ViVe's Dumbing Down series

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby roxidenied » June 12th, 2022, 3:01 pm

I am like soooo sorry I havent given an update. I have gone thru file 1 the ten Tines and am just starting number 2. So I have not had alot of stuff happen that ice noticed but there are some things.
Every time i listen it is grtting a bit harder tp cum. Likr the first listen i come about half way thru but now I have to listen like 3 or 4 Tines through to cum. Im having more typos than I used to. Even now ive had to go back and fiz a bunch and I still have missed sum.
I also notice i am always wet and horny. Like crazy horny lately. I have fallin asleep a few times while its playing and when I wake up my mind feels super slow. Like sludgy and like how ypu walk through water but with ny thoughts. Ive also had s few times where im edgingand not listening to it and I have started repesting "mindless bliss" while I touch myself. It is so hot.
I am so excited seeing all thr typos im making! I love the floaty slow feeling after listening. :) i csnt wait to see how dumb i get!!! Yay!!!!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby thoughtcow » June 13th, 2022, 9:31 am

Psychogopher wrote:thoughtcow, what do you want to talk about, in regards to the files and dumbing down?

I want to push their limits so they're very potent!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby aurorarose » June 20th, 2022, 9:51 pm

the typoes are like the best part its like so much fun to see that like change and then more pple think youre dumb and its great im glad youre having fun with the ifles!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby znuidn » June 21st, 2022, 1:54 am

I'm going to start using this file, anyone have tips?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby aurorarose » June 21st, 2022, 2:13 pm

follow what the file says
make sure you cum enuf times
it gets easier the more you do
just keep at it
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby znuidn » June 21st, 2022, 3:33 pm

Okay, I started. I have used them a little on and off but I dont think I did enough times. Will try and update.

So far it feels really good, I'm excited!!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby johnturtle » September 26th, 2022, 9:43 am

tiffanytrance wrote:
johnturtle wrote:Any updates, Tiffany? Have you continued with the hypnosis?

:D heyyy john thanks 4 asking ! yes i have kept doing the hypno i honestly dont remember where i was the last time i posted here soooo like let me try 2 explain ... i have completed dumbing down once fully only skipping the porn addiction and loss of reading files, i also skipped all the lite versions bcz i like the way the normal edits make me feel so like :roll: i am about 2 compleet my 2nd run thru the series as ill b starting file 10 - simple language 2nite !! i have also been doing vives bimbo pride series when i feel like i need it and ive finished that one several times as welll.

doing the series has def had an effect on my everyday life like sometimes im shocked at how like hella dumb i can b now lol :shock: :lol: it was def worth tho i really love how i feel now !!

ive been keeping a spreadsheet tracking my results on a few diff free iq tests since i started the series. before i started the series my average results were 120. today it was 55 !! :shock: :o in some cases these are literally the same test lol omg but im like totes serious when i say that i legit have no clue how i got a 120 on these tests a year ago but like lol apparently i did LOL

Hi Tiffany, it's time to let us know how you are getting on. What's the dumbest thing you've done recently?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Shadow78 » February 2nd, 2023, 2:08 am

I keep re-reading this thread and it makes me want to take the plunge.

I'm far too smart for my own good. So much easier to give it all away, maybe? It's very tempting. Reading back, other femmes in this thread seem to love it.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby CollieGuy924 » February 5th, 2023, 11:17 pm

You should! Why be smart when you could be dumb?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Shadow78 » February 7th, 2023, 6:27 am

I'm giving it serious thought. I'm starting with a 137 IQ. Just thinking about that number slowly falling is giving my goosebumps.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby psychoblue7 » February 7th, 2023, 12:15 pm

considering trying this one day
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby CollieGuy924 » February 7th, 2023, 5:35 pm

Yes, I particularly like the thought of understanding less and less everyday until, eventually, the only thing that makes any sense at all is the burning lust between one's legs and the vague recollection of how they were once able to do...well, anything other than fap, eat, and sleep.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby bedrockharvester » June 14th, 2023, 8:21 am

So I have been lurking on this series for a while now and a few weeks ago I decided to take the plunge. But due to my circumstances I can't afford to be dumb in general so I have just been listening to the math one. I have gone from being able to do calculus mostly in my head to now struggling with multiplication above 10x10, nearly any division and also having doubts with subtraction. I am hoping to get to the point of just being able to count by 1s and 2s. I even already have someone to manage my funds so that my bills still get paid on time.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Maleko7 » June 16th, 2023, 12:14 am

bedrockharvester wrote:I am hoping to get to the point of just being able to count by 1s and 2s.

Sometimes for me, counting by 1's and 2's is like calculus!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby roxidenied » July 4th, 2023, 3:14 am

so like um hi! ive dun this files before and i notised 2 things after not lisning for anlong time. 1. i suck st typing. like super suxk. i also have a really hard time spelling. used to be good st it. i gave up on big wokrds cause they suxk to soell. 2. i usednto read big books all the time. i havent read a book in over. year. like not read st all. i triedbto read a book about henry 8th andaftwe a page or two my hed hurt likenso bad. so I just likebstopped reading.

so i also took a iq test before and it was like 120s and i just took one amd it was 101. and i tried like soo hard. how sexy!!!?!?! gonna start again from file 1 and gonna write about it. but yea i csnt wait tonbe just a dum horny slut all the time!!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby tiffanytrance » August 22nd, 2023, 8:54 pm

Hey. everyonw! Sorry it has been a long time since my last post hehe Funny story Ive tried to login and update several times since Ive been gone but I totally forgot my login info until todays attempt! LOL anyways I actually stopped listening to the files since my last update and since then Ive started to get my smarts back mostly. Looking back over my last few posts my typing was getting so bad :lol: :oops: lol but its goten better now as you can see. Lingering effects that I still notice from the files: sometimes i really struggle with spelling big words and eventually I just have to give up and spell it like it sounds. I guess I probabaly try to avoid big words more because of that. The only other noticable effect I still have is that my iq scores have never recovered. I really thought that after all this time i would be able to do better on those, but no matter how hard i try I cant get above like a 78 on any of the free tests Ive taken. Sometimes I think I do really good, but still always below average. I know those free tests are pretty lol anyways, but I used to score 120 easily before I did this. :shock: aparantly I am proof that the files work yall lol :D
I went from shy nerd to goth bimbo irl! I don't correct any typos. Have my posts got dumber?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Aisakicha » August 22nd, 2023, 11:15 pm

Wow Tiffany! It's been over a year then, and like... While your typing is better for sure, but still just riddled with typos. Are you happy with recovering? Or do you miss listening to them?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby tiffanytrance » August 23rd, 2023, 4:35 pm

Aisakicha wrote:Wow Tiffany! It's been over a year then, and like... While your typing is better for sure, but still just riddled with typos. Are you happy with recovering? Or do you miss listening to them?

haha yeah like lookin over what I wrote yesterday is surprising becauze I really rhought when I rote it that my grammer and stuff was really good but today I can see how silly that was LOL :lol: I remember I used to be really eloqent when I wrote stuff but I guess that time has past haha. Anyways besides those times when I would try to login here or think to test my iq I didnt really think abut the files to much honestly. but now Im here im kinda starting to wanna listen to them again hehe :twisted: I do definately miss it actually...
I went from shy nerd to goth bimbo irl! I don't correct any typos. Have my posts got dumber?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Psychogopher » August 23rd, 2023, 4:49 pm

tiffany, how has the rest of your bimbofication been going? What other files have you been listening to?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby tiffanytrance » August 23rd, 2023, 5:08 pm

Psychogopher wrote:tiffany, how has the rest of your bimbofication been going? What other files have you been listening to?

I havent really messed with any hypno files since I stopped before but like I know I did listen to vives bimbo pride series a few times back then. I went thru like a whole pink everything phase and all that but honestly since then Ive kinda fell off that and went back to my gothy roots. I guess Ive kept my wardrobe pretty slutty still though and like am kinda doing the goth bimbo thing now hehe so those files to have had a lasting impact on me I guess.
I went from shy nerd to goth bimbo irl! I don't correct any typos. Have my posts got dumber?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Psychogopher » August 23rd, 2023, 8:40 pm

Nothing wrong with a goth bimbo.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby tiffanytrance » August 23rd, 2023, 8:50 pm

Going back and rereading the thread I saw a few questions that I missed asking about how my daily life / job has been changed by the files and I relized Ive actually ha some stuff to share about that! When I first started lstening to the files I had been working for several years in data entry, not exciting but also not very hard honestly, and other then needing to focus alot more to get through my work, I didnt really feel like it was effected by the files very much. I definately got alot slower but I still felt like I was doing okay or whatever. like mostly copying stuff is alot eazier then writing my own stuff I guess is what I thought. Anyways while I was away from the forum I actually did get fired from that job LOL but i really didnt think to much about it at the time because it was boring anyway to be honest :lol: Im very lucky to have a spouse that is able to support us both so after that I just desided to focus on being a housewife insted. Recently though Ive been wanting to do a bit more and so Ive been getting everything together to start making my own spicy content online! Im pretty excited about that and so is my spouse LOL anyways it wasnt really until I was answering the queston about the bimbofication files I listened to that I thoght that could be another change that I didnt really notice at first. so I guess honestly my life changed alot from listening to these files really when you look at it :shock:
I went from shy nerd to goth bimbo irl! I don't correct any typos. Have my posts got dumber?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby tiffanytrance » August 26th, 2023, 11:29 pm

I wish this thread was more active again. I was reading thru the old posts again and Im sad :( I missed the thread when it was most active but Im really happy I can add my expeerinces to it anyways :) I remember the first time I read thru the thread I wondered if any of it was really real or not and now maybe someone will read my posts when they try to deside if they wanna risk it LOL thats really hot actuallly :P

Ive made a few blog posts about my journey I dont know how to link them here but I wanted to mention it incase anyone is interested and didnt see that! Ill probabely keep updating there mostly so I dont like spam here but ill be lurking so dont be scared to chat with me!! ;)

Anyone else listening to these files? Come join the dumb bimbo club I promise its fun!! :twisted: :D
I went from shy nerd to goth bimbo irl! I don't correct any typos. Have my posts got dumber?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby Psychogopher » August 27th, 2023, 5:32 am

I have enjoyed reading your experiences and your journal, tiffany. Nice to see someone embrace their true self.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby johnturtle » August 27th, 2023, 4:59 pm

tiffanytrance wrote:I wish this thread was more active again. I was reading thru the old posts again and Im sad :( I missed the thread when it was most active but Im really happy I can add my expeerinces to it anyways :) I remember the first time I read thru the thread I wondered if any of it was really real or not and now maybe someone will read my posts when they try to deside if they wanna risk it LOL thats really hot actuallly :P

Ive made a few blog posts about my journey I dont know how to link them here but I wanted to mention it incase anyone is interested and didnt see that! Ill probabely keep updating there mostly so I dont like spam here but ill be lurking so dont be scared to chat with me!! ;)

Anyone else listening to these files? Come join the dumb bimbo club I promise its fun!! :twisted: :D

Hi Tiffany. Your posts are the best bimbofication journal that I've seen in years, so it's really good to see you around again. Welcome back!

You should definitely go through the Dumbing Down and Bimbo Pride series again on headphones. I also want you to find an opportunity to do them while dressed as and looking like your new identity: A sexy bodystocking for the evening, or a vinyl mini-dress with a push-up bra, heels and full makeup with fake lashes at other times.

(E.g. ... 28.JPG?c=2).

Two simple things to start off with are a) an edging routine and b) a clitoris hood piercing. These will keep your horniness up and reprogram you to think of yourself as exclusively sexual, from which much of the rest of bimbo behaviour comes naturally.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby tiffanytrance » August 27th, 2023, 9:32 pm

johnturtle wrote:Hi Tiffany. Your posts are the best bimbofication journal that I've seen in years, so it's really good to see you around again. Welcome back!

You should definitely go through the Dumbing Down and Bimbo Pride series again on headphones. I also want you to find an opportunity to do them while dressed as and looking like your new identity: A sexy bodystocking for the evening, or a vinyl mini-dress with a push-up bra, heels and full makeup with fake lashes at other times.

(E.g. ... 28.JPG?c=2).

Two simple things to start off with are a) an edging routine and b) a clitoris hood piercing. These will keep your horniness up and reprogram you to think of yourself as exclusively sexual, from which much of the rest of bimbo behaviour comes naturally.

OMG hi John im really happy to hear from you again I always super enjoyed your questions! Wow youve got a hole plan for me and i think i really like it :twisted: I just got the perfect vinyl mini on my last shopping spree :D :D hehe another listem thru both series would be so fun but also like Im allredy so dumb from the last two times LOL :oops: Ive been notising all the dumb things I do alot more and its been keeping me horny like all the time so Im not sure if i could rezist the files even if i wanted to now. Maybe third times a charm? haha omg that girl in the picture is really hot I kinda hoped I was over the pink bimbo look but unnf hehe O and thats a really good idea about the edging your such a smarty haha :D

Thank you for the advice its nice to have some help with my bimbofication! And Im really glad you enjoy my posts thats really hot ;)
I went from shy nerd to goth bimbo irl! I don't correct any typos. Have my posts got dumber?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby johnturtle » August 29th, 2023, 11:45 am

tiffanytrance wrote:
johnturtle wrote:Hi Tiffany. Your posts are the best bimbofication journal that I've seen in years, so it's really good to see you around again. Welcome back!

You should definitely go through the Dumbing Down and Bimbo Pride series again on headphones. I also want you to find an opportunity to do them while dressed as and looking like your new identity: A sexy bodystocking for the evening, or a vinyl mini-dress with a push-up bra, heels and full makeup with fake lashes at other times.

(E.g. ... 28.JPG?c=2).

Two simple things to start off with are a) an edging routine and b) a clitoris hood piercing. These will keep your horniness up and reprogram you to think of yourself as exclusively sexual, from which much of the rest of bimbo behaviour comes naturally.

OMG hi John im really happy to hear from you again I always super enjoyed your questions! Wow youve got a hole plan for me and i think i really like it :twisted: I just got the perfect vinyl mini on my last shopping spree :D :D hehe another listem thru both series would be so fun but also like Im allredy so dumb from the last two times LOL :oops: Ive been notising all the dumb things I do alot more and its been keeping me horny like all the time so Im not sure if i could rezist the files even if i wanted to now. Maybe third times a charm? haha omg that girl in the picture is really hot I kinda hoped I was over the pink bimbo look but unnf hehe O and thats a really good idea about the edging your such a smarty haha :D

Thank you for the advice its nice to have some help with my bimbofication! And Im really glad you enjoy my posts thats really hot ;)

Hi Tiff, you're very welcome. Saw that your best IQ score was 78, which is too high! I've done bimbo training before, so I'm very familiar with the process. There are lots of lots of steps which quickly become boring and overwhelming when written out - Best to just let a smart man take care of it.

Wait until you hear about heel training, when you're only permitted to walk in heels. Otherwise, you crawl...
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby tiffanytrance » August 30th, 2023, 9:02 pm

johnturtle wrote:Hi Tiff, you're very welcome. Saw that your best IQ score was 78, which is too high! I've done bimbo training before, so I'm very familiar with the process. There are lots of lots of steps which quickly become boring and overwhelming when written out - Best to just let a smart man take care of it.

Wait until you hear about heel training, when you're only permitted to walk in heels. Otherwise, you crawl...

Sounds fun babe :twisted: I was gonnna ask what the best iq score for a bimbo is but its obviusly 69 right?? :lol: i guess ive got some training to do ;)
I went from shy nerd to goth bimbo irl! I don't correct any typos. Have my posts got dumber?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby johnturtle » August 31st, 2023, 9:10 am

tiffanytrance wrote:
johnturtle wrote:Hi Tiff, you're very welcome. Saw that your best IQ score was 78, which is too high! I've done bimbo training before, so I'm very familiar with the process. There are lots of lots of steps which quickly become boring and overwhelming when written out - Best to just let a smart man take care of it.

Wait until you hear about heel training, when you're only permitted to walk in heels. Otherwise, you crawl...

Sounds fun babe :twisted: I was gonnna ask what the best iq score for a bimbo is but its obviusly 69 right?? :lol: i guess ive got some training to do ;)

Bingo ;)
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » October 11th, 2023, 10:12 am

Vive posted on his website a New version of the dumbing down file ; it could be interesting to compare the results with the dumbing down series. I've just listened the new one but i can't say for now what are the results

I've listened it yesterday during 2 hours, and today three hours. Like the dumbing down series I previously listened during one week, I'll try this file up to next wednesday to see if I see results in the dumbing process...
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » October 12th, 2023, 1:07 am

Hi Again,
I cheated, I've also listened this morning one old file of the dumbing down series : Simple language. But for the rest of the day, i'll listen only Dumbing down 2023. I can't say exactly what, but I feel my thinking slowing down, and less wanting to read news this morning. We'll see
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » October 19th, 2023, 7:35 am

As I proposed last week, here is a lttle update of the oneweek try of the new dumbing down 2023 file of Vive. Maybe I'll pursue to listen to it.
It is quite difficult to give an objective result like for every Vive files which usually work on the long time. Nevertheless, what I remark is a propention to be less stressed in my daily life. I'm less intrested in looking at news, long movies. My mind is mayve also less in planning things. When I speak, I've more difficulties to find my words, and I'm less eager to build complex sentences. It's good.
Intellectually, up to know I've no specific difficulties. I've for instance make a test on freeiqtest and my results ware 130, which is quite correct.
When I listen t the file, I understand well the main message but I don't understand the ubliminals in the background. I consequntly don't know what t expect of the file on the long time. For a native speaker, it could be nice to try to understand them and give me the information ;-) Thanks in advance.
Maybe to newt week
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby garibaldi » October 22nd, 2023, 5:04 am

Hey. Your spelling appears to be affected too. As long as you're enjoying it. Thought you were only doing it for a week lol
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » October 22nd, 2023, 7:35 am

you re right ;-)
maybe a lack of attention.
the file is a little bit addictive, it is perhaps thz reason to wish to continue a liitle bit
orherwise, if you can understand the subliminals, i want well the explanation
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby garibaldi » November 4th, 2023, 3:57 am

So how's progress? I'm intrigued as to how it's going lately with yeas.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby carohypno » November 7th, 2023, 2:51 pm

Hi Garibaldi
I stopped listening to the file one week ago ; I had the Covid, and I haven't tried again to listen to the file.
It doesn't seem there is some results since. Maybe it is unnoticed to me , or not. It is surely because I'm not a english speaker and that I don't understand nthe subliminals.
Maybe someone could try and give his/her advice...
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby nothingthatisinbetween » January 17th, 2024, 5:34 am


ive been alternating the originals with listening to the 2023 one and im on #2 right now

i love not thinking and the way getting stupider floods my dumb little brain with pleasure

i notice that the arousal trigger in the first original file turbocharges the 2023 one, or at least did for me, i heard "arousal" over and over in the subliminal and could feel the pleasure flushing all my facts and knowledge out

excited for the intellectual starvation one... o///o
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby theedgingsissy » January 23rd, 2024, 10:19 am

I've been listening to these files on and off but typically only when I'm told to. It all started when I showed them to a Dom and he then had me listen to each file for one week at a time, every evening while edging for hours. They were fun and the effects wore off by the next day so I wasn't worried because they were making our sessions the hottest I'd ever experienced. But when we got to file 4 I started to notice some changes in my every day life and just about managed to stop. My Dom wasn't particularly understanding or tactful and disappeared on me so I was left with a hunger to be controlled and dominated to be a dumb little goon slut running directly against my desire to design products and be a creative entrepreneur and lead a company. 6 years of depression (unrelated to the file), therapy, hrt .etc later and I'm at a crossroads.

One part of me still hungers for the file, to be lead, controlled and dominated into being a horny damp drippy mess of a human whose primary desire is pleasure. Another desires to be someone people follow, rely on and admire, a creative with a wide range of products and services under her command. So I find myself here in the den of temptation with a prostate massager in, tweaking my nipples frantically and trying to ignore the stiffness between my legs so I can enjoy the pleasure a little longer asking you, wonderful reader, what do you think I should do? What would you do in my position?

May your futures be filled with easy decisions and long edges
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby little-bri » January 24th, 2024, 5:40 am


I'm going to take the plunge and start listening to Dumbing Down tonight. I don't quite know why I feel the strong desire to dive into this and risk my intelligence, but I just have to find out what it will be like.

I took tqo online IQ tests just a half hour or so ago and got a 133 (38 questions) and 122 (20 questions).

So here we go...
After I complete file 1, I'll give the IQ test another try and see how it has impacted things.
Wish me luck!!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby uBun2 » January 24th, 2024, 3:49 pm

Good luck, bri! You probably won't notice any changes from the first two files or so, since the main point of them is to get you in the mindset for the rest of the files to take effect, but you might start noticing things more around file 4 or 6.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby little-bri » January 24th, 2024, 9:25 pm

uBun2 said:
Good luck, bri! You probably won't notice any changes from the first two files or so, since the main point of them is to get you in the mindset for the rest of the files to take effect, but you might start noticing things more around file 4 or 6.

Thanks, and also thanks for letting me have an idea when i should start experiencing noticeable effects... so probably not worth bothering to re-take IQ test(s) until after a few rounds of "Intellectual Starvation" (4)... but i may do it after (or just before) listening to "Even dumber" (2) just for curiosity's sake.

But while i'm thinking about it... and i'm quite aware that everyone reacts differently to the same trance/suggestion(s)... what sorts of effects might i notice, even if just slightly, as i progress along with "Just a little bit dumber", "Even dumber", and "Getting a bit ditzy"?

Thanks again!!
8-) :ugeek:
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby LittleBen » February 26th, 2024, 6:13 pm

Any updates little-bri? After a month of dumbing, I hope you see some results!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby nohbdy88 » March 16th, 2024, 2:27 pm

Thinking of doing this or another dumbing down type file. The mixture of the risk, humiliation of it all, and a slight desire not to have my mind bogged down so much is pretty great. A free IQ test I did online at says my current IQ is 120. I guess I'll try it again in a while after listening to some stuff and see what happens.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby nohbdy88 » April 12th, 2024, 10:51 pm

I haven't been able to listen as often as I probably should, but so far I've gone through 5 times for file 1 and twice for file 2. Out of curiosity, I did another IQ test. This time my IQ was 128, 8 points higher than start. So, yeah, I guess if I want this to work I should probably get to listening more.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby warpedma » May 3rd, 2024, 10:25 am

I dedided to give Vive's file a chance. Once you're used to his voice, the voice doesn't mater any more. So I'm quite happy to listen the files.
I'm not following the listen/orgasm rule but just listening to them one after the other and there's some dumbing down going on. Hurray!

As I red somwhere, wish me luck :D :lol:
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby little-bri » July 30th, 2024, 4:06 am

hey @LittleBen and evreyboddy...

yes, i litsened to the Bibe Dumbing Down files and got sum reesults... and that's why i haven't potsed in munths.

as you can see i'm still having probblems with spelling and i don't see the ytpos until days later.

it is impruuving, but still not qutie there.

i also had some odd tihngs hapen to...lkie forgeting simple stuff (tsaks and stuff)
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby little-bri » July 30th, 2024, 4:09 am

oh... and i lost iq score... like went from 132 down to ilke 90 at the lowest... it back up to 109 now.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby CollieGuy924 » July 31st, 2024, 11:21 pm

Glad to hear from you, Bri! I wish I could join you and the others on a dumbing journey. I'd love to watch my IQ slide into the fifties (or lower). And become the barky mess I'm meant to be! Lol. Sadly, bills....
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby little-bri » August 27th, 2024, 4:05 am

hi hi everbuddy...
things have goten a bit better with like typing and all... i can catch things before and correct them a lot more then before.

And the moor inneresting part... i re-tooked the IQ tests.... and i seem to have dropped down to 99... so i dunno if that is a bad thing or not... i gots to just wait and sees what my score is in a few weeks.
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