I'm of two minds....

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I'm of two minds....

Postby ShadowSabre » June 1st, 2006, 3:41 pm

OK, this is a bit odd.

On one hand, I find the idea of erotic hypno-submission to be pretty erotic and such, and I'm a bit jealous of some of the people who have permanant masters or mistresses.

On the other hand, that level of submission makes me more than a bit uncomfortable, and trying to do more is very uncomfortable.

Hence, an odd combination: a part of me wants to do it, and the other part is too cautious and sees the down sides of such a lifestyle.

Anyone else have this problem?
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Postby CuriousG » June 1st, 2006, 3:59 pm

The founders of our nation valued free will enough to revolt against the British. Subs are traitors to the constitution and probably all commies...

Yeah, I understand your hangups, however there's not much I can say to resolve them. I suppose a good place to start would be to only do things with someone you know and trust, rather than some random internet person.
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Postby Jacara » June 1st, 2006, 7:35 pm

It's erotic to be able to give up that much control (or have someone willing to give you that much control) but to safely submit to someone you have to know them well enough to know that they wouldn't do anything to you that you wouldn't approve of (at least not deep-down). That's assuming of course that they could do something like that.
I would think that the best thing to do is bring up the whole D/s thing in the context of an otherwise healthy relationship, and see where it goes from there. If you're submissive, look for someone who tends to be very self-confident; odds are they'll be willing to take the lead in the bedroom as well, and if they like the hypnosis idea then all the better.

I think you're right to be nervous about submitting to a random online person.
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Re: I'm of two minds....

Postby GrimIronMan » June 9th, 2006, 10:05 am

Yes, I have had this issue, and I'm sure that a lot of people that listen to these sorts of files have. The best advice I have is choose. You are going to make this choice sometime in your life. If you refuse to make this decision, you have chosen not to listen to it and therefore have made a decision. Of course, if you don't want to choose, then the best advice would come from personal expierence. If you don't want to choose, then go for it and that probably should be the deciding factor. If you're too scared to try it because of permanent effects (or cost of removal, if it's a curse), then don't try it. Just remember you'll go the rest of your life without knowing for sure. :twisted:

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Postby arose » June 9th, 2006, 10:26 am

I understand what you are saying, but what I have been learning on my journey is that 'submisssion' or being 'submissive' does not mean the same thing to everyone. Further the whole BDSM scene seems to cover a continnuum of different practices. In fact, it doesn't even have to rise to the level of 'lifestyle.' It can only be in the context of the bedroom or a 'scene'.

Go for it, explore, just communicate with whomever you enter a 'relationship' what your needs and limits are. Have fun! You only live once...unless you believe in reincarnation.....
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Postby notyou » June 11th, 2006, 11:24 pm

I felt much the same way that you do. I'm lucky enough to have a partner whom I trust completely and respects my wishes.

I think the most important thing is to give yourself an 'out'. TrainTimeOut, ChooseTrig and DeprogramTrig are all helpful saftey nets. However, given your reservations, I'd suggest making your own file. In that file, tell your deepest subconcious that it can overcome any suggestions if it judges there is a dire need. Think of it as a subconcious safe word that you never need to think about, a safeguard to pull you out of a situation you truly can't handle.

Best of luck.
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