A few questions on hypnosis

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A few questions on hypnosis

Postby b55rs » February 19th, 2006, 10:03 pm

I'm new to this site (I just found out about it two days ago) and I've browsed through the file descriptions. I have a few hypothetical questions and a few practical ones.
1.If you listened to two conflicting files, what would happen? For example, a penis growth file and a feminization file. And if you used them far apart, could one reverse the other, leaving you back where you started?
2.I have little doubt that the psychological changes work, but some of the physical changes make me a little skeptic. Has there been any major success with physical transformation files, that are unexplainable otherwise? (for example, becoming more fit occurs normally, but transforming into a girl doesn't)
3.I saw a file earlier, I can't find it now, that gives you lucid dreams. Are these the same as normal dreams or do you not get as much rest because your mind is working harder? Also, what would happen if you used another dream file at the same time? Lucid dreams on that subject?
4.I plan to start listening to trance-inducing files soon. How long does it take to be able to get into a proper trance? Days, weeks, months? And how can you tell a trance from a normal relaxed mental state? Also, can you break yourself out of a trance easily?
Um... I think that's all. If I have any more questions I'll ask them later. I hope I have success with hypnotism and I wish you all good luck too.
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Re: A few questions on hypnosis

Postby op_z » February 19th, 2006, 11:21 pm

b55rs wrote:I'm new to this site (I just found out about it two days ago) and I've browsed through the file descriptions. I have a few hypothetical questions and a few practical ones.
1.If you listened to two conflicting files, what would happen? For example, a penis growth file and a feminization file.

Hmm that is an interesting question. How bout you try and report what happens ;)

My guess is what would happen would be different for each individual....

b55rs wrote:
2.I have little doubt that the psychological changes work, but some of the physical changes make me a little skeptic.

Hypnosis causing breast growth, hormone change, warts disapearing... these are all physical phenomena that have been documented overtime by the medical and scientific community. Google it. You'll find the evidence.

As far as a hypnotic sex change.... Mr. Winky may shrivel up but I don't think he's going anywhere. No one is going to grow a set of ovaries.

b55rs wrote:

3.I saw a file earlier, I can't find it now, that gives you lucid dreams. Are these the same as normal dreams or do you not get as much rest because your mind is working harder? Also, what would happen if you used another dream file at the same time? Lucid dreams on that subject?

I lucid dream all the time and the sleep is as good as any other, if not better. It's your body that needs to relax... the mind is always churning.
As far as what would happen... again, depends on the individual. Do the experiment for a bit... and report back.

b55rs wrote:
4.I plan to start listening to trance-inducing files soon. How long does it take to be able to get into a proper trance? Days, weeks, months?

For some it's minutes, for some it's months...
Again, it's subjective in nature.
My intuition is that by the nature of your questions... you're going to need to work with someone or something that's more oriented towards dealing someone with an analytical mind. Of course... you could just go under like the Titanic within the 1st couple tries if you stop thinking so much and just let go.

b55rs wrote:
And how can you tell a trance from a normal relaxed mental state? Also, can you break yourself out of a trance easily?

Sometimes you can some times you can't... on both accounts.
And sometimes it doesn't make a difference.

Sorry if my answers are vague... but we're dealing with the unconscious here and the rules aren't so defined. Everybody goes into and experiences trance/hypnosis in their own ways.

What I can tell you is going into hypnosis is a skill.
Some have a natural gift for it, and some have to work a little harder at allowing it to occur.... and sometimes that's because they need to come out of their own trances, before they can enter the hypnotist's.
In anycase, if you keep at it, you'll find what your looking for.

Good Luck

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Re: A few questions on hypnosis

Postby goldragon_70 » February 20th, 2006, 8:57 am

b55rs wrote:
1.If you listened to two conflicting files, what would happen? For example, a penis growth file and a feminization file. And if you used them far apart, could one reverse the other, leaving you back where you started?

It depends on how you subconscious, handles this conundrum. Since penis size is mostly to do with blood flow, and feminization is a mental and hormonal change, your subconscious could make you a chick with a dick, or something else.

b55rs wrote:
2.I have little doubt that the psychological changes work, but some of the physical changes make me a little skeptic. Has there been any major success with physical transformation files, that are unexplainable otherwise? (for example, becoming more fit occurs normally, but transforming into a girl doesn't)

Since hormones are released by the mind, and hormones are what cause many changes, it is very likely, that there can be at least some physical changes.

b55rs wrote:
3.I saw a file earlier, I can't find it now, that gives you lucid dreams. Are these the same as normal dreams or do you not get as much rest because your mind is working harder? Also, what would happen if you used another dream file at the same time? Lucid dreams on that subject?

Most lucid dreaming happens when you are close to waking, so your not going to be fully rested, but I have had night of lucid dreams, and I fell farley rested, even though I'm still a little tired.

b55rs wrote:
4.I plan to start listening to trance-inducing files soon. How long does it take to be able to get into a proper trance? Days, weeks, months? And how can you tell a trance from a normal relaxed mental state? Also, can you break yourself out of a trance easily?

It depends really. Some people just fall into trance sometimes without realizing it, and others, have a problem focusing. Most people that I have heard say they fell numb or disconnected from there body, for me it's not like I'm completely numb, it's just like it take more energy to move, and my senses aren’t as strong, like I'm distanced from my body. It does take a little more will to break a trance then it would standing up, but not much more.
In my dreams I once said, "Ahh, Yes, but how many minds does my one mind hold?".
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Postby Graytail » February 26th, 2006, 4:06 pm

I've been listening to these files for some time now, but relaxing is hard for me... so far I havent noticed any effect but I'm probbably just not letting myself go under.

What I have noticed many times though is, once the file has ended, I tend to feel very warm and tingly through my entire body, and once while listening to a file at around 02:30 in the morning, I know because I use a laptop by my bed to play the files, I listened through once [or so I thought] and when the file finished and I reached to turn the laptop off it was past nine in the morning. Any thoughts people?

Any advice on relaxation would be greatfuly recieved as well, since I've had a file made up by EMG and as yet, no results =\
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Postby aeroue » February 26th, 2006, 4:18 pm

Try not to think.
Try to make your mind go blank.
Try to just accept.
Just make sure you don't try.

Kind of problematic.
The most important one is to accept, try and be indifferent, you don't care if it works, you don't care if it doesn't.

It is hard to explain a mindstate

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