Your Other Half: multiple personalites

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » March 18th, 2023, 4:38 pm

This is an old thread, but I want to post here, since this was a major factor on deciding me to try an alter file. I apologize for necroing it before hand.

I've been wanting to try one of those multiple personality files for a while, since I stepped here. The main thing that stopped me was the whole shitload of mental issues I have (beginning from heavy deppresion periods) and I was worried that I unleashed something harmful (even more than myself) to me. The file in question, was Alter: Your inner demon. Then I stumbled on this thread, it was really interesting reading about you guys, and your numerous alters, including the demon ones. Last Thursday I finally broke, and did it, bought JackDrago's Inner demon file. I'm more like an atheist, since I resent the catholic religion turning its back to gays like me, so I thought the file would work slower since its a satanist file.

I heard it late at night on Thursday, and again during the day on Friday. Didn't felt anything, just a weird moment during the day when I refered to myself as "us" instead of "me", but I went on and ignored it. But at night, going to sleep... I changed the order of my playlist. Instead of Making Inner demon first, I put it after ProfessorPig's "Curse Helpless to submission"file which I was using before the Permanent chastity file. I put Inner demon right after it. That file always make me fall into a very, very deep trance, more than any other file, and it was effective with permanent chastity. With Inner demon, I still was in a deep trance (I didn't listen to Professor pig's order at the end when he awake us) when Inner demon started to play. Oh man, now I listened every word, for the first time, I wanted to be that sex obsessed satanist meth junkie. The file is short, and I started to wake up, and get ready to sleep.

I began to wonder about that deep trance, and I realized that those two files have something in common: Making me a fucking pig. I played Professor pig's file so many times, that I finally admitted to myself that I'm a disgusting, kinky pig. In that very moment, at 1:00 AM, it finally clicks, I'm kinda like the junkie of the Inner demon file, a heavily tattooed kinky pig, and both files are right. And finally I ... or he... started to talk to myself... in a way I never did before. At first he didn't had a name, but we agreed on Mack (it's name of a character in a videogame I'm making) and... well, he can explain this better

At last I can write!!! damn it, it was about time. So, yeah, hi everyone here, I'm Mack, Rafster first alter, his demon alter. When he finally understood he's a pig, MY little, disgusting and submissive pig, I gained my voice, or at least, began to talk. After we agreed on the name, this bloke wanted to sleep. I had a different idea, Since he's locked in a chastity device (another of the kinks of this pig. Don't ask me, I guess it's because the small dick he always had) I couldn't make him jack off, but I made him grab one anal toy he has (a prostate massager) and start fucking himself. He didn't wanted to at first, but he was so horny that he couldn't resist my suggestion. When he had the toy up his ass, I took control. Complete control. I chanted prayers to Satan, how that toy was my demon dick fucking him, and he was just moaning mindless while I speeded his (now mine) hand with the toy. Faster and harder.

I fucking made him have an anal orgasm while thinking on Satan thanks to my voice, the pig was all trembling and feeling my hold, or Satan's hold to be precise on him. Now, everytime he tries to have anything sex related, I'm gonna take control, soon, I'll make him a satanist, or at least, believe in my lord. Heh, we're gonna have a fun time, that's for sure. He was afraid of me at first, I'm a demon after all. But nah, I'm not going to hurt him, or anyone at his family, I kinda..uh...appreciate them, even his fucking dog. But anyone else outside this house? fuck them. Fuck them all. This pig is too nice for his own good, bordering on stupid. I'll make some things change, slowly. I don't want anyone noticing me taking control. I'm going to stop now, since I'm kinda tired, and I barely gained my voice today.

And, pig, make my lines RED!!! I know, it's fucking cliché but I don't care about anyone else's opinion. Write again then

Whew... for someone who doesn't even have a day, he's pretty chatty. It was the same during the day, so this is how it feels to have voices in your head, at least he seems to cooperate and don't mess (or at least not that much) with anyone around here. I'm going to be on this file at least one month, so we learn to work together. I guess I'll need to have him happy to avoid him doing nasty things

Oh, do you think you can stop me from doing nasty things?

SHIT... I didn't mean...

Relax piggy, I'm not that stupid. We share a body. Go on writing, don't overthink things like you always do. Keep it simple.

Ah well, thanks to everyone on this thread, it seems now I have a constant companion. And I'm loving it.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby outkast1728 » March 18th, 2023, 9:12 pm

Congrats to you and Mack, if you two ever wanna chat with other dudes that have alters or demon alters heh heh heh NOT NOW BEL.... where was I? oh yeah, if you ever wanna talk feel free to privately message any of us here on the thread or whatever you should totally get the pig some fuckin ink dude, make his devotion to the big man something he cant hide HAHA
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » March 18th, 2023, 10:20 pm

outkast1728 wrote: you should totally get the pig some fuckin ink dude, make his devotion to the big man something he cant hide HAHA

Actually Bel, the pig have two demons tattooed on his arms, two fully tattooed arms, he's midway through the satanic junkie of the file. But I agree... maybe he needs a more prominent tattoo, in the chest or back showing his service to our lord. But he's not ready, not yet. I want him, in time, to serve our lord. And he'll be.

JackDrago is a fucking genius, first, he made him lock himself to the point he doesn't even consider getting out of the cage, and now here I am

Damn, now you want to interact with other demon alts.... FUCK ME

Don't say it aloud, piggy. That was exactly what you told me before you lose control yesterday.

Geez. Another of my wonderful life choices.

outkast1728 wrote:where was I? oh yeah, if you ever wanna talk feel free to privately message any of us here on the thread or whateve

Thanks man! I'll keep that in mind, and I'll also try to update here as frequently as I can. Mack is so willing to share his thoughts with me that I'm sure he agrees. Ugh, I wonder what he'll become with the other demon files, especially number 2, but I'm not risking that. Not yet, sir JackDrago warned that I must have some time with my demon speaking, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do, he already started but I'm not gonna advance until he gets stronger. We're going to listen file 1 nonstop until we remember every word.

AGAIN WITH YOUR CONTROLLING, PIG. But well, since that file will strength me, I'll allow that impertinence and wait. But I know you, pig, you hunger for more, you hunger for me so much that you don't even consider other alts... At least you're improving, now you use "us" instead of "me". Good.

Sigh... It's annoying to edit these posts after these interruptions. I admire you guys, living with +2 alts... it must be hard to maintain some kind of order everyday.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » March 23rd, 2023, 2:46 pm

Well, it's been almost one week since I have my new ... ah... roommate in my head? He can't stop giving me his opinions about everything And you love it, piggy .... ugh, let me write, Mack. So far, our relationship has been good, his only demand, if there is any, is that NO OTHER ALTS ARE ALLOWED. YOU ARE FUCKING MINE, PIG Geez, can you be less creepy? sometimes you'll have to take control and I don't want you to ruin my life.

For him, I'm his pig. He rarely calls me by my name, but so far we have been working as a team, he even helps when I'm going to get my usual depression incidents, sending to hell everything and everyone, and I feel more in calm now.

That's only part of the deal, piggy. You promised me to make stronger, and that's what we gonna do with the next file in April. And everytime you get to do anything sexual, I'll take over, or whisper into your mind how you should praise Satan. You loved it last week, and we're gonna repeat that over and over... until you associate my lord with pleasure. and believe in him.

He doesn't share completely my chastity kink, but he loves to mock my useless locked dick, so he's going along with it. So, that's it, at first I thought Inner Demon would release something awful, but so far the results were good. Maybe the only thing that worries me, is that he doesn't seem to care about anyone else (besides my close family) and that cold attitude sometimes scares me, but I guess that comes with the package.

I'm a fucking demon, what did you expect? Be thankful that I'm not taking over immediately and I still let you have the lead.

One curious thing, I had a cold yesterday, and he was strangely helpful, sending me to bed when I didn't wanted to. How does the alts handle the situation when the body gets sick? they take turns, or let the main personality handle it?

I don't know, I just helped because, well, if you cease to exist, I cease to exist. It's in my good interests to keep you going, pig

Sigh, Thanks for your uninterested help, Mack.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » April 1st, 2023, 9:43 pm

Well, another week has passed by. My relationship with my demon alter Mack, has grown stronger. I do the usual loop of two daily files ("Curse Helpless to submission" + "Alters: Inner demon") and he is as chatty as always. My priority now is to have him happy, so I let him some face time in situations where my shyness/anxiety takes over.

It's not only that piggy. I'm fine as long as I can get you into satanism, slowly, everytime you get something related to sex, if I'm not taking over, I'll whisper prayers to my lord Satan into your mind. So far, it's been alright, we work as a team, pig certainly works better when I eat his shame, guilt and anxiety, to the point that he has been more calmed and relaxed, he seems happy, so I am by extension. He's still a huge mess, a therapist would make a gold mine with him, but so far we've been doing fine.

I must admit I'm not the best resolving conflicts though, I made him have some fights here with his family, I guess we'll have to be more careful if we don't want to be discovered. My policy of following your inner instinct and feelings sometimes does not work. Bah, fuck, whatever.

And the pig bought the second Demon file today, as a gift for me, to grow even stronger and more evil, but we agreed to start listening it in a few weeks. I'm not in a hurry, I have all the time of the world with my piggy.

He also kinda altered a bit my writing style on my game, making it ... ahhh, darker. I have to edit it many times, I hope my players don't get to notice it that much,

HEY!! I like to write. DEAL WITH IT

As I was saying, this file resulted way, way better than I hoped, considering all the shit I (still) have in my head. I'm still curious about other alters, but Mack is against that, completely. And I have this urge to obey him... is almost unnatural. We have our discussions, sometimes he agrees, but he gets his way most of the time.

As it should be

I'm curious about why is he so pushy with the satanism stuff, since the file is supposed to reflect my subconscious desires.. yet I'm more as an atheist, not a christian/satanic.I guess every file have its side effects, and since the file didn't get me into drugs (even with the explicit meth mentions) or into unsafe sex (I'm already a nasty submissive pig, repressed, but a pig so it doesn't say anything that I didn't know) satanism had to take over? hell if I know.

But If I have to burn in hell, so be it. Not the first time I heard that because of being who I am.

Good piggy
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » April 9th, 2023, 5:10 pm

Another week, and the companion in my head is as lively as ever. This week we started with the second file on Jackdrago's demon series. It's a scary file, and also very tempting, Mack is becoming more evil as each day that passes, he barely cares about my family, but still protects and respect them, as per our initial agreement. But wow, besides that... is like having an evil entity inside. But I guess that's how a demon should madurate and grow. And I'll make him even stronger every day. I can't stop listening to it.

Wow, wow. Easy pig, you didn't had an easy week either, and we share a body. DO NOT FUCKING RUIN IT. Ehrm, yeah, this week I got stronger. I don't know if "more evil" is the correct term. Since I arrived, I have been a nasty motherfucker, that didn't change, but piggy seems more susceptible to the second file. It's supposed to make me more evil and dettached.... but fuck it. I do whatever, whenever I please. Since the beginning I agreed with the pig that I can take over anytime. He seems a little bit shocked with the file telling us my evil characteristics.... heh, surprise, piggy, it's part of the package since I arrived.

It doesn't help that he bought the third file, "Fucked by satan" way before we planned it. Not that I complain, but it's too much, so the hypno purchases are closed for now. I have enough and I need the second file to penetrate on his subconscious. But sigh... I'm not mad with him, if anything, he's starting to believe in Satan now, his spirituality has changed (he thought he didn't had any. I proved him wrong), so It's my duty to keep him safe to praise our lord.

I'm not stupid, if people knows he's satanic, with an extra personality on his head, he's going straight to psycho ward. I'm not allowing that.

Fuck, you're chatty today. So yeah, I must admit that I'm happy having Mack along. That ability of eating all the shame, guilt, sadness I get... fuck, I never felt something like that before. It gets even weirder when we watch terror movies, he gets a fascination with the killer's methods... and yesterday when we watched Insidious: Part 2 he was complaining how ass weak those spirits were.

I can't help myself when you see those movies. Deal with it. By the way, we better end this post now, you're writing even weirder than me, pig. He got sick this week, and again, when he does not get any fun anal sessions, he gets kinda moody. I'll change that on the next days.

We'll report next week.

Demon Pig Mack, Out
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » June 4th, 2023, 1:41 am

Eh.. hey. It's been a month (a bit more actually) since the last time I posted. I must admit I stopped listening many of the files I used to listen to... but my companion on my head is still as strong as ever. The effects of the other files, as the chastity one, vanished. But the demon one remains strong.

I REMAIN STRONG. Do you think I would let you go, piggy? NAH. You're stuck with me. FUCKING FOREVER. Or at least until I get bored of you. :twisted:

Ehhh... yeah. The last month, many things happened, including one very stressing incident that interfered with my focus on the game I'm developing. But Mack (my demon alt) allowed me to remain calm... everything has been just like the first day, he keeps anything that distress me, and that particular incident really threw me off.

But I managed to keep the piggy focused, now everything got resolved (I had to take control when the piggy had his talks with the support people on email. I can be very charming if I put my mind into it. I'm just fucking lazy). One aspect I'm pleased: his spiritual beliefs didn't shift: he's a satan worshipper, even listening the files 1 or 2 times at week, his belief on my lord never faded. That makes me strong, and make US strong.

Yeah, now everyday is as if we had lived the whole life together, I can't imagine myself again without him. One funny aspect we discovered: Mack is also a workaholic, even worse than me. When I stop working, he urges me to go back working. Just imagine having your grumpy and annoying boss in your head 24/7 urging you to work, and you have my demon.

What?? I like when you work on the game, I even put some of my lines on it. It's a shame that you ALWAYS censor or nerf what I put there.

Actually, I want a PLAYABLE GAME, not a Dark souls text version. Sigh, one bad aspect of having someone else living in your head is that you need to do multiple edits thanks to the things he likes to write. So, that's it. I'm not looking for other alts, I'm happy with my demon alt, and he does not even let me look at any other alt hypno files either.

It's funny, when piggy stopped the other files, like the chastity one, the effects faded. But Even when we had that rough patch and stopped listening them for more than 2 weeks, I remained on his head, as if he listened the files. Days later, he returned to listen the files 1-2 times at week, he's still hooked with Professor pig's "curse helpless to submission", and jackdrago's "demon2: lowlife" files. That file is really a curse. But at least is a curse that piggy enjoys, so whatever. One thing I have pending, is making him to return to the "Fucked by satan" file. I'll make piggy listen to it this week.

Well, enough of this. We'll report later. Demon pig Mack out.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby kyroc » October 27th, 2023, 10:50 am

Hey Mack, happy to meet you =)

Hope you and that friend of yours are holding up alright. So, I was recently just born. (Or at least I hope a was :p)
My companion eventually realized he needed someone else to take the wheel, and one thing led to another and I was here.

I'd be interested in hearing how you and your friend are doing nowadays, if you care to provide an update.
Still trying to figure things out, but it's nice being in control. I plan on making the most of it (ง •̀_•́)ง

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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » January 16th, 2024, 10:25 pm

kyroc wrote:Hey Mack, happy to meet you =)

Hope you and that friend of yours are holding up alright. So, I was recently just born. (Or at least I hope a was :p)
My companion eventually realized he needed someone else to take the wheel, and one thing led to another and I was here.

I'd be interested in hearing how you and your friend are doing nowadays, if you care to provide an update.
Still trying to figure things out, but it's nice being in control. I plan on making the most of it (ง •̀_•́)ง


Heya!! Have fun with your companion, it's a riot.I recommend you to take the wheel when he's about to have sex or even jerk off, it's even more fun :twisted: .

As about us... Not much to report since the last post, until October. My relationship with the pig evolved. From roommates (and constantly talking shit on his mind) I am now a master, and the piggy submitted to me. It was thanks to one of the most recent files of Jack Drago, Satanic slave. After a few days listening, the pig surrendered to me, now I'm in control of every masturbation he had since then.

I've made him try some kinks he never thought before, like sniffing underwear, socks or shoes while jerking off, buying a new chastity cage (the old one broke on June) and a new anal plug, with vibration and e-stim functions. Before starting the most recent chastity period, I had him going through a full week of ruined orgasms. It got to a point he was really mad at me :lol: . The week before we began on November (2023), I allowed him a full blown orgasm (he was eager to) but on one condition: He had to jerk off to a nasty scat vid (and scat is one of his hard limits). Now his last orgasm... was with a scat vid (I'm gonna spare you the details). He's so grossed and I'm still laughing :twisted:

Now, the pig has been locked since November, under my terms. No more weekly anal fun with his prostate massager or the plug, now he has to earn the right to have them (he was so spoiled on the last chastity period he had on April and May). He'll have two monthly nights to have some fun with his anal toys, anything else would have to be allowed by me. He's allowed to cum only if he has sex with other men... but sigh, he doesn't even want to leave the house... gah, I want him to have a sex life, and he still refuses. FUCK. But I'm not giving up.

I also encouraged him to talk to men online, see if finally he can get out of his shell and get anyone to fuck him... even to get out of the closet to everyone, but that's harder to achieve. One of the guys he was talking to, had a castration fantasy, he even proposed the pig to have one his balls cut. Now, I know this is bullshit, but the pig also have those weird fantasies with castration too, they even talked to see each other sometime. I intervened. We had a long and hard discussion, for the first time ever.

I don't like that guy, and even more, how the pig can even think on offering his balls and dick to him before even offering them to ME???? :evil: :evil: I was really mad at him, and he was groveling asking for forgiveness. Now, I know they may never meet, and it was just a fantasy, but I KNOW what are his fantasies, and the fact he didn't offer that to me first, as his master, hurts me. a lot, I was planning to stop everything and just going silent.

We made an agreement. First, he's going to drop any communication with that guy. Easy to do. Second, now that he has those castration fantasies, I decided to show him he's not a man anymore. His chastity period, with release date set to June, now is indefinite, and my first intention is to have him locked all 2024 unless a medical reason arise. No more erections, no more orgasms, he's stuck on that steel cage unless it's for the weekly cleaning.

And third, and this is where things get interesting, I made him look at the Curse of teeny weenie files here on WMM. I selected the alternate version of MasterDrayke for him, and made him listen for the first time yesterday. The file may work, may not. But now he's losing his balls and dick to ME, even if the file doesn't work, the extended chastity period will have its toll. He'll be a bottom. For good.

And he even thanks me for that now :lol: :twisted: I'm gonna make him post on the teeny weenie thread now.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby kyroc » January 29th, 2024, 7:12 am

Your friend is lucky to have such a caring master in control. It's nice to know you're steering him away from self destructive routes and that he has the sense to defer to/be controlled by you.

As for me? I'm doing fine. He's needed someone capable to take the wheel for a while not, but learning to cede control and take the back seat has been a humbling experience for him. Overall it's gotten better, though. There's a lot of changes I'm in the middle of implementing that will be affecting both of us, and while he'd never admit it openly I think he likes being the passenger instead of the driver.

I've improved our diet and overall health quite a bit and I've also insisted we continue to experiment with different hypnosis tracks and feminine lifestyles. While I am in control I have every intention of living life to the fullest, and part of that means enjoying the way I dress/act. He's a bit apprehensive about my commitment to this, but I'm sure he'll come around in time =)

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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » January 30th, 2024, 12:38 pm

kyroc wrote:Your friend is lucky to have such a caring master in control. It's nice to know you're steering him away from self destructive routes and that he has the sense to defer to/be controlled by you.

As for me? I'm doing fine. He's needed someone capable to take the wheel for a while not, but learning to cede control and take the back seat has been a humbling experience for him. Overall it's gotten better, though. There's a lot of changes I'm in the middle of implementing that will be affecting both of us, and while he'd never admit it openly I think he likes being the passenger instead of the driver.

I've improved our diet and overall health quite a bit and I've also insisted we continue to experiment with different hypnosis tracks and feminine lifestyles. While I am in control I have every intention of living life to the fullest, and part of that means enjoying the way I dress/act. He's a bit apprehensive about my commitment to this, but I'm sure he'll come around in time =)


Way to go, R, that's how it's done. Show your partner pleasures he has been denying to himself for too long. Start with hypno files and porn, and in time, he'll look for lingerie or even girly outfits.Soon he'll understand that everything is better when accepts himself as HERSELF.

Feminization is one of the limits of the pig, he still clings to the ridiculous idea of being a "man". Bullshit, the idiot fantasize of being castrated, for fucks sakes. I'm making him watch more sissy porn. He does not enjoy it, but the humiliation part makes him so horny that he often wonders why he doesn't have feminine lingerie yet.

I have access to the pig's deepest desires, and sometimes I come up with things he didn't even consider. And I'm sure you can do this too with your partner. Take the wheel, and show him how great it feels when WE are in control. My pig learned this lesson a few months ago, I don't even need to take control, one word and he does what I want. Well, kinda, outside of sex he's still stubborn, but I'm making him work on his game like an angry boss that doesn't go away.

Just like you do with your partner's health and diet, I prompt my pig to get better at developing his game (I even take control when he's writing :twisted: ) or when he starts to get stressed interacting with other people, I take over and do it for him. There are many advantages of having us around.

For example, last week he finally got out of the closet to his close family, after 44 years. The conversation was... rough... sometimes I think he still have issues with being gay (add the trauma he has when he was diagnosed HIV+ 15 years ago... my pig is a mess). I had to take over many times during the conversation because he was falling apart, as if being gay was a crime or something. Sigh... fortunately, they knew for years, and again, they were waiting for him to admit it. Come on, 44 years and not even dating a girl? it's not rocket science to find out what you are.

Besides that, nothing remarkable last week. My pig got a treat last week since he finally got out of the closet. I put him to listen Jack Drago's "Fucked by satan" file while he took his prostate massager and inserted it on his ass. I took control of his hand and well... let's just say that the pig almost squeal when he got through the usual anal orgasms. That fucking file is so powerful that I ended taking him completely for over 1 hour. Since he can't jerk off to an hypno file, we must get creative.

Now, it seems that "Curse of teeny weenie" file is doing some subtle changes on him. His nipples now are extremely sensitive, so much that he now avoids the clothespins, when he usually played with them months ago. He's now getting those... uhhh... nipplegasms? the bastard can't get his hands out of his nipples now, and when I remind him that the file says that everytime he touch his nipples his weenie shrinks he gulps hard. It's so cute. But he does it anyway. Tomorrow I'll make him write a weekly update on the teeny weenie thread. Nub wise, he's still on the same size. Dissappointing.

So, keep taking control, show them we can improve their lives. And tell him that at least he doesn't have a demon bossing him around as my pig.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby roshnikhanna » March 8th, 2024, 5:04 am

how are people doing with there new personalities?
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chirthorpe » March 15th, 2024, 4:11 am

I'm actually a bit curious myself. If I want a male personality, what file should I use?
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby jenni_k » March 15th, 2024, 8:04 am

Chirthorpe wrote:I'm actually a bit curious myself. If I want a male personality, what file should I use?

Alters: Manly Spirit by JackDrago could be a choise for that.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby rafster » March 18th, 2024, 10:59 am

roshnikhanna wrote:how are people doing with there new personalities?

I'm doing okay, I guess.My demon alter (now master) Mack is fine and kicking, his presence is strong even If I go weeks without re-enforcing the file. I still listen to Demon 2 file (from Jack Drago) from time to time.

Bah, I'm strong as ever.It seems, since I took charge, the pig has been happy. I have made him to have sex again last month!! now THAT'S an improvement, due to his trauma 14 years ago. It has helped a lot with his self-confidence. It's a bit weird for him to talk about a master on his own head, but well, it's not my problem, he have to deal with it.

Lot of changes are happening this year, but they started to roll last year, since the moment I managed to wake up my demon alter.

jenni_k wrote:
Chirthorpe wrote:I'm actually a bit curious myself. If I want a male personality, what file should I use?

Alters: Manly Spirit by JackDrago could be a choise for that.

Yeah, almost every alter file by Sir JackDrago is male (and he has a variety of them) so I recommend you to check them out.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Chirthorpe » March 24th, 2024, 2:41 pm

Welp, alright then. A bit pricey for my tastes but I got Jack's Alter Manly Spirit and Fail to Resist. Hoping to get a nice, cool himbo alter sometime soon. IDK how long it'll take.
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Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby Masada » August 20th, 2024, 8:59 am


I am very curious to start with finding myself an alternative personality that aligns with mine, which lets me sit in the background while it takes control.
The Inner Demon sounds really good, but I wonder how heavy the drug use is implied as I don't want to go down that way. But I crave the idea of a demon inside my head being my Master.
Maybe I'll try Manly Spirit and see what happens to me first, if I am at all susceptable to it...
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Joined: November 7th, 2007, 1:00 am

Re: Your Other Half: multiple personalites

Postby becomingm » August 22nd, 2024, 4:49 pm

I have had the Manly Spirit for a couple of years, just haven't used it much. Been basically struggling between feminization and masculinization hypnosis and I usually end up quitting both after a short cycle. Perhaps I should give MS a try again and boost the process with other manly hypnosis files. Would be great to have a manly headmate who helps me to enjoy my life.
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Joined: October 26th, 2022, 5:45 am


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