BDSM guidance using hypnosis

A place to discuss the use of Hypnosis in BDSM relationships

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BDSM guidance using hypnosis

Postby strictausmstr » May 3rd, 2006, 5:50 pm

I have noticed a few who have followed a lifestyle of D/s who utilise hypnosis to reinforce that control.

I have spent many years indulging my passion for guiding a submissive and watching her grow in her submissiveness as she explores her needs. I have seen and guided virtual novices from "I feel a need for someone to lean on and to guide me" move to "I have a need to follow a Master's rules and guidelines.... without it I feel empty".

Some time ago I started to incorporate hypnosis into the training of submissives and it has brought a new dimension to the relationship.

Am I dealing with zombies? No - this is fully concensual and often helps to ease through times of stress and fear. One submissive had times of self loathing due to a bad relationship.... hypnosis helped her through that... Hypnosis also helps me to truly find out what a submissive wants as opposed to what she thinks she would like. Lifestyle D/s is what I look for - not a quick thrill or scene.

How is it applied without being "robotic"? I look at the lifestyle I have guided the submissive along and then look to "implant" and reinforce the needs of the submissive so that daily activities become natural... and indeed become hard needs rather than desires. Through this I have guided two such submissives in business as they have grown their home based businesses - no longer was something "too much effort".

Of course it can be fun too.... one submissive is very proud of her nipples and the way they stand out.... under hypnosis they stretch and grow and push out and stay like that for as long as I desire.... much to my pleasure.

Obviously under hypnosis I can instil a need to tell me the truth and this always helps in lifestyle guidance....

Just a few thoughts...

And my initial steps with a submissive start with the inductions from this site.
Posts: 64
Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

great post

Postby gork151 » May 3rd, 2006, 9:59 pm

thanks for sharing your insights ...
Posts: 237
Joined: April 10th, 2005, 12:00 am

Interesting techniques and results

Postby sandy82 » May 5th, 2006, 10:36 pm


Your commitment to your work is commendable. Some of these contacts must last for a quite a long time. You seem to have quite a number of them.

Do you charge the people you help? If you don't, you are truly the Good Samaritan.
Posts: 652
Joined: April 16th, 2005, 12:00 am

Charge???? not at all

Postby strictausmstr » May 9th, 2006, 11:50 pm

Sandy... far from charging I enjoy the challenge and the sheer pleasure such guidance and control brings me

I enjoy seeing the lifestyle development that comes about
Posts: 64
Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

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