by cardigan » July 12th, 2007, 10:40 pm
When you start going into trance, you will often notice that your mind starts to wander. But this is a good sign. This means that your conscious mind is letting go of the file and starting to think about other things. This means that your subconscious is actually taking over - which is the whole purpose here. So anybody trying to force their conscious mind back to listening (consciously) to the file is actually ruining their chance of success.
Just let your mind wander. It will wander for a bit, and then it will shut down completely. This means you probably won't remember what you listened to during the file. That is another sign of success. Unless the transition from being awake to trance is so quick, that it goes even further and takes you into deep sleep instead :-). To avoid this don't listen when you are too tired. But do listen at times when you are somewhat tired, as you have lots of alpha waves that will help at this stage.
If you wake up when the file tells you to, you weren't sleeping. So if all these things are correct, and you still don't get any results - then what?
It could be that your own mind is sabotaging things. It could be something about social or deep personal inhibitions trying to stop you from behaving unacceptably. If this is so, you'd need hypnotherapy to find out why the changes aren't occurring. Unless you have a pretty good idea why that is - then a specific mp3 file could be created for you as a custom file to change your beliefs and attitudes.
But don't give up. Anybody with a wandering mind during induction is on the right track - at least to trance.