Well this is a sucess story with the virtual hypnotist.

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Well this is a sucess story with the virtual hypnotist.

Postby jeremiah » August 15th, 2005, 11:29 pm

I find that this program works 100 times better than me than listening. Because there is a hypnotic spinning circle that takes me in deeper while it speaks to me.

Anyway, I was just listening to an induction, one that takes me under really deep and stuff, well at a certian part it said that I will open my eyes when he counts to three. He said 1-2-3 and I opened my eyes immediately. I couldnt close them, they would not close at all. Then he left a trigger in me that when he says Sleep I will go back to deep sleep. Well, right after it made me open my eyes, it said, Sleep. And I instantly closed my eyes, couldnt keep them open, and went immediately back into the deep trance. It was awesome, first time that has actually worked.
Tomorrow I am going to listen to some more.
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Re: Well this is a sucess story with the virtual hypnotist.

Postby morrcomm » August 17th, 2005, 7:54 pm

I remember the first time a trigger like that ever worked on me. It felt like every Christmas morning I'd ever had, all rolled into one.
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Postby makidas » August 18th, 2005, 2:17 pm

I LOVE vhypno, great program! It works awesome!
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby jeremiah » August 18th, 2005, 3:41 pm

Its sweet, I am trying to fingure out how to put scripts into it. Does anyone have atutorial or somehting
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Postby MikeWulf » August 18th, 2005, 3:48 pm

I think the tutorials are on the website.
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Re: Well this is a sucess story with the virtual hypnotist.

Postby loony28 » August 19th, 2005, 11:47 pm

jeremiah wrote:I find that this program works 100 times better than me than listening. Because there is a hypnotic spinning circle that takes me in deeper while it speaks to me.

Anyway, I was just listening to an induction, one that takes me under really deep and stuff, well at a certian part it said that I will open my eyes when he counts to three. He said 1-2-3 and I opened my eyes immediately. I couldnt close them, they would not close at all. Then he left a trigger in me that when he says Sleep I will go back to deep sleep. Well, right after it made me open my eyes, it said, Sleep. And I instantly closed my eyes, couldnt keep them open, and went immediately back into the deep trance. It was awesome, first time that has actually worked.
Tomorrow I am going to listen to some more.

:twisted: Which induction is that? Vhypno does have a script editor built into it so all you do is basically type out what you want Vhypno to say. You have to begin each line with a command, I believe it's <speak>. That tells Vhypno to speak the text after it. There are other commands you can use. If you go into help on it you should find examples of the commands. :twisted:
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Postby hailtheprinceofdarkness » February 12th, 2006, 11:04 am

I just got the virtual hypnotist a week ago.

I haven't tested it yet in truth, i have had almost no time to try it. This has been very helpful to me to know that at least some people are amazed with the results
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Postby switchonspeed » February 12th, 2006, 6:31 pm

Does anyone know how to change the voice (if thats possible)? At the moment (my version) has the two (male and female) standard voices.. and their pretty rubbish, or is that the best current technology can produce?

I'm just starting with it.. and just trying to experiemnt around with it for now :-). We'll see how it goes.


p.s. I could get so much more done if I didn't have to sleep... grrr... :-)
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Postby fenton » February 13th, 2006, 11:16 am

I liked the idea of Vhypnosis, but the voices and their pronunciation of certain words kept pulling me from trance...
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Postby jayjedi » February 13th, 2006, 3:30 pm

If you were used to EMG's files, you can use them along with the other functions in Virtual Hypnosist. there is a feature called "Custom Audio",
although I would convert EMG's files to WMA 128Kb first. when I tried it with one of his files coupled with the brainwave function, his voice sounded higher pitched. maybe it was the quality of the file.
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Postby getpumped87 » February 13th, 2006, 10:09 pm

ok, someone needs to post a link or something for me, cuz I have a horrible time going under!
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Postby Kendai » February 14th, 2006, 2:36 pm

where can i get some more voices? all i have is microsoft sam, and I want a female voice for virtual hypnotist.
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Postby jayjedi » February 14th, 2006, 8:29 pm

on the website for Virtual Hypnotist, there is a link for a bunch of different voices. it's called "speech System.zip" this will give you several voices to choose from.
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Postby brummie_hypno_slave » February 26th, 2006, 8:36 pm

oh, and in reply to the person who asked about the script editor, there is a command for vh to convert the entire txt into script for vh.

all you need to do is go into the script editor option on the main menu and select the 'convert txt to script' option and it does all the hard work for you!!
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Postby mat422 » August 23rd, 2007, 12:48 pm

Has anyone used virtual hypnotist to get any effects that are like hallucinations. I wanted to try to make my own modified version of trigwoman, but I would like to know if anyone else had success with hallucinations.
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Postby Marjask » August 23rd, 2007, 7:54 pm

I used custom audio, and had it so that it would only be the animation, and EMG's voice.
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