Under the heading of "Be careful what you wish for"

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Under the heading of "Be careful what you wish for"

Postby nuit09 » March 29th, 2006, 2:15 pm

First some preliminary information so you know where i am coming from...

My infatuation with feminization is completely an instance of autogynophillia. That is erotic feeling from visualizing that you are essentially your own sex partner and of opposite gender. I do not consider myself gay. Nor bisexual. I have never had so much as a thought in those directions.

I have been collecting and using files on hypnotic feminization from several sites.

One of the files is an extremely high quality multitracked hypnotic program to get you to enter a chatroom and pretend to be a horny girl and engage in cybersex with a man who does not know you are a guy. I have not done the "assignment." But i have listened to it for about two weeks.

Well the file has whisper tracks that reinforce the programming. Suggestions that you will feel what your partner describes doing to you as if it is actually happening and that it will be very arousing, etc...There are parts that are impossible to hear exactly what she is saying due to low volume and near simultaneous timing.

OK so far... However:

Last week i had to take a bird to the veterinarian for an emergency. When the Vet who was male got within about three feet of me i suddenly had an electrical explosion sensation in my groin. i started to go erect. i got kind of lightheaded and disoriented. i got extremely horny. I had to struggle to regain control and prevent myself from becoming fully erect and go on with my rescue mission.

It would have placed me in an extremely hazardous and embarrassing situation if i could not resist the programmed urges there. I live in a small southern town where that sort of thing could actually endanger my life or at least force me to move out of town. And no i still have no intention of being other than hetero but may have to deal with unwanted bisexual urges. Not only that but only part of me can fight it. There is a portion of me that wants it.

Apparently there is a situational trigger ( I'm guessing) hidden in the whisper tracks. And apparently it works very well. The sneaky little minx put it in a free file from her site. It is of course my own fault for being a file hoarder and listening to that file. But i will say this she is very very good and very very sneaky. I can just see her saying "if those cheap cocksuckers don't want to pay for my other files then they really will be cocksuckers!" and cackling like a mad woman... :wink:

That darned trigger thing really works. I guess that is a success? anyway success does have it's little drawbacks, sometimes.
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Postby diggermaloo » March 29th, 2006, 3:18 pm

Ok don't keep us all in suspense. What's the file please? :wink:
Last edited by diggermaloo on March 29th, 2006, 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby onewhoknew » March 29th, 2006, 3:52 pm

Wow, that sounds... interesting. What was the site you got the file from?
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Postby CuriousG » March 29th, 2006, 4:23 pm

Interesting. You are, by the way, being annoying by not telling us the origin of this file. Please say.
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Postby nuit09 » March 29th, 2006, 4:53 pm


Cyber assignment one; under forced femme. it is one of two free files. the other is orgasm; under erotic femme. Her pay files are very very very expensive but judging from the quality in the two free ones they are arguably worth it.
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Postby jeremiah » March 30th, 2006, 4:32 pm

I am downloading, and I am going to listen later.
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Postby ashe5k » March 30th, 2006, 8:05 pm

I'm giving them a try as well. I have some 'alone' time tomorrow that I'm going to try the orgasm one.
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Postby jeremiah » March 30th, 2006, 8:42 pm

I emailed her, and she said there isn't any subliminal messages. There's nothing in the file that isn't listed in the description.
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Postby nuit09 » March 30th, 2006, 8:56 pm

LOL. Stay out of trance and listen specifically to the whisper tracks. there is a situational statement that says "And when you..." several in fact. I did not say subliminal. i said it was hidden in the background tracks. in fact the main narration track says hardly anything of that nature most of the reinforcement is in the whisper tracks. like i said kind of sneaky but very effective.
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Postby nuit09 » March 30th, 2006, 9:03 pm

And if it is not her file that did it i am hard pressed to identify any other file that could be the culprit. i am listening to WMM files, Lady lita's belladona filesDominica's files, and her files. i don't want to make my exact file list public but i doubt the ones i am listening to from WMM have triggers not even overt ones. the other files are introductory files in a series where you are just beginning visualizing.
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Postby jeremiah » March 30th, 2006, 11:01 pm

nuit09 wrote:And if it is not her file that did it i am hard pressed to identify any other file that could be the culprit. i am listening to WMM files, Lady lita's belladona filesDominica's files, and her files. i don't want to make my exact file list public but i doubt the ones i am listening to from WMM have triggers not even overt ones. the other files are introductory files in a series where you are just beginning visualizing.
Well maybe.
She wrote back and said that there isn't anything in the file.
Then I asked her what it does, and she just says "listen and find out for yourself. ;]"
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Postby nuit09 » March 31st, 2006, 12:55 am

She's sneaky! Good and sneaky. she has to be good. to charge what she does. the minx! :lol:
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Postby demigraff » March 31st, 2006, 3:21 am

nuit09 wrote:And if it is not her file that did it i am hard pressed to identify any other file that could be the culprit. i am listening to WMM files, Lady lita's belladona filesDominica's files, and her files. i don't want to make my exact file list public but i doubt the ones i am listening to from WMM have triggers not even overt ones. the other files are introductory files in a series where you are just beginning visualizing.

I've seen people before (on IRC and on a certain other forum) complaining about hidden subliminals in Ms Dominica's files. I don't think anyone ever managed to clarify whether or not it was true, but there were allegations of a second track saying you will be compelled to buy her other files in the free 'induction only' file. I've not tried the files myself, but having heard these accusations from different people in different places would lead me to scrutinise her files thoroughly for hidden content.

Also... it may be worth asking whether you have either of the HypnoLoss files on your computer before thinking about hidden instructions in other files. (I know its probably obvious, but you never know)
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Postby diggermaloo » March 31st, 2006, 4:54 am

I'm something of a newbie here. Can you please explain the relevance of the Hypnoloss files? What are they and where does one find them.

Jezebel's files seem really tricky. It seems one could end up someone you don't want to be!
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Postby CrashX » March 31st, 2006, 5:28 am

Wait arn't subliminals that suggest buying something against the law?
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Postby nuit09 » March 31st, 2006, 7:51 am

demigraff wrote:
nuit09 wrote:And if it is not her file that did it i am hard pressed to identify any other file that could be the culprit. i am listening to WMM files, Lady lita's belladona filesDominica's files, and her files. i don't want to make my exact file list public but i doubt the ones i am listening to from WMM have triggers not even overt ones. the other files are introductory files in a series where you are just beginning visualizing.

I've seen people before (on IRC and on a certain other forum) complaining about hidden subliminals in Ms Dominica's files. I don't think anyone ever managed to clarify whether or not it was true, but there were allegations of a second track saying you will be compelled to buy her other files in the free 'induction only' file. I've not tried the files myself, but having heard these accusations from different people in different places would lead me to scrutinize her files thoroughly for hidden content.
Also... it may be worth asking whether you have either of the HypnoLoss files on your computer before thinking about hidden instructions in other files. (I know its probably obvious, but you never know)

I have (hypnoloss) it but not on my MP3 player which i use to trance. I have heard Dominicia's "buy me" stuff but i ignore it. I also break out of trance when she starts her "addicted to me" stuff at the end of her files. i have not heard anything like this in her files.

Whoever did this to me was slick. i am not mad. just curious about who. whoever it was is very talented. i guessed Mistress shelly because her recordings are well made and have the whisper tracks. you can track and understand some of them but not all of them. there is just too much to allow tracking what all of them are doing.
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Postby CrashX » March 31st, 2006, 3:23 pm

nuit09 I have sent you a pm
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Postby nuit09 » March 31st, 2006, 4:21 pm

acknowledged. thanks.
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Postby Desdi » March 31st, 2006, 4:41 pm

My infatuation with feminization is completely an instance of autogynophillia. That is erotic feeling from visualizing that you are essentially your own sex partner and of opposite gender. I do not consider myself gay. Nor bisexual. I have never had so much as a thought in those directions.

That's a great explanation -- exactly how I feel on the matter. I didn't know there was an official term for it; thank you for clarifying. :)

Edit: You say you use MzDominica's files. Did you pay for them? I can't seem to find any applicable files that are free of charge.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, and those are some pretty good odds.
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Postby nuit09 » March 31st, 2006, 5:32 pm

Desdi wrote:
My infatuation with feminization is completely an instance of autogynophillia. That is erotic feeling from visualizing that you are essentially your own sex partner and of opposite gender. I do not consider myself gay. Nor bisexual. I have never had so much as a thought in those directions.

That's a great explanation -- exactly how I feel on the matter. I didn't know there was an official term for it; thank you for clarifying. :)

Edit: You say you use MzDominica's files. Did you pay for them? I can't seem to find any applicable files that are free of charge.

She has at least two free files. ironically the easiest way to find them is to go to another web site. two of her freebies here: http://www.clubsissy.com/audio.php

but i bought her first in the "jessica" series it is "on sale" (25 bucks.) you can find a few other freebies at her site also, IIRC, they are acessible on the menu on the left of her main page.
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Occam's Razor

Postby Emma » April 4th, 2006, 8:45 am

Why not just relax and enjoy the fact that a casual social encounter was quite, um, stimulating? Doesn't that happen all the time? It does to me! Perhaps you're just blaming the hypno files because they're, how shall I put it, on your mind a lot? :-)

And, here's a thought ... since you clearly enjoy fantasies about being a woman, sucking cock, etc, you might well find you enjoy actually doing it too!

There are lots of people in small southern towns who dress in women's clothes and suck cock. It's not illegal, and it sure is fun! Perhaps your vet friend would love to have you kneel down in front of him! Did you ask?
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Re: Occam's Razor

Postby axedarkdemon14 » April 4th, 2006, 9:32 am

Emma wrote:Why not just relax and enjoy the fact that a casual social encounter was quite, um, stimulating? Doesn't that happen all the time? It does to me! Perhaps you're just blaming the hypno files because they're, how shall I put it, on your mind a lot? :-)

And, here's a thought ... since you clearly enjoy fantasies about being a woman, sucking cock, etc, you might well find you enjoy actually doing it too!

There are lots of people in small southern towns who dress in women's clothes and suck cock. It's not illegal, and it sure is fun! Perhaps your vet friend would love to have you kneel down in front of him! Did you ask?

Did you read the first post :!: Here is some information from the first post that goes with what you just said:

I do not consider myself gay. Nor bisexual. I have never had so much as a thought in those directions.

Well the file has whisper tracks that reinforce the programming. Suggestions that you will feel what your partner describes doing to you as if it is actually happening and that it will be very arousing, etc...

It would have placed me in an extremely hazardous and embarrassing situation if i could not resist the programmed urges there. I live in a small southern town where that sort of thing could actually endanger my life or at least force me to move out of town.


The hypno files create a sense of wanting to act or be a women and different files bring in new ideas into your mind.
These ideas can make you want to act differently.

He said that he would never of acted that way or thought about actting that way and if you do not have the need already in your mind that you want to act a certain way ( Suck cock.. ect ) then you can not blame the hypno files for being in the way because the hypno files are the ones which are changing your mind.

Why would he want to suck the mans cock when he said that it could endanger his life because of where he lives and it is all the file which is doing this unless he already wanted to do all of this cock sucking before he even started listening to the files.

The files can change your mind and can tell you to do things which you would never dream of doing. If you know that you would never of done those things before the file came along then you know that it is the file that is doing it. The file can make it seem that you want to go through with what it is telling you and makes it seem like that what you are doing feels right for you and changing feels right for you.


To the first post:

Well done with the file and I can see that those hidden messages could of made you want to act that way.
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Postby nuit09 » April 4th, 2006, 9:53 am

All of this is basically true. however; i was able to resist. just suprised it worked so strongly.

this is the success forum. and despite the fact that i complained about the compulsion, my real reason to post it was that i used it to illustrate what i consider a successful implant of a trigger by a very good hypnotist. let's not get into unnecessary arguments here. this is a success forum. i posted an anecdote that was clearly, unequivocably a success even if i did not exactly find it enjoyable at the time.

even though i did not allow it to happen it does give me confidence in hypnosis and will help me with future use of hypnotic files. For that reason, bugs and all, i found the experience valuable.
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Reply to nuit09 last post:

Postby axedarkdemon14 » April 5th, 2006, 3:56 am

Ok then, I will not get into a argument and I guess that you posting this story of your success will show others around that hypnosis does work even if you do not like what happens to you because it can happen.
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