Hypnosis: How does it work?

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Hypnosis: How does it work?

Postby Daysinsodem » May 14th, 2006, 6:20 pm

Seems such an obvious question, but the answer doesn't seem readily available on this site. Focusing as it does more on MP3s.

So, how does it work? I know we have various states of consciousness, and hynosis is about altering them, but how can a mere voice of somebody do that.

Can anybody give me the 101 on all this.

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Postby Shademaster2 » May 14th, 2006, 9:17 pm

So, how does it work? I know we have various states of consciousness, and hynosis is about altering them, but how can a mere voice of somebody do that.

I don't think that the scientific answer to how hypnosis works is really known. My take is that hypnosis is a way to guide a person to maximizing and focusing their learning potential...they still have to want to learn whatever you are teaching though.

The main thing to consider though is that everything that happens to you in hypnosis, you do to yourself.

- RT
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Postby gregi696 » May 14th, 2006, 10:14 pm

I had picked up some books about hypnosis prior to finding this website, and this is what I found. Hypnosis, they believe(as I have read) is similar to sleep walking. (somnabulism(sp?)) Essentially, hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind and speaks into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind does not analyze input like the conscious mind does so it readily accepts suggestions.

The way hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind is basically by keeping it preoccupied. A classic example is driving to school/work and your thoughts are actively on something else like a meeting or project, then you realize you are at your location and don't really remember the drive. Your conscious mind was thinking about something else, but your subconscious was making sure you got to work. In a similar manner, your conscious mind "goes to sleep" during hypnosis, but your subconscious actively listens to what it is being told.

To dispell a few myths about it, it is not about will power at all. Hypnosis does not work more effectively because someone is "weak willed" or submissive. Typcially, hypnosis actually works better on intelligent people. No insult intended to those of you out there who have problems with hypnosis. :)

The key thing is to take small steps. Many people have been using these files for a long time, in some cases years. Don't expect instant results, it is not realistic, especially with any physical change or hallucinatory file. Some helpful tips are to play some background noise, such as Brainwave Generater; use the deepening and other beginner files to get used to going into trance; make sure you have comfortable spot picked out(I find it helps to use the same spot repeatedly); and one thing I do that really helped to deepen my trances is to mentally "echo" the file. I repeat it in my mind as the speaker is talking, some people mouth the words as well. The idea behind echoing the words is that it completely occupies your consciouness to do it, especially during the induction phase.

Hypno101...over and out :D if you have any questions, just let me know.

P.S: For anyone who is curious, the first book I can remember is "Fun with Hypnosis." and I know you can get it on amazon.
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Re: Hypnosis: How does it work?

Postby homerj1620 » May 15th, 2006, 4:20 pm

Daysinsodem wrote:So, how does it work? I know we have various states of consciousness, and hynosis is about altering them, but how can a mere voice of somebody do that.

When I want to get more information about things there are two main sites I hit. Wikipedia and HowStuffWorks. Both have some good information on the subject:

http://www.howstuffworks.com/hypnosis.htm/printable (one page version)

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How does Hypnosis Work

Postby MegaMaster » November 23rd, 2006, 6:37 pm

I would have to say that Hypnosis it sort of an aut wise way is like Daydreaming. We have all Daydreamed in School before i am sure. We can still hear the Teacher or Whoever but we are to Bored and Tired or Rlaxed to Really pay any attention to what they are Saying And also certain Piches or Frequancys in Voices can Relax some one. It's kind of like Singing La Ly Bye to a Baby. The soft tone of Voice usually puts them to Sleep. it some cases the Tone of Voice plays sort of a role for some people in who they fall in Love with to. Because some people go for the Sweet Inocent Tone of Voice and Some Don't.
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Re: Hypnosis: How does it work?

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » November 24th, 2006, 5:59 pm

Daysinsodem wrote:Seems such an obvious question, but the answer doesn't seem readily available on this site. Focusing as it does more on MP3s.

So, how does it work? I know we have various states of consciousness, and hynosis is about altering them, but how can a mere voice of somebody do that.

Can anybody give me the 101 on all this.


The question isn't how hypnotism works. The real mystery is how a subconscious mind works.

There are multiple 'gateways' for communicating with the subconscious. Among them:
    * Habit and repetition
    * Directives given by authority figures
    * Strong emotions
    * Hypnotism
You might be underestimating how strong a subconscious mind can be. When circumstances are right, it will override a conscious mind - logic be damned. Example: panic and fear caused by seeing a spider.

How does hypnosis work? Hypnotic suggestions (like the ones in an MP3) "invite" the subconscious to perceive situations in a new way. And as a result of the new perception, change becomes possible.
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Postby Fragtagonal » January 6th, 2008, 8:55 pm

Here's how I like to think of hypnosis as working, especially in a lot of files like the ones one this site.
Hypnosis basically bypasses your conscious mind and sends messages straight to your subconscious. Seeing as your conscious mind acts as a filter the subconscious is more susceptible to changing its perception in this state. You see in a fully conscious state if someone said, hey the grass is red, you would say, no its green. This is because you've seen grass many times before and know its green. But if you are hypnotized and the hypnosis changes your basic definition of what color grass is which lies deep in your subconscious, the next time someone says, hey the grass is red, you will agree with them.
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Postby VeryGnawty » January 7th, 2008, 5:29 am

It's not so much about how hypnotism works, as how the conscious mind works.

The conscious mind has many safeguards which normally prevent us from straying too far from a chosen path. This path may be social, religious, ecological. There are many types of paths and paradigms.

Changing these paradigms consciously may take many months of practice, or years, depending on how intelligent the mind is. This is because the brain doesn't "want" to change its mind. That's not the way it is designed.

Of course, one doesn't have to spend years switching their belief in God, or what they should eat for breakfast. This is because one can access one's subconscious mind directly via meditation, dreams, hypnosis, or what have you.

The conscious mind is ordered by nature. The subconscious is not. The process of hypnosis is bringing forth the subconscious mind so that you may eventually apply order on it consciously.
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Postby causebenji » January 7th, 2008, 1:31 pm

I understand how hypnosis is supposed to work. But what I don't understand is once you've gone down into a trance, and suggestions are going straight to your subconscious, how do you differentiate between a suggestion you agree with and one you don't?

What if the hypnotists you are working with gives you suggestions that you didn't discuss before hand, or even explicitly said no I don't want anything like that? Can you be so deep that you won't even remember them giving these suggestions?
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Postby BobbyS » January 7th, 2008, 3:09 pm

I understand how hypnosis is supposed to work. But what I don't understand is once you've gone down into a trance, and suggestions are going straight to your subconscious, how do you differentiate between a suggestion you agree with and one you don't?

What if the hypnotists you are working with gives you suggestions that you didn't discuss before hand, or even explicitly said no I don't want anything like that? Can you be so deep that you won't even remember them giving these suggestions?

This bit did give me trouble I admit but the way I see it, if the suggestion is something you find completely repugnant (e.g. "you want to kill your wife"), then such a thing is so deeply disgusting that your subconscious has difficulty acepting it. That said, I have heard of cases where someone goes very deep and takes on a suggestion they disagree with from a bent hypnotist. Although they know it's only a suggestion, they're still powerless to stop it.

Also, although the more disturbing suggestions are still usually rejected, a skilled hypnotist could manoeuvre his suggestions around it (though probably not a good idea to detail how on such an erotic hypnosis board!).
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » January 7th, 2008, 4:05 pm

Congratulations on your first posting causebenji.

It's your first posting - but you've managed to ask a jackpot question.

causebenji wrote:What if the hypnotists you are working with gives you suggestions that you didn't discuss before hand, or even explicitly said no I don't want anything like that? Can you be so deep that you won't even remember them giving these suggestions?

The first factor to be considered is "hypnotizability"
Only about 8% of the population are considered "highly hypnotizable". That means there's a 92% probability that a subject will either consciously hear or will remember a part of the trance - possibly all of it.

The second factor to be considered is individuality
Hypnosis can change perceptions but it cannot change core-values.

    If you have a core-value that *knows* eating kittens is a wrongful act,
    - and -
    if you have no life-experience with eating kittens

    Then hypnosis will be unable to convince you to eat kittens. And there's at least a 92% probability that you'll either consciously hear the suggestion and wake immediately or you'll remember the suggestion and reject it. Either way, you'll know that you want nothing more to do with that hypnotist!
Easy so far? Good!

It gets a little trickier when you have a core value that *knows* something is a wrongful act, but you have life-experience with that act anyway. For example - You *know* public nudity is a crime in most areas of the USA. But you've been naked many times during your life. And your overall emotional feeling about being naked is probably neutral-to-good.

A hypnotist can give a post-hypnotic suggestion that triggers you to perceive circumstances are right for disrobing, even though you are in a public place. There's still a 92% probability you'll either consciously hear or will remember a part of the suggestion. At that point, your individuality would allow you to choose or reject the suggested change-of-perception.

And for the remaining 8% of the population who are "highly hypnotizable"? Jackpot!

Until you know whether you're a member of the 8% club, take your time when choosing a hypnotist - ensuring that they're trustworthy.
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