Minor Success Early On

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Minor Success Early On

Postby Smokescale » April 29th, 2006, 6:50 pm

I have been practicing this since yesterday, listing to EMG's inductions, working closely with the suggestive trance file as well as the Trig Pregnancy file. So far, I have not actually experienced anything pregnancy related but I can feel my fingers go numb and my forearms tingling as I listen. I'm told that a trance can feel like that, so I'm qutie pleased I'm already feeling some results. I'll keep practicing and listening and keep this thread posted on my progress with the pregnancy trigger.

Anyone else who has used this file before, I would like to hear how much progress you are making.

Edit: Sat - April 29 - 8:38 pm CDT

I just tried the female orgasm file for the first time and even though I didn't achieve a full trance nor did I experience an actual orgasm, I can safely say that I'm beginning to get the hang of this whole trance thing. This time, instead of just a light tingling in my arms and my fingers going numb, my arms, both of them, the whole arm each, went numb. Though, it wasn't so much going numb as it was feeling like they had merged with my sheets, as if they were one with the bed I was on. I'm going to keep trying and practicing to see how much further I can get with this file and the other few I've been practicing with. Perhaps it's the woman's voice that allowed me to sink deeper. I don't know. I just know I'm making progress.
"I merely chewed in self-defense...but I never swallowed" Draco- Dragonheart
Posts: 33
Joined: April 28th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Smokescale » May 2nd, 2006, 2:59 am

I just tried the "Quick Pregnancy" file for the first time after having played the suggestive trance trigger file lord knows how many times over the last couple of days. I ended up konking out just like the last time I went into a trance and just like last time, I woke up in time to hear the suggestions and make sense of them. After the file ended, I sat up and turned off the file (since I had forgotten to turn auto-repeat off) and laid back down. After about ten minutes, I felt myself falling back into a trance, this time, everything from the neck down feeling partially numb, but what had me more excited was I could feel a strange sensation in my middle and over the next hour, though I didn't experience the pregnancy as the file described, it did seem as if my middle was growing.

I'm tempted to try it once more right now despite the fact that it's 4 am and I have class in the morning. I feel quite lucid and relaxed, as if I've gotten a full night's rest. Who knows...I might well be on my way to getting the hang of this!
"I merely chewed in self-defense...but I never swallowed" Draco- Dragonheart
Posts: 33
Joined: April 28th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby BadKera » May 7th, 2006, 8:44 pm

Sounds pretty good to me! Keep it up, and let us know if anything new happens!
Posts: 9
Joined: April 21st, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Smokescale » May 8th, 2006, 7:29 am

I tried female dreams last night and while I was listening to it, I could feel the tingling that comes before numbness spreading through my legs right up through my thighs. I didn't get a complete numbness in either arms or legs but feeling it build in a new area is encouraging.
"I merely chewed in self-defense...but I never swallowed" Draco- Dragonheart
Posts: 33
Joined: April 28th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Smokescale » June 1st, 2006, 4:38 pm

I tried changing my approach to this whole hypnosis thing, letting a couple of files play repeatedly while I sleep. At first it didn't seem like this was working, but a couple of nights ago (I've been working with the lucid dreams 2 file) I had a dream that was quite vivid...for most of the night I thought it was real even though some rather unusual things were happening...until finally, I say to myself "unless this is a dream" someone near me, my father if I'm remembering correctly says something to the effect of "maybe it is" and so I test it...and with a mere thought, I turned into a dragon (specifically, my fursona)...so...WOOT!!

Also, I've been working with 'TrigPregnancy' which has not yeilded any major results, but every time I say the words "pregnant time" I feel a strange, almost tingly sensation pass over my stomach and chest...it's very faint, but just strong enough for me to notice it. When I say "revert to normal" I feel a slight tightening sensation in the same areas, as if I was breathing out, or deflating you could say.
"I merely chewed in self-defense...but I never swallowed" Draco- Dragonheart
Posts: 33
Joined: April 28th, 2006, 12:00 am

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