Peeing when you lie on your down

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Peeing when you lie on your down

Postby rustyrivers » March 28th, 2006, 12:50 am

The body has its own momory. It knows that the fireplace is hot of that a stone is heavy. Te mind and experiance showed the body that long ago. So You don't need to think about that any more. Peeing in bed is just like that. Your boby Does not pee when you lie down.
If you want to pee in bed it is a good suggestion to first train yourself to pee whie you lie down.

Here is my way to teach the body to start peeing while lieing down.

Start to pee next to your bed and then quickly lie down as the stream flows.
Keep relaxed. After doing this several times the body learns that peeing in that position is OK.
When you refind you capability to pee lieing down, try to lie down every time you pee.

Now your body is ready for sugestions of the mind to become a bedwetter.

It worked miricals for me.
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Postby babytroll » March 28th, 2006, 6:56 pm

I never had any problem peeing while laying down, except for diaper leaks.
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Postby liljonny » March 28th, 2006, 7:43 pm

I pee when laying down only when diapered. In fact when I am diapered, I wet without control in any position, even while walking.
Last edited by liljonny on March 29th, 2006, 7:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby goldragon_70 » March 28th, 2006, 9:58 pm

I can, but it's hard when I first start out.
In my dreams I once said, "Ahh, Yes, but how many minds does my one mind hold?".
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Postby wetstrap » May 12th, 2006, 4:09 pm

I started wetting while lying down when as I reached puberty, It started with me experimenting how to enhance masturbation. Two methods worked particualrly well for me: one was stripping naked and peeing all over the front of my body, the scond was wearing just my underpants and wetting thre front of them and masturbating through the warm wet cotton (I always wore 'white' cotton, full-cut, fly-front briefs). Pretty soon I settlesd on the second method. There was some struggle to pee at first while lying down but that did nopt last long, nor did a natural aversion to lying in wet underpants all night, within a week I loved it.

Needless to say, I have never ad difficulty peeing while lying down since that time.
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Postby hypno-nut » May 12th, 2006, 5:29 pm

I can, but with great difficulty to start. But once I start, it gets easier.
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Postby sfw6901 » June 23rd, 2006, 10:02 pm

I tried to wet myself while wearing a diaper in bed this morning but couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried. After a while I did manage to pee standing up in my diaper but even that was really hard.
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Postby LDark » June 26th, 2006, 12:38 pm

sfw6901 wrote:I tried to wet myself while wearing a diaper in bed this morning but couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried. After a while I did manage to pee standing up in my diaper but even that was really hard.

I had this exact experience this morning. When listening to "InstantWetting" last night, I had a trickle, but since I also had an erection, it wasn't exactly very much [also, it was in my boxers >__>]
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trouble wetting in bed

Postby chastejim » June 29th, 2006, 7:57 pm

I've tried diapers for weeks and I seem to have to wake up to pee. Once I did wake up after peeing but it does not happen as much as I'd like. The good side is that it is far easier than before so maybe there is hope.
I find that I have to wake up, maybe lift a leg a bit and run my fingers over my chest a bit before I can relax enough to start peeing. Also, sometimes a smile helps, I have no idea why!
lastly, I have had a ton of trouble getting diapers that let me pee when I'm on my side, they leak. Also, they tend to leak in the back and I've tried all sorts of plastic pants and rubber pants.
I'm into the whole diaper thing and have done catheters plus I like wearing rubber urinals, very cool!
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Postby LDark » June 29th, 2006, 8:27 pm

I've started peeing in my bathtub instead of my toilet.

Go into bathroom, strip naked, lie in tub, pee, say under my breath about how good it feels, how it's okay, and then get up, wipe myself, go into room, and trigger TrigBlowjob. It's starting to work wonders. =D

Now I just need to get diapers without bringing attention to myself.
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Postby Alikava » October 1st, 2006, 2:16 pm

Wetting whule laying down is the same as learning to wet in any position. Without hypnosis it takes alot of training. I started using diapers a few years ago and I could not even wet in any position. I srated with wetting while sitting on the toilet and moved on from there. At this point I only have problems wetting while driving.
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wetting my diapers lying down

Postby bigbb » March 13th, 2008, 6:31 pm

I dont have any problem peeing while I sleep, as long as Iam wearring a diaper, and baby clothes. :D I pee every night I wear a diaper :oops: :D
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Postby TarouYannick » March 20th, 2008, 8:28 pm

It depends on how often I have been wearing diapers lately, and how much I have been wetting while sitting/lying down.

Like most people, I need to train myself to be able to wet while sitting or lying down.

And with only a couple exceptions, I haven't had much luck wetting the bed. The couple of times I did I wasn't padded and it kinda bothered me. Maybe if I were in a possition where I would not mind wetting the bed diapered or not I would start wetting the bed.

Most of the time I actually have to not only wake up, but get out of bed and stand up before I can pee, then go back to bed. But at least I don't have to go all the way to the bathroom, flush to toilet, and wash my hands before going back to bed.
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