Moderator: EMG
loony28 wrote::twisted: These files can push you past your conscious limits. Subconscious limits are a different story. If you try pushing past your subconscious limits chances are that the files will have little if any success. I think that you can change these limits incrementally by pushing right up to the limit and maybe a little past it over time. :twisted:
cardigan wrote:You cannot be hypnotised to do anything against your own will. So if you have personal limits that are in opposition to the hypnosis you are trying to get to work, it will fail.
However one COULD work at expanding your limits first, so that this was not a problem. But you'd need personalized files for that.
Getting a trigger to work properly may require cooperation on your part to begin with. I.e. when the trigger is activated, then at first you do what the trigger wants you to do. After a while you don't have to cooperate. It will just be automatic. It's sort of like the conditioning of Pavlov's dogs, I think. (They are conditioned to drool when a bell is rung.)
You always have a choice. If you obey, you obey by choice, or because you THINK you have no choice but to obey! That is the catch-22! :-)
feardesire wrote:If I obey by choice, where's the "fun" -- for lack of a better word -- in that? If I obey b/c I THINK I have no choice, I either am CHOOSING to THINK I have no choice... (back to where's the "fun" or arousal?)... or I finally have NO CHOICE to THINK OTHERWISE. I MUST think X, and will also, then, be compelled to DO X.
feardesire wrote:I have read some hypno-erotica -- one in partic. -- where a girl sends her boyfriend to a hypnotherapist to cure his smoking, but he implants a suggestion in him, and from there on, he is reduced to absolute servitude -- no more legal identity, job, or finances -- and sold to an ugly woman for her use/abuse. That's dramatic hypnosis! Kind of an exciting story. But, in reality, I would never want that; but I guess I do seek being under hypnosis to the extent that I might feel the "potential power" of having that control exerted over me.
Does anyone else relate to this difficulty: you want it, but you don't want it, or don't seem to be able to submit to it?
cardigan wrote:Hypnosis can be a lot of fun. But it cannot make a slave out of anybody, and it cannot make a straight gay - and so forth.
But if the straight were in fact a little bit bi, this could be utilized to get him out of the closet. You can give somebody a push with hypnosis, but not in a direction they don't want to go.
If however the subject is under the impression that hypnosis is very powerful (which it is), and that the hypnotist could make him do things against his will or morals, and the subject still CHOOSES to want to be hypnotised by the hypnotist, THEN the hypnotist might be able to break his will - because the subject thinks he has no power to refuse and has willingly subjected himself. But I'd call that very unethical behavior of the hypnotist!
But all hypnosis deals with exchange of power. It's really a question of how much power the subject believes was exchanged. If he believes he is now the hypnotist's mindless slave, then that is what could happen. But it'd take lots of sessions, I think :-)
feardesire wrote:Just looking at It said, "She didn't believe in Hypnosis, but that doesn't matter, she went under hard!" So here we go again! If she didn't believe in it, how is it that it worked on her!? IF ONLY!!!
EMG wrote:Well, you know, she didn't believe in hypnosis, but she did believe in a paycheck. It's amazing what one of those can do for someone.
feardesire wrote:Just looking at It said, "She didn't believe in Hypnosis, but that doesn't matter, she went under hard!" So here we go again! If she didn't believe in it, how is it that it worked on her!? IF ONLY!!!
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