Don't just make a decision for the hell of it. make sure it is absolutely 100% what you want otherwise you might regret it.

As for me I haven't dated any men yet, I've been having fun doing allot of casual sex lately which I didn't get much of when I was straight as women can be picky. I do want to settle down with someone eventually though. Good luck to you.
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