Having difficulty with trance

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Having difficulty with trance

Postby leeeroy_jenkins » June 3rd, 2006, 3:26 pm

I'm really not ideally suited for this. I often find myself becoming sensitive to small things when there's little to occupy me, for example I'm unable to sleep in a room with a ticking clock. (Also, for some reason I often become very aware of my eyes when I close them). I also find it difficult to stop my mind racing, sometimes lying in bed from midnight to 3 or 4 am because I can't stop thinking clearly enough to let myself start falling asleep. I'm also exceptionally bad at trying to visualise anything, and if I'm asked to, I usually end up concentrating too hard on keeping it together.
All of these make it pretty difficult for me to trance. Any suggestions for all or any of the above problems?
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Postby whatthe75 » June 3rd, 2006, 11:48 pm

I have the same problems some times. Maybe a reduction in caffiene might help but if that isnt it , then maybe try the confusion induction file.It was designed for people like us.

Also if this doesn't help , what i did was used the brainwave generator ( you can google it and download for free ). I added the brainwave sounds in the background to the normal hypnosis files. The brainwaves helped me concentrate on the words said and stopped my brain from wondering and thinking of other things whilst listening to the hypnosis files. Since then i seem to get better trances. I dont know if this is what your suppossed to do but it has worked for me.
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Postby Baphijmm » June 4th, 2006, 3:57 pm

I'm having similar problems going into trance; there's always something that distracts me, and when there isn't anything I never really get deep enough anyway, and when I do get deep enough I slip too deep and fall asleep, not waking up for a good hour after the file has already finished. My body goes into the "trance" feel, if that makes sense; it's numb, and doesn't want to move, but my head is still fully awake. The confusion induction does absolutely nothing for me, nor does the focus induction. The one induction that puts me to sleep with the most success is the one on the IMAccept file, but again, it puts me to sleep. If I'm asked to visualize anything, I also tend to try too hard, straining myself to visualize it over everything else, making me lose focus on the sound file and lose and semblance of trance altogether. *Any* help would be appreciated, because I'm just not seeing a solution anywhere.
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Postby Blink » June 4th, 2006, 4:24 pm

Baphijmm wrote:My body goes into the "trance" feel, if that makes sense; it's numb, and doesn't want to move, but my head is still fully awake.

Pretty cool. There are stage hypnotists who do this as part of the show. There are hypnotherapists who use this as a convincer. You're in deeper than you think.

Trance happens entirely in your head. If you can't move your body because of trance, guess what....

Don't worry if you're falling asleep. Even if you're asleep, the first ten minutes of sleep is prime time for the subconscious. You'll still be piping the commands directly to the place you want 'em to go. Don't worry if you don't think your trance is deep enough. Depth isn't realy necessary unless you're tyring to do something like surgical anaesthesia or negative hallucinations. Trance is unavoidable. Listen to the files regularly and you'll see results. You might not see amazing results overnight, but you weren't really expecting that, were you?

Relax. Have fun.
-- Blink
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Postby Baphijmm » June 4th, 2006, 4:26 pm

No, I wasn't really expecting results overnight, but I've been listening to the TrigBodySlave file as often as I could for the past week, with no success. :/
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Difficulty with trance

Postby Blink » June 4th, 2006, 5:34 pm

You might want to take a step back. Sort through the plain induction files and find one that you like. Practice with it until you feel more like you think you should feel when you're in a deep trance. When you're reliably getting to that point, then you can try adding something that makes use of trance. If you have to have a goal, let that goal be relaxing to the point where you either fall asleep or feel like you could (there is no super-special "trance" feeling) every time you listen to the file. Relaxation will make things so much easier, that it's a worthy goal in itself. (It's not absolutely required for hypnosis, mind you, but you're going to have a hard time working around it.)

After that, all you really need is to open a channel of communication with your subconscious. Since you can't avoid doing that, you really have to put some effort into failure. :)

-- Blink
The small print: Having recently fucked up my social life, I have plenty of time now to give helpful advice to people happier than me.
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