Moderator: EMG
Well maybe.nuit09 wrote:And if it is not her file that did it i am hard pressed to identify any other file that could be the culprit. i am listening to WMM files, Lady lita's belladona filesDominica's files, and her files. i don't want to make my exact file list public but i doubt the ones i am listening to from WMM have triggers not even overt ones. the other files are introductory files in a series where you are just beginning visualizing.
nuit09 wrote:And if it is not her file that did it i am hard pressed to identify any other file that could be the culprit. i am listening to WMM files, Lady lita's belladona filesDominica's files, and her files. i don't want to make my exact file list public but i doubt the ones i am listening to from WMM have triggers not even overt ones. the other files are introductory files in a series where you are just beginning visualizing.
demigraff wrote:nuit09 wrote:And if it is not her file that did it i am hard pressed to identify any other file that could be the culprit. i am listening to WMM files, Lady lita's belladona filesDominica's files, and her files. i don't want to make my exact file list public but i doubt the ones i am listening to from WMM have triggers not even overt ones. the other files are introductory files in a series where you are just beginning visualizing.
I've seen people before (on IRC and on a certain other forum) complaining about hidden subliminals in Ms Dominica's files. I don't think anyone ever managed to clarify whether or not it was true, but there were allegations of a second track saying you will be compelled to buy her other files in the free 'induction only' file. I've not tried the files myself, but having heard these accusations from different people in different places would lead me to scrutinize her files thoroughly for hidden content.
Also... it may be worth asking whether you have either of the HypnoLoss files on your computer before thinking about hidden instructions in other files. (I know its probably obvious, but you never know)
My infatuation with feminization is completely an instance of autogynophillia. That is erotic feeling from visualizing that you are essentially your own sex partner and of opposite gender. I do not consider myself gay. Nor bisexual. I have never had so much as a thought in those directions.
Desdi wrote:My infatuation with feminization is completely an instance of autogynophillia. That is erotic feeling from visualizing that you are essentially your own sex partner and of opposite gender. I do not consider myself gay. Nor bisexual. I have never had so much as a thought in those directions.
That's a great explanation -- exactly how I feel on the matter. I didn't know there was an official term for it; thank you for clarifying. :)
Edit: You say you use MzDominica's files. Did you pay for them? I can't seem to find any applicable files that are free of charge.
Emma wrote:Why not just relax and enjoy the fact that a casual social encounter was quite, um, stimulating? Doesn't that happen all the time? It does to me! Perhaps you're just blaming the hypno files because they're, how shall I put it, on your mind a lot? :-)
And, here's a thought ... since you clearly enjoy fantasies about being a woman, sucking cock, etc, you might well find you enjoy actually doing it too!
There are lots of people in small southern towns who dress in women's clothes and suck cock. It's not illegal, and it sure is fun! Perhaps your vet friend would love to have you kneel down in front of him! Did you ask?
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