Time for another file

A place to discuss the use of Hypnosis in BDSM relationships

Moderator: EMG

Postby missypuss » May 29th, 2006, 2:17 am

And you know those regulars appreciate you a lot too EMG.
Especially this little English one, who loves the sound of your voice....
( No Gork, I AM NOT shmoozing...... well maybe just a little..) :wink: xxx
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new series

Postby gork151 » May 29th, 2006, 9:50 am

well not particularly intrested in paying for a series that puts a slave in the control of emg....enjoyed the collaberation while it was happening ...poor miss puss with out a litter box to pee in ...
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Postby missypuss » May 29th, 2006, 10:15 am

I have a litter box to pee in Gork.... Dont go feeling sad for the Puss.....
"Rubs herself around EMGs legs.......... and looks at him hungrily....." xx
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Re: new series

Postby EMG » May 29th, 2006, 10:55 am

I really didn't expect you would be, don't worry, the next series won't be quite so self centered. Not sure it it will be purely sexual or if it will be purely slave training. As I said, need to come up with a theme, the one I put up last night is for those people that just simply want to be brainwashed and have too much money on their hands.

gork151 wrote:well not particularly intrested in paying for a series that puts a slave in the control of emg....enjoyed the collaberation while it was happening ...poor miss puss with out a litter box to pee in ...
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Postby missypuss » May 29th, 2006, 11:15 am

And what of those who love to be brainwashed.
Yet have no money on their hands,
but a very willing mind ,
and a great line in the promotion of the site (and its very dominant owner?) :P [/u][/i][/b]
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look what you did to miss puss

Postby gork151 » May 29th, 2006, 5:01 pm

see what happens --mess around with a good thing and miss puss changes
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Postby missypuss » May 30th, 2006, 12:32 am

Not changed Gork.
Just decided to show a new, more mature, face to the world.
(Even tho it doesnt actually belong to me...... :wink:)xxxxx
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face change

Postby gork151 » May 30th, 2006, 9:20 am

whatever makes you purr
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with that last post

Postby gork151 » May 30th, 2006, 9:25 am

with that last post i became a guru.... today is got to be special....
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Postby missypuss » June 1st, 2006, 10:40 am

Party at my place........ You bring the nibbles , Il provide the enter"train"ment... No pun intended..x
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so what is it we need

Postby gork151 » June 1st, 2006, 1:40 pm

so miss puss --- we have you floating around with needs and my wife with her needs ... so i have emg do a custom file which i can write the script -- i will supply the dollars...now what is it that is missing -- what is it that has been over looked or needs to be done in more depth or ...... lets collaborate as well as anyone else who will slum by this forum...and i am serious...i am a serious guy you know lol
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Re: so what is it we need

Postby EMG » June 2nd, 2006, 1:06 am

I'll be happy to throw in my 2 cents. Any particular angle you'd like to work?

gork151 wrote:so miss puss --- we have you floating around with needs and my wife with her needs ... so i have emg do a custom file which i can write the script -- i will supply the dollars...now what is it that is missing -- what is it that has been over looked or needs to be done in more depth or ...... lets collaborate as well as anyone else who will slum by this forum...and i am serious...i am a serious guy you know lol
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cap on dark cage

Postby gork151 » June 2nd, 2006, 10:30 am

i think i understand the reasoning behind the idea of putting a cap on dark cage --i would say that alot of good ground has been opened up and not much new turf is left to plow-- i wouldnt call it a cap but sort of the getting your sub ready to be a slave.... in my wifes case she has all this bubbling around inside her and right now i am am trying to bring it to the surface... she is at the aceptance stage.... i would like to see you and us in our collaboration come up with your best work --- i like the idea of growth even with you and i-- i thought your session with emg slave was your most raw and powerful piece as i saw it through the reactions of my slave in training ... so would like to see the next series with that edge ... but maybe this series is not about conditioning/preparing a sub to be a slave ... but more so you are now a slave === slave pride === so rather than you want to be a slave it is how you can become a low slave or joy of slavery .. something that takes the under the surface bubbling and brings it to full bloom... the bud has been formed now lets make it flower ... i suppose a new induction would be in order ... i think the insights of slaves again would be valuable ...this is my first cut at this so bear with me -- i hope you can see where i am going and add your 2 cents .. i want to help create this sites master piece .. short of that move the pile forward ... so your base files that are generic slave 1-2-3 pleasing 1-2 humiliation 1-2 are the base files higher up the mountain dark cage... once you have arrived there you have all the disassoiated elements of being a slave /slut/pet... now how do you open up these rooms that have been in the dark cage .. so its not what we are doing to you but what you are going to do...lol you are a slave so show it enjoy it get used to it let go display it dont wait find ways to show your devotion take satisfaction pride in how nasty you are... so heap on tear my thoughts apart and see if there are any nuggets... lets explore ..
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Postby gork151 » June 2nd, 2006, 10:33 am

i wrote that as a guru hope it sounded like my new status should-- still new at this guru thing lol
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Postby missypuss » June 3rd, 2006, 4:50 pm

So then as a Guru and also as a Master , what you want Gork is to see how very wanting your pet is.
On her knees , ass exposed ,
perhaps spreading her own legs so you can see the wetness,
looking back at you,
pussy dripping,
cunt lips exposed,
waiting for your cock???? :twisted: xx

God Im soooo horny ........... :wink: (EMG what do u say ?)
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i love it

Postby gork151 » June 3rd, 2006, 10:22 pm

needy hoping --willing to beg-----greatful--now i am horny
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Postby missypuss » June 4th, 2006, 3:03 am

Now if you would just take out that cock of yours and rub the head of it all over my lips ,
which are so very very wet and puffy with the horniness they are feeling.
I am looking up at you so needy,
"where you gonnna put that cock of yours",
Im left wondering....? :twisted:
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Re: cap on dark cage

Postby EMG » June 4th, 2006, 11:59 am

I think we are on a similar vein, I was considering a slave training series, Files that enforce certain automatic behaviors that happen in response to a Master's command. Basically implanting a set of triggers that get reinforced by use. Things like making the word Kneel actually cause the slave's knees to buckle forcing her into that position and making her await her Master's next command. Admittedly I'd have to decide if kneel meant down on your knees, legs spread hands behing your back or if it meant down on your knees, legs spread, face to the floor. But what an enjoyable decision that is :)

gork151 wrote:i think i understand the reasoning behind the idea of putting a cap on dark cage --i would say that alot of good ground has been opened up and not much new turf is left to plow-- i wouldnt call it a cap but sort of the getting your sub ready to be a slave.... in my wifes case she has all this bubbling around inside her and right now i am am trying to bring it to the surface... she is at the aceptance stage.... i would like to see you and us in our collaboration come up with your best work --- i like the idea of growth even with you and i-- i thought your session with emg slave was your most raw and powerful piece as i saw it through the reactions of my slave in training ... so would like to see the next series with that edge ... but maybe this series is not about conditioning/preparing a sub to be a slave ... but more so you are now a slave === slave pride === so rather than you want to be a slave it is how you can become a low slave or joy of slavery .. something that takes the under the surface bubbling and brings it to full bloom... the bud has been formed now lets make it flower ... i suppose a new induction would be in order ... i think the insights of slaves again would be valuable ...this is my first cut at this so bear with me -- i hope you can see where i am going and add your 2 cents .. i want to help create this sites master piece .. short of that move the pile forward ... so your base files that are generic slave 1-2-3 pleasing 1-2 humiliation 1-2 are the base files higher up the mountain dark cage... once you have arrived there you have all the disassoiated elements of being a slave /slut/pet... now how do you open up these rooms that have been in the dark cage .. so its not what we are doing to you but what you are going to do...lol you are a slave so show it enjoy it get used to it let go display it dont wait find ways to show your devotion take satisfaction pride in how nasty you are... so heap on tear my thoughts apart and see if there are any nuggets... lets explore ..
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Postby missypuss » June 4th, 2006, 3:21 pm

When I see the word" Kneel" typed by EMGs fingers,

It causes my body to go into automatic spasm,

My pussy clenches,

My legs buckle,
(even tho I am seated)

And I wonder how I can please him.

And all before hes even made the suggestion that I may!!

Now thats control... xx :twisted:
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Postby missypuss » June 4th, 2006, 3:59 pm

Please Sir may i come now????
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Postby gork151 » June 4th, 2006, 5:17 pm

we are of a mind-- the new file masters o is part of the operators guide on what slaves do and do well sort of the diamonds emerarals rubies for the setting but the ring design is what we are talking about now ...the mind set feeling that a slave has while kneeling as you described the need for show the need for touch the need for humiliation to serve obey please-- what does the total package look like behave like --- her needs motivations her plesasures...what it feels like looks like to be seen collared naked when the slave shows herself to men. how do they know she is for real and what they can do to her and how she behaves feels acts.. how she gives herself to be the most pleasing...its not just dressing sexy sluty but how you behave in those outfits or the lack of them ..the urges if you are placed in certain situations..and how you are to respond to those urges.. if you feel the urge to spreard your legs how to you do that for the most primal needy naughty nasty way to savor that momment as a slave slut whore pet property might ..how does she give her self show her self to keep her pussy at a constant simmer .... how she prepares her self to be a better salve slut
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Postby missypuss » June 5th, 2006, 12:14 am

Please Sir, slave wants to come.........
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Postby missypuss » June 6th, 2006, 1:09 pm

Damn Im horny.

Damn Im needy.

Damn Im sore from the itch scratching ,

it doesnt work.

I want to come now......

Please. :?
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Postby gork151 » June 6th, 2006, 4:34 pm

emg is not listening to your meows ====lift your tail!
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Postby EMG » June 6th, 2006, 9:44 pm

LOL!!! Ok, just to save Missy's sanity... ORGASM!!!
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thank you

Postby gork151 » June 6th, 2006, 10:29 pm

lol thank you now .... might have to spay that young lady
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Postby missypuss » June 6th, 2006, 11:59 pm

Please dont spay me.....
What fun would I be then :P
Oh , and thankyou EMG, my relief is palpable, and were you here I would show you just how grateful and purry Im feeling.xxxx
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Postby missypuss » June 27th, 2006, 11:53 pm

Well the new files seem to be going well, and Ive yet to hear from you Gork, on that mail you promised me.
Whats up with you all?
Are you forgetting the Puss so quickly....
Is it that my fears are being realised.. :cry: xx
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would send

Postby gork151 » June 28th, 2006, 9:25 am

but dont know where you live --e-mail address.... gork151@yahoo here
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Postby missypuss » June 28th, 2006, 11:42 am

torymme on Yahoo ... Ive IMd you babe- from there so you can chose to add me (or not )to your messenger list.
Ive also PMd you my EMail on here.
xx :wink:
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i enjoyed

Postby gork151 » June 28th, 2006, 5:10 pm

time flew by as the puss meowed at the moon and i avoided the heat of the day
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me too!

Postby missypuss » June 28th, 2006, 11:52 pm

We shall have to catch up again soon Gork.
We took too long getting round to our chat.

Now dont forget the ground sheet for the camping this weekend.
And look out for those brown bears I hear you have so many of in the States.

We had such a late evening- I may have to use matchsticks to hold my eyes open today at work. :lol: xxx
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Postby missypuss » August 5th, 2006, 2:35 am

So two new files for the Dark Cage series and a new series to boot!! They sound interesting.

I am sad that I wont be able to listen to them , but hope you get the results from them that you expected, especially you Gork!
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did i miss something?

Postby gork151 » August 5th, 2006, 2:45 pm

go away for a couple of days .. 2 new files? what are they ? when are they comming ? new series ? whats its premise? i cant seem to find any reference to them ...
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Re: did i miss something?

Postby EMG » August 5th, 2006, 4:35 pm

I believe she means MindFuck + the new Oblivion series. However, there will be a new Dark Cage Series that will be slave training with guided imagery. Give it a month or so.

gork151 wrote:go away for a couple of days .. 2 new files? what are they ? when are they comming ? new series ? whats its premise? i cant seem to find any reference to them ...
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Postby missypuss » August 6th, 2006, 2:40 am

I dont know what came over me but reading that last post by EMG about new files and guided imagery made me feel very horny......

Its good to know you still have that effect me, EMG ,without even hearing your voice- very good indeed!

Where have you been Gork? Anywhere nice?
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