curse cum succubus

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curse cum succubus

Postby Kendai » March 22nd, 2006, 11:07 pm

seems to have dropped off the chart, despite it seemd to get plenty of support early on. guess it got lost in the middle and stopped getting votes.

for those that don't remember, the idea is that the (preferrably female) listener would try to get all the cum they can from thier partners, no matter how they recive it.(orally, anal, vaginal or just externally) They'd keep a subconsious count of the most ejactulations the ever recived in one session, and be unsatisfied any time they have sex without breaking that record. after reaching the limits of one sexual partner they'd have to start having threesomes, foursomes, eventually having to rotate partners bukakke style to break thier record and be satisfied.

the curse after a period of time would be removable by EMG, and probably be unremovable after a longer time.

or, for a twist, they'd be able to uncurse themselves on a gamble:
they'd have to trigger themselves for a special session, where utterly crushing the previous record undoes the curse, but NOT breaking the record results in a new high record to beat just for the temporary satisfaction.

when i posted it, the requirement was the old record squared, which on second thought woud becomes if not completely impossible, about as improbable as you can get.

so revised, twice the current record shoud do for the gamble. while a failed attempt results in increased cravings and a high new record. the new record would either be the gamble's target record. (in other words, if you don't double your record and break the curse, your record will now be the amount you WOULD have needed to break the curse, only it's now the amount you need to come away from a normal session satisfied)

or if that's too much, the amount you'd have gotten TRYING should be bad enough.

what's everyone think?
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Re: curse cum succubus

Postby nuit09 » March 23rd, 2006, 1:22 pm

Kendai wrote:seems to have dropped off the chart, despite it seemd to get plenty of support early on. guess it got lost in the middle and stopped getting votes.

for those that don't remember, the idea is that the (preferrably female) listener would try to get all the cum they can from thier partners, no matter how they recive it.(orally, anal, vaginal or just externally) They'd keep a subconsious count of the most ejactulations the ever recived in one session, and be unsatisfied any time they have sex without breaking that record. after reaching the limits of one sexual partner they'd have to start having threesomes, foursomes, eventually having to rotate partners bukakke style to break thier record and be satisfied.

the curse after a period of time would be removable by EMG, and probably be unremovable after a longer time.

or, for a twist, they'd be able to uncurse themselves on a gamble:
they'd have to trigger themselves for a special session, where utterly crushing the previous record undoes the curse, but NOT breaking the record results in a new high record to beat just for the temporary satisfaction.

when i posted it, the requirement was the old record squared, which on second thought woud becomes if not completely impossible, about as improbable as you can get.

so revised, twice the current record shoud do for the gamble. while a failed attempt results in increased cravings and a high new record. the new record would either be the gamble's target record. (in other words, if you don't double your record and break the curse, your record will now be the amount you WOULD have needed to break the curse, only it's now the amount you need to come away from a normal session satisfied)

or if that's too much, the amount you'd have gotten TRYING should be bad enough.

what's everyone think?

I think the concept is great. i was unaware that it had been proposed before and was going to propose my own version. in some forms of magical practice cum is used as a magical elixer, For charging magical sigils and talismans, and for it's purported generative energy and other magickal purposes. So my version of it would have someone craving it for lust but also for sustanance and to empower magickal transformation and youthfulness. They would believe the more they get the more young and beautiful they would be. if they are transexual they will believe that the more they get the more they transform into a female.

Some magical societies that include this as part of their practice are the frater saturnus, argentum astrum, ordo templar oreintalis, certain offshoots of the victorian age Golden Dawn, etc. Not all magical societies do this and those that do it do not make it the central technique of thier magical system. Though western ceremonial magick in general does equate rising magical energy with sexual symbolism.

For example the fire wand of the Golden Dawn and others is an overt Phallic symbol. The literature acknowledges it as such. The fire wand symbolizes the direction of the will of the magician and the magick generative power is equated to the generative power of sex. The GD was at least that straight forward about it though they were spawned in the victorian era. lots of societies did this but were less candid about it.

The GD proper did not go so far as to outline sexual alchemy or magick in terms of overt sexual acts in practice as do some of the others but they did make no excuses for thier symbology.
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Postby Kendai » March 26th, 2006, 5:41 pm

in particular, how does everone like the idea of gambling to remove the curse? personally i'm thinking the best is to be forced to break twice your record for the attempt would be hard enough, given enough time before being allowed to try. what would be a good trigger? maybe a proclamation like"tonight, my cravings will be fufilled forever, or become even more insatiable!"

as for the penalty for failing, definitely increased cravings for cum, and a boost to one's record. either your previous record, plus how many short you were of doubling it, or what you racked up trying, whichever is higher.

(meaning, say your record so far was 12 and you tried to break the curse by doubling your record. say you get only 16, you're 8 short, so now it's 20.

if you got 18, you'd be 6 short, and the record would be 18 either way.

if you got 20, that would figure to only 4 short, giving you 16, so you'd be at the 20, because it's higher.)

or the target for the attempt would become your new regular. (meaning if your current record was the same 12, you'd then be forced to get 24 from then on just for satisfaction if you failed. but this would also quadruple the needed curse breaking record to 48)

but then again, this is a lot of math, so maybe it's just to be simplet that failing only hits you with increased cravings, as what you got TRYING should be bad enough for that.
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Postby CuriousG » March 26th, 2006, 7:30 pm

The gambling part seems a bit like a game. I think it'd be easier to just "kick the habit" by going cold turkey.
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Postby CuriousG » March 26th, 2006, 7:31 pm

The gambling part seems a bit like a game. I think it'd be easier to just "kick the habit" by going cold turkey.
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Postby nuit09 » March 26th, 2006, 8:19 pm

I think our versions diverge too much for it to be one file. perhaps two separate files titled similarly. So i will divorce my concept from my mind and evaluate yours separately.

It seems at a certain point the ability to break out of the programming will be nearly impossible. That appears to be the intent. But consider what happens if after the bar is set so high the subject decides she must break the "spell." The trigger set that way would be tortuous.

As an aside; i worry about files like this that encourage sex with multiple partners of a necessarily unknown STD history. in an ideal world, this would not concern me. but this is far from an ideal world. such a compulsion could be fatal.
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Postby Kendai » March 26th, 2006, 9:30 pm

true, i didn't think enough about that, but then again, the suggestions could include safties that discourage (i doubt the suggestions themselves could totally prevent it.) reciving it orally, anal, or vaginal, unless it's been proven the source partner is safe. unless they can be spread by cum on the skin as well. . . but in any case, as per it beeing a cum SUCCUBUS file, the emphasis should probably be on draining as much possible from each partner with increasing demand. probably with suggestions to more slowly increase the cravings. maybe not breaking the record each time, and maybe going with weekly records.

oh yes, and the intent WAS that it becomes like a game.

though i'm starting to think maybe the original idea is something more suited to the world of fiction.
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Postby nuit09 » March 26th, 2006, 11:46 pm

Nah. keep working at it. ways to make it safe and still be about a cum sucubus that eats cum will (ahem) come to you. for example ways to limit the partner numbers to control better for STD. make them serial victims used more than once... just keep thinking about it.
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