eye problem

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eye problem

Postby deathjdstn » May 1st, 2005, 4:13 pm

I voted for the eye control thing for a medical reason

I have a eye condition called nystagmus it means uncontrolled shaking of the eye(s) 1 in 100,000 people have it so its not too common more info is on a website EMG post if its ok i post the web address not sure if i am allowed to do that here or not. anyways i been to many many man eye doctors of all levels everytime i go they call their co works and interns in so they can see it since most may only see a few in their life time like one doc told me i am the 4th he seen within the 20 years he been practicing.

anyways my problem in my case is when 1 eye is cover or closed the oppsite eye unctrollably shake impairs my vision so drasticaly that i be lucky if i can see anything below the top of the eye chart. with both eyes open i can see perfectly but the miltiary or DMV does not care they want either eye to see the eye chart to their requirements.

EMG i know that you normaly charge for a custome service like that for a hypnosis file you can e mail me for more info and maybe we can work something out tdmariani@yahoo.com or use your private message feature.

i been fighting this for years my conditin is a nuerological one some people with the condition has it for other reasons.

please let me know if i can post the nystagmus website its a non profit thing its just so i can show you guys a good description of it

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Re: eye problem

Postby EMG » May 1st, 2005, 4:52 pm

you can post your website, and I can do a file, but with a medical condition or a mental one I would strongly recommend a trained hypnotherapist. Custom work like that runs $50 from me, but I am NOT a trained professional and cannot guarantee results.

deathjdstn wrote:I voted for the eye control thing for a medical reason

I have a eye condition called nystagmus it means uncontrolled shaking of the eye(s) 1 in 100,000 people have it so its not too common more info is on a website EMG post if its ok i post the web address not sure if i am allowed to do that here or not. anyways i been to many many man eye doctors of all levels everytime i go they call their co works and interns in so they can see it since most may only see a few in their life time like one doc told me i am the 4th he seen within the 20 years he been practicing.

anyways my problem in my case is when 1 eye is cover or closed the oppsite eye unctrollably shake impairs my vision so drasticaly that i be lucky if i can see anything below the top of the eye chart. with both eyes open i can see perfectly but the miltiary or DMV does not care they want either eye to see the eye chart to their requirements.

EMG i know that you normaly charge for a custome service like that for a hypnosis file you can e mail me for more info and maybe we can work something out tdmariani@yahoo.com or use your private message feature.

i been fighting this for years my conditin is a nuerological one some people with the condition has it for other reasons.

please let me know if i can post the nystagmus website its a non profit thing its just so i can show you guys a good description of it

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eye problem again

Postby deathjdstn » May 2nd, 2005, 2:06 am


this gives a good example of the description of my condition
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Postby deathjdstn » May 3rd, 2005, 1:21 am

are are you referring to on when you say "whats the diffrence?"
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Postby deathjdstn » May 3rd, 2005, 2:11 am

well a hypnosis knows how to trance you and and have you open your mind. using soft words or words that may work for you

a thearupist is very simuler but is certified in hypnotising as well as knows about the thearupy of it all using the mind to help heal you and such knows how the mind works. a thearipist has many methods to helping you and has a collage dagree without that dagree they cannot be labeled a thearupist. its like this

you can goto the gym and get a trainer to help build your muscles and such but if you got an injury or something you need to goto a physical therupsist

same kinda thing
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Re: eye problem

Postby dachshund » May 3rd, 2005, 5:52 am

Wow. Dude, that sucks -- I was just reading about this condition for unrelated reasons, and it doesn't sound fun.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I bet this would be a relatively hard problem for hypnosis to approach. If I can imagine the situation correctly, and you built up a working relationship with a good hypnotherapist, perhaps you could work on 'ignoring' or 'blocking out' the sensation of one eye being covered -- or try to create a visualization of 'brightness' in the closed eye, given that I read that this problem can be triggered by the 'lack of input' from the covered eye itself.

You could try to work on those concepts yourself, if you think it would help -- a hypnotist can guide you into new thought processes, but it has to be a sensation or idea you can imagine, so we're talking "holistic medicine" here; those suggestions might be one way to tackle it. I imagine, perhaps, that building a better mental image of where your pupils are pointing -- and working on giving the uncovered eye 'dominance' over that whole mechanism (rather than succumbing to the disorientation you might experience when one input is cut off) might help, but I also assume you've been trying to pull that off all your life, so it could be a very physiological thing... even if that physiology happens to reside in the brain.

You say it's neurological, but you don't say if you've been in touch with an actual neurologist. Since this is an actual medical problem, I'd think that'd be a good idea -- I can think of at least a few medications that might do the trick (intuition makes me think of anti-Parkinsonian drugs, perhaps; you could at least run that by a professional, and help them build up more knowledge about the condition), and insurance is more likely to cover that. If you find one willing to coordinate with a hypnotherapist (especially if conventional medicine is pretty sure you're out of options), you'll have the best of both worlds -- someone with insight into the basis of your particular problem, and someone open to finding a way to 'hack' your way around it given the level of detail a doctor can provide.

Yeah, it's a pain, but so is everything in the 21st century. If you take this route, let us know how it goes!
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Postby Cubeguru » May 4th, 2005, 5:22 pm

i think i have something similar, when i close one of my eyes, the closed eye always shakes, making it tough for me to sleep, but doesnt affect m actual sight much
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Postby deathjdstn » May 5th, 2005, 5:28 am

well nystagmus is a condition that normaly causes impaird vision.

but if you feel you have this condition then i suggest you seek a doc right away as later onset nystagmus is caused by other conditions as a head injury tumor etc.. but normaly with the eye is currently open.

See most people with my condition has it where it effects then 24/7 mines is only occures under certain situations.

either by being tired

i lose my place alot in reading and such i have to either really concertrate hard or use a ruler so i do not lose my place in like a novel for a example

lol go figure i love wrighting screen plays and stories and such

anyways of course when 1 eye is covered the other eye shakes the one that is opened hard to say if they both shake as never really looked into it tho but i do know that it does not matter wich eye is covered the oppisite eye shakes

hope that helps if you got any other qquestions please let me know
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