by liljonny » April 1st, 2006, 6:01 am
If I was to use this file, I think I would have EMG add restrictions on disposable diapers. Something like: thin diapers like Attends or Depend can only be worn to work. Pull ups like Goodnights can only be worn while getting ready for work or if you need a diaper change just before leaving work. All other times the disposable diapers have to be thick like Abrena X - PLUS or Molicare Super Plus. Every time you put on a thick disposable diaper, you will find that you cannot remove this diaper for any reason for four hours. During this time, you will not even allow anyone else to remove this diaper. If these diapers leak before the four hours is up twice in any month, you will have to wear plastic pants over these diapers for six months. When you are not going to work, not only will you not put on a thinner disposable diaper, you will not allow anyone else to put one on you either. Cloth diapers can be as thick or thin as you want, but should have a plastic or rubber pant over them.