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please help

Postby hugh » May 9th, 2006, 5:14 pm

i would love to hypnotize but can someone learn quickly,and could anyone help me..many thanks.hugh.
Posts: 3
Joined: March 31st, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby GaaliDurne » May 9th, 2006, 7:59 pm

Well, I would suggest starting with an Induction. I find Focus Induction works best for me, but you have your own personal style (even if you don't know it yet), so what works for me may not work for you. Next, I would add (after the induction, I make CD's with the files) Deepening 2 and TrainSuggestible. Deepening helps you sink deeper when you achieve trance, and TrainSuggestible makes your subconcious more capable of receiving suggestions.
Finally, you just have to remember to practice. It's very rare that a person goes into the "perfect" trance on their first go- it took me months to get to where I am now. Also remember that going into a trance involves you allowing yourself- just relax and let the trance take hold. You'll get it.

I hope that helps. :D
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Joined: November 12th, 2005, 1:00 am

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