Well I thought I just post one with a few questions at the same time, so the forum won't get too full.
Anyway. I was wondering a few things:
1: how do I stop myself from wandering in my head, I am trying all deepeningfiles etc but I can't even empty my head with that.
2: if you do curse penis growth, does it matter that I haven't listened to it in a week? I don't think much has changed, even though I have listened a lot to the files and even fell asleep while listening and woke up the next morning when it was still playing (I had it on a loop)
3: will it make any difference if you listen to it from speakers or from headphones? And is it helping when you listen to it also while, for instance doing the dishes or other stuff?
4: who has any experience with the Morph file and please tell me about it. I know this is not supposed to be here, but I though it couldn't harm.
Thanx in advance. I look forward to hearing from you. I still think that Dutch being my first language can prevent me from really getting into it, on the otherhand, I sometimes catch myself thinking in English and on holiday in an English speaking country/nation, I switch easilly to English, so maybe somebody has some tips here as well.
you may btw also email me or add me for chats: tast_toe@yahoo.com