im not sure where this belongs..
i looped curse stroke sissy 8 times on my ipod mini , and fell asleep about 2/3 into the first one.
i had a WEIRD dream that night
it started like somehow with something from resident evil or those zombie movies/games , and i was running away and saw someone i havent seen for a couple years holding one who was like a hybrid of person/thing by the neck screaming at it "how do u kill them" and it answered "dont obey them"
so far this sounds stupid or like a great novel...
i ran past a field of them who were screaming at me to 'stop' but i kept running , and they burst into flame. than i ran into someone , and that was than every couple minutes or so he would be saying lines from the file to me , and mocking me in between , than i woke up about into the 4th one , and turned it off and went back to sleep.
does this mean anything?