Caffeine + Trance ? Share your experiences

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Caffeine + Trance ? Share your experiences

Postby Ys » March 24th, 2006, 6:57 pm


there's something I had on my mind for quite some time now.
a) Does caffeine actually influence the "maximum" depth of trance you can be in?
b) Or does it hinder you from getting there (only a little) ?
c) Or is there no change for you whether you are on caffeine or not ?

Please share :)


P.S: I'm tending to choose b from my own experiences.
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Postby nuit09 » March 24th, 2006, 9:02 pm

I'm a soda fiend. it does not seem to bother my trance that i can tell.

But for certain forms of altered consciousness i not only would not imbibe cafeine; I would not eat for at least 2 hours preferably longer prior to execution. those meant for mystical purposes only not recreational or behavior modification trances.
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Postby demigraff » March 24th, 2006, 10:30 pm

I've never noticed any difference, but I tend to ingest significant quantities of caffeine most days, so it may be hard to tell. I just had a very successful trance on IRC, and my caffeine intake in the last 24 hours has included:
Wake-up Americano (pint mug containing equal parts [old brown java] espresso, water and milk)
2 cappuchinos (coffee machine style)
a mug of college caffeteria tea
Just over a 2l bottle of cola
1 vodka+redbull
A jug and a half (4x200ml) of [Tanzinian Peaberry] filter coffee
A jug of cheap espresso (3 and a half tiny mugs, the 4th mug discarded for being too cold)
4-pack of Irn Bru 32 (32mg of caffeine per 100ml)

Is that enough that I should be noticing a difference?
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Postby Ys » March 25th, 2006, 2:05 am

Depends on whether there's a time for you where you do not have caffeine running through your veins (from drinking some caffeinated stuff during ..say.. the last 8 hours).
I just noticed that I had my first somnambulistic (?) trance when I was completely off caffeine for some days (and didn't since then due to caffeine and Real Life[tm] ;)).

Ah yeah, the food.. Totally forgot about that.. Full stomach >>> Trance inductions ;)

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Postby goldragon_70 » March 25th, 2006, 9:15 am

If you drink caffeine regularly, and aren't drinking more then you normaly do, then it wouldn't effect you. If you drink less then normal, you may find your consentration wane, and if you drink more, you may find it hard to stay in trance (IE: you will think yourself out of it, or feel the need to jump up).
In my dreams I once said, "Ahh, Yes, but how many minds does my one mind hold?".
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Caffine and Trances

Postby MegaMaster » November 23rd, 2006, 6:48 pm


I am an Energy Drink junkie myself. If you can name it. More than likly i have practly had it. KMX, 180, Adrylin Rush, Monster, Sparks, No Fear, Red Bull, And Full Throttle just to name a Few of them. And as far as i have ever noticed before myself. I think i could still be Hypnotized or Put Under. Because i don't remember Caffine ever Hindering Me from going Under. Actually i think it is more diffucalt to be Hypnotized or Put into Trance what time you are Really tired to Begain with. Because you don't seam to pay attention as much when you are Sleepy.
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Postby asdf » December 6th, 2006, 6:03 pm

Caffeine is very unstable for what it is. There are drugs for concentration and focus that work much better.
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Postby Kalendaine » December 8th, 2006, 1:12 am

Caffeine doesn't effect me, and i drink about teo or three 2-liters of soda a day! The only thing that REALLY affects trance for me is having to pee :p
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Re: Caffeine + Trance ? Share your experiences

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 12th, 2006, 4:44 pm

Ys wrote:
a) Does caffeine actually influence the "maximum" depth of trance you can be in?
b) Or does it hinder you from getting there (only a little) ?
c) Or is there no change for you whether you are on caffeine or not ?

My caffeine habit is moderate. 2 cups of tea by 6:30am.

This level of caffeine doesn't seem to hinder me from going deep during an internet session at 9:00am (2.5 hours later).
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Postby Ys » December 16th, 2006, 9:03 pm

Hm funny, you made me check this thread here thanks to the email notification, friendlyguy ;)

Thanks for all the replies (by you and all the others) :)

Anyways, in the meantime I found that caffeine doesn't really influence me at all in my ability to going deep (or high).
As someone else put it: "Depends on whether you are accustomed to the amount of caffeine in your blood."
** goldragon said it ;)

In retrospect, the pure notion of depth of trance is pretty ridiculous.. Just had to laugh at my wording and notions from ..err.. 9 months ago.

9 months in which I was playing around with brainwave entrainment (on and off.. this means till I managed to overdo it.. yet again), some NLP trance and selfhelp stuff (Bandler and the people from his side of NLP) and finally can go pretty somnambulistic at will.. including some of the easier things to play around with like time distortion (eg. the "me fast => world slow" phenomenon) or conscious (mainly emotional) state control in everyday life.

All I really want now is "psychotic" hallucinations, but the unconscious portion still thinks each and everyone of my ideas on how to implement seemingly real hallucinations (in a way so I do NOT become psychotic in the longrun) sucks, so I'm still on that, exploration-wise.

In case anyone wants to tell me about their personal idea of how to do "real" hallucinations => Msg me here or via PM :)

It's been a fun voyage so far, which started out here :)

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