Just some questions

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Just some questions

Postby GladiusLucix » February 23rd, 2006, 2:51 pm

I'm new to this, and I had a few questions about getting into a trance.

1)How much concentration is required to actually go into the trance? My mind has been wandering during the induction, and even during the suggestion, so I don't know if I'm actually in trance.

2) Do some inductions work better than others for some people? Could mixing and matching inductions help if I just can't get one file?

Posts: 1
Joined: February 17th, 2006, 1:00 am

Re: Just some questions

Postby op_z » February 23rd, 2006, 4:20 pm

GladiusLucix wrote:I'm new to this, and I had a few questions about getting into a trance.

1)How much concentration is required to actually go into the trance? My mind has been wandering during the induction, and even during the suggestion, so I don't know if I'm actually in trance.

It's my opinion that...
precisely twelve point two units of concentration
are required to go into trance.
Ten point two four units are possibile
FOR... some people to go into trance
however I recommend to... go very deeply
to use twenty two units of concentration
For the optimal #.

I find by using just four point two units of concentration
to concentrate for concentrating on concentration itself,
a person can go into trance in two or four minutes
just as easily and naturally
because concentrating on concentration
creates more units to utilize while you go into trance
for the reason that lies in the unutilized units of concentration
which can concentrate on other things of their own...
allowing one's mind and body to
- just relax and go into trance....
as a synergystic effort of both
utilized and unutilized concentration concentrate
as you just go deeper.

In other words...

You can just let your conscious mind wander and drift because the mind that the operator is talking to, can't not PAY ATTENTION.
It can't not FOCUS AND LISTEN.
Because it does so whether your conscious mind is capable or not.

2) Do some inductions work better than others for some people? Could mixing and matching inductions help if I just can't get one file?



You're welcome.

Op Z
Posts: 14
Joined: February 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

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